Why do men want to have sex first and then decide if they want to be in a relationship?

Are all men like this? They want to have sex first and then "see where things will go" or "decide if the woman/girl is good enough for a relationship"? Is it like strategic thing or they just use that as an excuse to have sex and avoid the "what are we?" question?

Ps. It happened to me long ago that guy never got the opportunity to have actual sex with me. And he ended up having a child from another woman and still wanting sex with me in the meantime.

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  • Sorry to say this but ain't no man going be with a female with bad sex or va Jay Jay if they with u and u do have them traits...8/10 they most likely cheating or have cheated on you now that good coochie;!!! MAKE YOU PUT ON EM MAKE YOU WANNA MARRY ME!!!:😂😂😂OKAY LoL good vagina is dangerous specially if that ph balance alkaline thang just like water,💦😂

  • This question isn't about the men. You figure what you want, stick to it and the right guy will be with you. Women can't filter because they a don't have clear boundaries so can't stick to them. Men sense this and just keep pushing until they get what they want and are suddenly "confused" "need space" "have a lot going on" "stress" and all the other BS excuses they give when they're done with you.

  • Thats a opposite of what I do. If she's not already perfect relationship material, she's not getting any sex.

    The guys you are talking about don't actually want a relationship.

  • 50% of a man's brain is in his pants, and he often leads with that.

    Also, it's important to learn a little about sexual compatibility before things get serious.

  • think logically. what's more easily to find out? getting to know all the nuances of someone's complex character and learning if that fits what you want in a partner? or if you like fucking them or not? so if either thing is not met, they are by themself an absolute deal breaker. why would you go the length of figuring out the harder one first? like if you got the perfect partner character wise but you don't enjoy sex with them, a relationship won't work. if the sex is great but their character isn't a relationship won't work. why would you waste the entire effort to learn about their character before you made sure the sex is ok?

    • that's like doing your first internship in a line of work after you finished your masters. it's backwards and a waste of life time.

  • No need to paint all men with the same brush. It's true that many men want you to coddle their precious ego and sexual needs without committing to you, but a lot of them don't want that either.

  • Men have always and will always want sex. In the past they usually had to get married to get it, but since feminism and the sexual revolution men aren't going to wait for marriage when women aren't. If a woman isn't a virgin and won't put out a man logically assumes she isn't really interested in him and is just using him for his time, attention, and resources. If she does put out she then gets the chance to prove to him that she has more to offer than just her body. Most modern women fail at this because they have little else to offer and then wonder why keep getting pumped and dumped and end up alone.

  • Sex is for men

  • "Are all men like this? "


  • I don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to have sex. If both persons consent to sexual activity it’s their business what they do. I reject this notion that sex is a sanctified marital activity.

  • I don't have sex without first being on a relationship.

  • News flash, men want sex. We have 17 times the testosterone that women have.

  • Nope. Relationship first (and a cert of having no STDs b4 forgoing condoms).

    • If I go for a fling or fwbs, then that's that. But it ain't moving on from that.

  • I personally date to try to find the person I spend the rest of my life with. So therefore sex is always one of the later things I consider. I personally wait 4 or 5 dates just to make sure we will stay together for a long time. For the record my girlfriend is the only to make it past 2 without breaking it off because of me not wanting to immediately have sex with them. To clarify I did want to but I have to know that they are committed and loyal enough for me to want to get that intimate.

  • That's the wrong way to do it. All they care is about sex. If looking for a serious relationship, take 3-4+ months to really get to know each other to see if you click. Then the sex comes in, to see if your physical attracted and compatible.

    If it's for short term. Or for something casual than yes.

  • It's another bullshit narrative we have been fed. It's the women who are only after sex who are future faking a relationship. Girlies wake up.

    • * meant men not women

  • Not all men are like that. And you will be surprised, there are also such women today who are looking for sex and not a serious relationship. In any case, women usually think more long-term than men about a relationship and they also act more on emotion. The men usually work more than the mind and their sexual drive is much greater in most cases.

  • Sex is how a man bonds with a woman. If the bonding part isn't happening, on the test drive , neither is the woman. Now days I would have to see the merchandise first to find out if your even a female to start with.

    • If the girl is actually a virgin then there's no need to test drive.

    • Literally if she a virgin then okay but if not I feel like majority of men wanna see what's it about before jumping all the way in

  • What about women that want to find out about the size of a guy and how they can perform in bed to see if they are compatible? Not all men are like that and not all women are like that, lots of players on both sides.

  • No, we are not. You don't need sex to be in arelationship. You do need sex once it has started

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