Why do women hate porn?

I was reading something called "top 10 reasons women hate porn" and most of the reasons seemed like complete nonsense. "Because women want to feel needed for sexual pleasure"... Seriously? Seems like women only want sex occasionally but don't want men to be able to pleasure themselvs without them. Is that reasonable or nonsense? Women, why or why do you not hate porn?
I'm male, porn is gross.
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I'm male, porn is cool.
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I'm female, porn is gross.
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I'm female, porn is cool.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Porn creates ridiculous standards that real people cannot adhere to. It takes a female porn star weeks and hundreds of dollars to prepare for a single scene. They grow their body hair out and pay to get full body waxes, plastic surgery (often they even have labioplasties), full body makeup, enemas to prepare for anal (which if done too often can be harmful), bleach their assholes, dye their pussy and nipples darker pink. Women will look at these porn stars not knowing what it takes to look perfect and feel bad about themselves, and men will expect women to look like them. Male porn stars will jerk off and take viagra right before a scene so they will be able to last hours (they film for hours and edit it shorter). Men are expected to have huge dicks and last for hours, which is unrealistic.
    Also, people use porn as sex education. The acts they do in porn are what looks good, not what feels good. Some acts in porn can be dangerous, and some men will replicate these acts thinking they're ok (like going ass to pussy, it will transfer the bacteria and cause infection)
    Not to mention porn is directed at pleasing men, even lesbian porn is for men and not lesbians. Looking at porn angers me because the woman is just there for his pleasure and she rarely gets pleasure. Often the women are in pain and pretending to enjoy it, they will give him a blowjob but it's rarely reciprocated, and women are objectified. Some women will feel worthless from seeing this and some men will begin to think it's ok to treat women like that.

    • Woah, great response!

    • i agree

    • Preach all the way. Finally! A human being understands!!

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  • Most people need material lets just admit it... whether its reading or watching something that gets you off it doesn't matter, different strokes for different folks and when it needs to be done, no person on this earth is just gonna be like "Eh I'll wait till I see (significant other) later" unless it was a fetish and you will tend to use whatever makes you happy. Hell I've liked watching porn more than fucking sometimes lol.

    • Porn is awesome, I looove the cumshots.. It's very much a turn on watching a lady stroking a cock, working that cum out, asking for it, begging for cum.. Mmmmm, and we give her the cum she knows exactly what she's gonna do with it... What's your favorite scenes in porn?

    • not a big fan of blow job scenes honestly lol cream pies are entertaining sometimes but it really just depends on my mood. I don't watch it religiously though, prefer reading stuff more but hey i live with what i got lol

    • Cream pies? Lol what makes that entertaining for u?

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  • I honestly see no issue with porn until the guy starts to have unreal expectations for me in the bedroom. Like @Minyamo9 said the "ass to pussy". That will never happen and I even hear it in rap songs like "Truffle Butter" that glorify it.

    • Lmao truffle butter 😂. Most men are smart enough to know that that's not ok lol

    • Lol. Well I need to meet some guys who know it isn't okay. -_-

Most Helpful Guys

  • Well I'm a guy and I don't dislike porn, I just think a good 85% of it is boring as fuck, as ironically porn itself ruined me for vanilla sex and I can now only get off on the most specific shit that a woman probably would never indulge.

    I wouldn't necessarily say women hate porn, I just think a certain amount of them fail to understand its appeal and I may even say *importance* from a male perspective. Male sexuality is generally vilified if you're the type of dude that whacks off to porn regularly, but the thing is, that's an OVERWHELMING majority of men nowadays, so the people certain women are calling pervs for watching it are just... Regular men. We don't really seem to disparage women who watch porn, if anything we laud it quite highly cause we consider it "rare" or some shit, so I think the case needs to be made the same for the primary demographic for porn (who are and always shall be men).

    Or worse, you get the types that think it's some kind of power fantasy thing and they're sexists for objectifying these women. But again, that's just another misinterpretation of the average male sexuality (which I would sadly say I no longer have).

  • sex is 90% of what value women have for men. it's why we wine and dine them, spit game at them, emotionally and financiallyvsupport them.

    porn offers sexual release for free, and hence, women suddenly have less sway.

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What Girls & Guys Said

10 15
  • Well I do blame porn for men's obsession with the size of their penis for one. Look how many questions we get on this site alone with guys thinking that their penis size is a problem.

    On the girl's side of things it really depends on the porn she sees. A lot of porn aims for shock factor and depending on what porn a guy is exposed to when he starts looking at it can easily impact his sexual behavior later on. A lot of porn out there is really "pump and dump" for one or it makes it look like the guy can last forever and hold his load for a ridiculously long period of time and that the woman "on stage" enjoys every single second of it.

    Porn basically distorts how sex really is and on top of that, the girl can easily feel inadequate and that she's not attractive enough to the guy and that the guy needs to look at better looking women and may even be fantasizing about these models while having sex with her thus making her feel really used.

  • I love porn myself, but I can see why some girls dislike it. It's mostly a lack of confidence thing or that they feel almost cheated on because their guys are looking at other naked women besides them.


    • Lol what's your favorite scenes in porn?

  • LOL, I don't hate porn and a lot of girls don't hate porn. Porn is cool. Saying that women hate porn is very generalizing and stupid.

  • I don't hate it. I don't watch it much. I'm more of a listener.

    • Would u ever watch a man stroke his cock? Why and how long would you watch him?

    • @blaqnite no... that wouldn't interest me at all.

    • That's very interesting...

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  • Every minute a guy spends fapping to porn on the internet is an entire day not spent catering to every whim of some woman. That's a fact. Most women are cool with that until they're horny and their boyfriend is too tired from jacking off to give them the D. That's when they get mad and start bitching about it.

  • What? That's bullshit.

  • The real reason women hate porn is because it reduces their bargaining power in the sexual marketplace, while simultaneously raising the quality floor demanded by men.

    Absent porn, women could make it very, very costly (more so than it already is) to have access to their sexuality.

    My experience with sex is that women want to be lavished with attention and gifts, have all expenses related to dating covered by the guy, require him to give up much of his autonomy and values and go into a form of servitude and surrender to her, then when she does have sex with him, she just lays there like a starfish and treats him like she's doing him a huge favor.

    The whole sexual marketplace stinks of an attitude of superiority by women toward men, and any environmental factor that puts that in check is vilified.

  • You're reading articles written by feminists.

    Their problem is that they lack getting rammed like those girls on videos, that's why they are bitter about it.
    The purpose of their actions is to spread negative attitude towards porn between men so that feminist's chances of getting laid would go above 0%.

  • Not my impression that they do. Some do worry about comparison/being able to live up to the blue movie goddesses.

  • Porn is awesome!!!

  • It's missing the chasing.

  • Porn is neither completely cool or completely gross. I'd lean a lot more towards gross, but it's not in-and-of-itself a bad thing.

  • I don't know, I hear you on what you're saying, but personally I can't stand the hardcore stuff, it's just brutal and in your face, I can never really get off on it.

  • they be jelly...

    They can't get an ass like Asa.

  • I'm a guy and I think ocassional porn is good but I don't like watching it too much.

  • it is all jealousy

    • It's not jealousy. It's market dynamics. Access to even a video of a girl doing fun stuff lowers the price of sex. It's like someone moving in to the neighborhood and letting their property go to shit. It reduces the value of all the properties around it.

  • it's objectfying to women
    and the pressure to look sexy " in the bedroom"

    • No its not, most guys know most girls aren't really like that, and dont compare what their girlfriend would do with what a porn star would do. But its okay for girls to drool over Twilight and romance novels and hold guys to those unrealistic standards hmm...

    • i just dnt like it

    • @bjjk067 exactly

    only lesbian porn though. i can never cum from straight porn

    • I know that feeling

    • straight porn is gross

    • Can I ask, are you a lesbian?

  • Sex porn bores me shitless! I like watching pole dancers, belly dancers, exotic dancers, etc.,..

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