Guys, Why do you watch porn in a relationship?

Don't get me wrong, I've done plenty research on this but yet, i still stumble on it. Why do guys do it? Why does my boyfriend do it? I'm home most of the time and when I'm not, why would it cross his mind, "lets look at naked chicks" like to me, thats messed up. I would never do that. I know guys are differently wired but its wrong, i voiced myself to him several times, "hey i dont like you looking at naked chicks" and he never stops. This use to be a rare thing so it was never a problem, he'd look once in a blue moon but now, its almost 2 times a week that he does. Its not worth ending a relationship over but, im sick of it
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Most Helpful Guys

  • We like to see something else.. Or lets say.. why do you watch movies? You can go out and experience anything you like. But you watch movies anyway. Same is porn - we can have in bed what we like, but porn is some kind of fantasy watching for us, we watch what we wouldn´t like to make happen, but turns us on anyway. Or if girlfriend refuses to do something and we really want it, then the best option is to watch it in porn, and do not offend her with it all the time.

  • I personally don't watch porn. The concept of me wanting sex and then watching when I have a wife doesn't make since to me and it pisses me off they are having sex and I'm not so that ruins me watching porn.

    I imagine most men in relationships watch porn because it has become habit.

    • I want to assume he does it out of boredom. Because he has nothing to do, he has no job, nothing, he crashed my car. there's a whole list. And he could just be in the mood too... i guess. When he had my car, he wasn't really looking at this stuff much because he was working on my car

    • Sounds you like you got a real winner there. I think you need to get your man a job and hobbies. I don't think it will stop the porn watching but he'll have more on his mind to think less about it.

    • Everyone says that, i know, nobodys perfect. he's a mess. Im not saying it'll elimate porn. But, it'll do it for the most part

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What Guys Said

  • Guy watchs porn in a relationship is not a good thing... I frankly depend on my girlfriend, think about her etc etc which will build feelings and interests on her and will avoid porn.

  • Only if she does.

  • It's not "let's look at naked chicks", it's "I'm aroused and I need some visual stimulation to masturbate to".
    You can have sex more often, but you should try ACCEPTING this about him instead of trying to change him.

    • I'm trying lol. Its something that is gonna take time. I just don't like the idea but, i need to also think of it like, ok, he thinks some of them are hot but would HE DATE them? Probably not. That's all that it is and i know it. Do they make him smile like i do? No. Because there's nothing more than an orgasm. Its just weird how men and females are wired so differently.

    • Well, that's a lot of progress! Admitting the differences between men & women is a big step towards accepting him. Not only would he not DATE any pornstar, he likely wouldn't have sex with them either. Most guys say they would love to, but when it comes right down to it, they don't actually want to for one reason or another (that's a whole separate post). Have you never watched & enjoyed porn? If you haven't, that's fine. But if you have, try watching something you like with him, and telling him why you like it. Also, the movie Don Jon presents a lot of contrasting viewpoints on porn vs real life.

    • We have watched porn and i lost interest. It just wasn't a turn on. I'd rather watch him than watch people have sex. I showed him your comment and he agreed and said that pornstars are nasty and he wouldn't ever date one. All the girls online are fake. Fake boobs, butt, makeup, stds?(maybe). Doesn't mean real females don't get jealous. That's all we have towards it. Jealousy towards nothingg. or maybe jealous of the idea of our man wanking to another girl? I dont really like that lol

  • Given the circumstances, it's one or both of these two reasons reasons:

    One, he has a REALLY high sex drive and just has to bust a nut, but you're either not there or unable to help.

    And two, he has certain fetishes that either you're not into or he is too ashamed to ask you to do it with him (Like anal, golden showers, whatever).

    • I'd say its the first one. He loves anal. Loves it. He's the first person i actually dont mind playing with that area and i dont like anal, but i dont refuse to do it. So maybe its both because there are days where I'm like "no.. you're not putting it in my butt..." and.. im also not by his side every morning because i wake up earlier and i like to move around a lot so I'm up on my feet a Lott

  • Guys who watch porn period are fools and you need to tell them so... Any true guy will be satisfied with the girl and if he needs to find it elsewhere he needs to get the boot...