Guys, Why the fuck do you guys watch porn when you have a girlfriend/wife?

How fucking selfish of you. What? Your girlfriend/wife isn’t fucking hot enough for you? She fucking does everything for you and you just fucking disrespect her and look at other women’s naked bodies. While she doesn’t even look up that shit and is just worry about you and making sure you are okay and making sure everything is in order and nice and clean. It is not normal for guys to watch porn it is disgusting and very disrespectful. Just fucking be single if you want to look at Porn stars for the rest of your life
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What Guys Said

  • Well what the guy have a way higher sex drive than the girl. If she not in the mood for a while. I think there nothing wrong with porn way better than cheating.

  • im sorry you feel like porn is some kind of threat to you or it makes you jealous etc but the fact is many men see their love life and having a bit of a wank as two separate things. fortunately many women in relationships now seem to understand that and dont choose to play the victim but instead indulge their mens fantasies and even sometimes have a bit of fun themselves along the way... i do recognise though that some men can be utter cunts to their partners in this regard though

  • You say this like women don't do this? You say this like my Last girlfriend didn't watch more than me? Lmao this was such a dumb question and rant.

  • Porn for women: Any rom-com. We're just on different levels, doing the same thing.

  • generally speaking - the longer people cohabitate. the less likely they are to engage in sexual interaction together. if their sex life has become mundane or just a repeat for the same type of interactions. helps to spicy things up a bit now and then. to keep interest alive with each other.

    • @reaperbot666 Married people, or just sexually active partners? Married is different, from what all my married friends say, and they just don't get it anymore! I've never had any issues with the ones I have been with, just girlfriends, and no formal commitment, and just doing what we want, when we want. Sometimes 9 months maybe a year, and GOOD TIMES, on a whim!! :) :) Isn't that what is it supposed to be?

    • @JackSmy cohabitate means living together in same household. so even if their not married to each other. the amount of sex the couple has does slowly start to reduce over time. unless they do things to keep it interesting. because their sex life together becomes mundane and less interesting to each other. doing the same thing over and over again. unless they are trying to have children. then it might be more of a chore more then pleasurable.

  • This wasn't a question looking for an answer. It was an angry rant. Your mind is made up, so there's no enlightening you.

  • okay

  • Yes it is both normal and healthy. It's controlling and manipulative to try and shame him into behaving in a way that's not natural. All it does is make him sneak behind your back and create tension in the relationship. Both my wife and I watch porn, together and individually before you start trying to control our relationship.

  • You're somebody who probably has no business having sex in the first place. You're obviously very immature and not understanding of the human condition or psychology. Interestingly, I am suspect to believe you, like everybody else, has fantasies. Don't be a hypocrite (or a troll).

  • It's a crime of apathy. We don't think about it, because the porn doesn't mean anything to us. It's not like we love our girlfriend/wife any less.

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