Why woman uses too much lubricant?

Any time I sleep with a woman that puts too much lub, it turns me off, and sometimes I can't finish, and she see that and she just add more and more. I think too much lub is add sensitivity to the pussy? but not for the dick.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • To all the people saying if she's properly warmed and/or in the mood she won't need lube: there's a lot of medications that can affect the agility to self lubricate, there's natural variations in the amount of lubrication produced from woman to woman, and even things like diet can affect it. Some women can be 100% ready for sex and still need artificial lubrication.

    • Totally agree and nice thinking!

  • Keep one these on hand. Stop, blot, go.

    Why woman uses too much lubricant?
    • It will be awkward if I use such thing

    • Awwww.

    • So is "sometimes I can't finish"

Most Helpful Girls

  • Get the tingle jell and don't bitch about the lube!

    Sex hurts for us if there is no wetness! Sure she hates it but does it to make u happy.

    Bet she would so much rather have another women devour her then your useless dick that she has to finish for you.

    It's so she won't be sore after and think of that bad sex latter!

    • I agree. it's just the sensation when she has more lub is what makes me senseless sometimes.

    • Then out it that way don't bitch about it

  • Because she’s not wet enough on her own and it hurts o have sex when not wet enough. And then her seeing you struggle to enjoy it probably isn’t making her more excited so to speak = even more lub needed. Focus on making her more wet before you start penetrative sex…

    • I start with making love, kissing, play and suck her boobs, and give her oral sex, and she is wet as I can see, but before enter my dick, she just put lub, and that what trun me off. and when she sees me straggling she just adding more lub. even if I say I don't like it

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4 5
  • Go down on her. Spend time turning her on. Make her wet then she will need less lube

    • I usual like going down and spend time almost she is cumming but she still put some lube before I put my dick in

  • I never use lube but if a woman is using a lot it's probably because she's in pain during sex from it being dry

    • it could be, but if there is pain involved she should've mention that and I rather not doing sex than do the sex without sense or finish as suppose to.

  • This sounds like a you problem. If you got her properly relaxed and aroused, she wouldn't need lube.

    Up your game.

  • because she feels the friction

    • a bit of friction should gives her a nice feeling. but adding more lub with remove the friction. for me the friction will help me finish

  • It could mean she’s not wet enough aka you haven’t pleasured her enough. Put more time and effort into foreplay then the lube may not be needed as much or at all

  • I love lube - the sloppier the better!

  • Cuz they are old

  • So all your woman's pussys stays dry and needs lube. Dumbass doesn't even know pussy gets wett on it's own. How the flying fuck can it add sensitivity? Go play with your age group. Seems you 3yo

  • I hate lube. I am a biological woman if im in pleasure I will be very wet natrually and open up so lube just ruins stuff. Makes me feel like less off a woman if he brings it up