Why would some women lie about being raped?

I read this and just got upset.


Why would you lie about being raped?

It's harmful to people who actually have been assaulted, because once you've been exposed mindless assholes will say "everybody who has been raped is lying".

It's harmful on the people who have been accused of it. This man couldn't sleep and he was afraid to work. He lost a lot of weight. (what is a stone?)

What is wrong with people?
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15 39
  • There was a girl in my class in high school who accused a guy of rape after she consented to sex. She even smashed a beer bottle and inserted it into herself to make it look like he did it to her.

    The poor guy got expelled and was being charged by police, until she admitted she lied while she was in the hospital getting treated for her injuries.

  • "Why would you lie about being raped?"
    Because only accusing someone will get him in freaking serious problems so it's a useful tool for anyone wanting to use one. Women are well capable being as bad as men and rape claims do not even need evidence. It's like a magic word for crushing some man you do not like. What happens if the accused manages to find evidence that it never happened? Most of the time absolutely nothing. The accusers will almost never get any kind of punishment in fear that it discourages real rape victims coming forward.

    "It's harmful to people who actually have been assaulted"
    The women using it are not mentally well so they caring about other women is not on the top of their priorities. Some might even think that even if THEIR case was false, the attention helps those who have been actually assaulted.

    "It's harmful on the people who have been accused of it...(what is a stone?)"
    Men have lost their jobs, families, friends, been jailed for years (note that rapists are treated lowest in the prison hierarchy) and committed suicides for false accusations. Stone is a medieval weight unit that UK is unwilling to lose. Metric system master race!

    "What is wrong with people?"
    Imagine men being given power to get any woman they do not like in serious problems or jailed. Would everyone use it? No. Would it be hard for you to imagine that there are who would use it? You bet. How is it hard to believe there are women like that?

  • And the court will find her mentally insane and give her a slap on the wrist.
    That's what the courts do give women lighter sentences for the same crime
    a man would do.

  • There are some pretty crazy, evil and bitter people out there. In my book if you lie about being raped or molested you're as sick as the predators. No normal thinking person accuses innocent people of rape.

  • For the attention/sympathy...
    Why does anyone lie about anything...

  • You should look up Brian Banks. He lost 9 years of his life from something like this. And for all we know he may have been raped a bunch in prison.

  • Cause they can make lots of money.

  • I think it is about time that women that lie about being raped got into trouble with the law and got punished for it.