Would it be wrong to suggest another man to show my boyfriend how to fuck me while fucking me?

I understand I'd feel a bit mad if he suggested a girl. Eventho he has asked for a FMF I asked for a MFM and he rejected that.

I'm so unsatisfied right now. I could literally rip my clothes off

0 4

Superb Opinion

  • Oh, man that's a bit of a situation you find yourself in, isn't it? I want to provide you with good news, but as a man who understands how fragile the male ego can be I would honestly stray far, far away from approaching it in that clear, cut of a method. I mean if you care about his feeling's once so ever I would tread very lightly on that one, darling. If I could offer a much lighter less damming method of approach that may take a little bit of time, but might still offer the effect you seek is I would advise you to undertake a homework assignment of finding some very specific porn that clearly illustrates how you want to be fucked. I mean you should really put forth some effort in discovering exactly how you want it in visual form. Once you've identified a few options of explicit video content that clearly shows what your body is craving simply offer up playing with the idea of consuming some porn to get each other in the mood with. You know kind of perform some DiCaprio esc inception on his ass by having him feel like consuming such content was as much his idea as it was yours, & utilizing those acting chops that I know pretty much all women have mastered a bit of make it seem like you clicked on the most random explicit adult video possible, even though it was very carefully cherry picked by you since it explored exactly how you want him to satisfy you to a very specific degree. Once it's playing somehow appease him to show how much you're enjoying what's being broadcasted across the screen, maybe litely mention how hott you think what's going on in the footage is, you know kind of secretly convince him to try what y'all are watching on you & allow yourself to demonstrate the massive difference in how you receive him as your partner intimately, make the experience over enjoyable for him when compared to the usual act. This will que him in on how you might want him to give it to you, since your means of satisfaction are heightened, because I can assure you that there isn't many things that exists which a man might garner the same boost to his ego than believing he performed well & satisfied his woman, it's in our biological nature to retain the greatest form of self fulfilment when we can successfully fulfill our woman. Trust me, ever man wants to be his woman's best, most impressive fuck, but that's also why this will be a very fragile game for you to employ because on one hand you could secretly create the best sex life possible for the two of you, while on the other hand you could completely ruin his ability to feel like a man & if you somehow bruise his ego to that great of an extent then the future of your relationship is likely bleak & as a woman I could see how that might blow & end up being a tragedy for the love & fulfillment you hope to create with this person, but as a man I am also aware how fragile this road you're treading can be & if you truly care about this person to enough of a degree to where you'll be careful on how you approach this situation then please by all means do not do what you originally described in your post as that will likely lead to unhealable consequences for the sanctity of you two as a loving pair of humans, but if you got some time, a whole lot of care, & don't mind reaching your goal of being a satisfied partner carefully & cautiously then definitely take my advice. Use your womanly charm to outsmart that man by way of his other, less intelligent head, & provide him with the necessary examples concerning exactly how you seek to be fucked, & carefully apply his weakness being a man who's programmed to want sex & to be a beast at providing that sexual expenditure with his partner & use it to your advantage & cementing the very sex life you crave as a woman. We all like what we like, & sometimes we're forced to engage in secretive manipulative tactics to experience that of our own preferences. And even though what I've described may have negative attributes such as that manipulation the end outcome you're seeking is really just an overall means of fulfillment concerning the relationship you've both agreed to participate in. As I stated I know with certainty that he wants to be your ideal sexual partner, which is exactly what you want to, right? You just might have to apply a carefully sought out plan of action to attain that best possible outcome for the both of you & there's absolutely nothing wrong with that & only shows how much you actually care for this person to observe such a profound amount of care & application. If you require more info as to how you might approach this assignment I have assigned to you, my sexual deviant of a student, than just ask, it's definitely a hotter topic than anything else I can muster up at this time in my life. With that being said though I wish you the best of luck & success in fulfilling your wants & desires, you deserve to be fucked exactly how you wish to be fucked & your man deserves to feel like that big man who's able to provide that for you & if I can at all help that along as a internet stranger than by all means that's something I hope I can help you achieve. Take care.

Most Helpful Guy

  • You're pathetic. You are really up here asking others and complaining about your boyfriend like he is beneath you. You want him to be a cuck you sicko. Just go date someone else before you hurt this dude. This is why you don't date hoes. They belong to the streets. They need their fix.

    I could respect you but the way you talk about him... Just go to counseling but it's hard for me to believe you even love this guy. You want him to be some sissy sitting in the corner. This is seriously disturbing...

    • Not true. He can join but itd be pointless he doesn't know how to and can't seem to grasp what I want and what i need

    • He can for sure join. I'd like to swing too

    • I'm someone who accepted his weak sex skills and have been patient for years...

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 28
  • oh. My. God. DO NOT, This is the very worst idea any girlfriend has ever come up with in the history of relationships. Seriously. What are you thinking?

  • That too bad that you are lacking. Yeah, that would be it for me because apparently you had him earlier “sometime”.

    • Wait what do you mean?

  • Sounds like you should find another partner who you are a lot more sexually compatible with and just keep your boyfriend as a friend at best. Then gives him a couple years to go off and learn how to fuck properly so you dont waste a lot of years when you could be getting some dick from men who are serious and know what they're doing with you.

    • No lol why go somewhere when they most likely will Lack that emotional support I get from my current man

  • Have you TOLD him what you want? Tried showing him how to get you aroused? Maybe you should play Winner Says, Loser Does."
    Need some excitement in the bedroom? Are you willing to take a challenge? ↗

  • Have you tried coaching or telling your boyfriend what you like? Some guys need a bit of coaching.
    I can see where he might be intimidated watching another guy screw you

    • He comes in 4 strokes. I'm so fucking sad

    • Try giving him a handjob first. That way he should slow down for round 2... have you tried that?

    • Yea but he doesn't have that power to fuck me. he's too gentle. I need man handling and I can tell he doesn't have experience with that. I don't know how to explain this to him. I've told him but he's yet to give me much I could literally cry right now.

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