Would you let your best friend touch your girlfriend's boobs if she is okay with it?

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Superb Opinion

  • the best girl friends of my girlfriend did these a few times... they didn't ask me if I was okay with it, not like they really had to... not like I would mind it either... lol

    not like they didn't do that before we were a couple and we were all just friends... not like they didn't do that before they even met me

    • Well, but my best friend is a boy

    • I do have a few best friends

    • then you are a cuck too.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • No.

    I break up over stuff like that.

    "Ok" with it. She might not be the one if she is ok with letting other men in addition to me touch her breasts. That is a red flag and she is most likely not the one.

    Unless she is 100% loyal and devoted and has the mindset of "only my man sees and touches me" then she isn't worthy of my time. Pass on all of these loose boundary types.

Most Helpful Girls

  • i think if she had fake boobs and a guy wanted to see what they feel like that might be ok, once, but with real boobs i don't see the purpose of it

    plus girls with fake boobs are always wanting to show them off anyway 🤷‍♀️

    • I've noticed this too.

  • I don’t see why someone’s “friend” would want to do that in the first place. Creepy and gross.

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 17
  • I think every single one of your questions revolve around your girlfriend and her boobs. It seems like one of two things: an unhealthy and unbalanced relationship that you think her showing off her tits non-stop is a priority OR not a real life situation and you just get kicks talking about an imaginary girl and her cans.

  • As a girlfriend, I wouldn't be okay with that.

  • I would let my best friend touch my boyfriend's boob. My best friend is gay 😆

  • My best friend is my girlfriend

  • Plenty of guys have done a lot more than that... lol

    • My man

  • you are a cuck, only a cuck would be okay with that

    i would rather get stabbed by a knife again

    i saw your other questions and you need help.

  • 🤣🤣 if he sexualizes my wife he'll either be dead or no longer a friend

    • On a separate note if my wife was okay with it she wouldn't be my wife within 6 hours

    • finally a realman and not a pathetic cuck

    • @aceleon respect is a huge part of relationships. Friendships and romantic relationships. In either case the scene presented showcases a clear lack of respect from both friend and partner. Relationship ends there. Respect seems to be something rapidly fading from relationships of today and people wonder why relationships are failing at an astronomical rate.

  • Lmao fuck no

  • Maybe depending on the circumstances, and ultimately it would be up to my girlfriend. It's her body. But I can tell you that I doubt that I would want to, and I doubt that I would like it.

    • you are a cuck if you do that.

    • @aceleon Okay. What were you hoping to get out of telling me that?

    • maybe you would realize you have a major problem and seek help or start learning your place and shutting your mouth since you are not even an animal let alone a human.

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  • The main question is what is the friends motivation?

  • Um, I don’t think so Tim. Unless it was part of her living out an MMF fantasy.

    • what the hell dude what difference does it make another guy still touches your girl it is still cuckery

    • So what is it when she facilitates my FFM fantasy? And if it doesn’t harm our otherwise balanced, caring, and strong relationship? I mean it’s easy to pretend to be an alpha-male when you have a second or third tier partner. But put two alphas together, and there’s a lot more nuance to every situation…

  • As long as it was only touching

    • what difference does it make? it still makes her a slut and you a cuck.

    • @aceleon It is just touching boobs after all. I would not let him do anything else and as long as she was giving me some great orgasms I would not care

    • just? it should have been enough reason to end your friendship with the guy if not punching him on the nuts, you are too loose and a punny excuse for a man.

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  • No way.

  • As long it’s not in a sexual way I guess and maybe just try to be a funny way but it does have to be my best life long friend. I am not sure I have my other bros touch my girlfriend boobs.

  • No, that's cuck behavior.

  • If my girl was okay with it she wouldn't be my girl and if my friend wanted to they wouldn't be my friend

  • No!!!

  • My girlfriend is very easy going, friendly and open minded so she doesn't mind if i tell her that my friend wants to feel her tits and she would smile and say " do you want me to take my top off or will he do it himself".

    • your girl is a whore and you are a cuck

    • And you are that filth on the sidewalk to which no one looks at so keep getting jealous of others. All girls are bitches and whores for me.

    • nope, you are the filth that is bound to lick other guys cum from her girls pussy, jealous? why would i get jealous of a cuckold like you, you are literally worst thing that can happen to a man even burning to death would be a better option instead of being a sad loser son of a bitch cuck boy like you, go fuck yourself since you are clearly unable to fuck your own girl, call me if she needs a real man.

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  • Fuck yeah

    • absolute cuckery.

  • If I like the guy enough, yes.

    • cuck