A nice guy but a little -- well a lot, handsy...What do you think?

I went to dinner with this guy and then back to his house to watch a movie. We cuddled and he kept just grabbing me and putting me on top of him, contorting my legs and torso, rubbing his hands all over my stomach, kissing my stomach, etc. I kept trying to push his hands away and I kept telling him he's so bad but sometimes he wouldn't back off. He seemed almost too aggressive but then playful so it was hard for me to tell him to stop. It doesn't really sound like a big deal right? Cuddling and making out. I don't know, he just seemed really strong and forceful at times. I'm all for play wrestling but when you're pinning me down just because you can it didn't feel quite right. And then he told me his dad doesn't let him have girls stay over so he took me home. He was nice and everything on the car ride home, told me he'd text me tomorrow. And he just texted me good night. What do you think? He's smart, nice, funny, sarcastic, hot...pretty much everything I want in a guy. He said he can't help he's affectionate.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Hi. If his rampant sexual advances bother you, then it is a big deal, because feeling safe and secure is part and parcel with being in a successful relationship. Still, these enthusiastic acts don't make him a bad guy; not respecting your boundaries, however, does.

    Nonetheless, guys can be oblivious and girls, to us, can seem ambiguous. So give him a chance. My advice: before he has another opportunity to overwhelm you with his affection, tell him, in no uncertain terms, that he is making you uncomfortable by moving too fast. You can be blunt and civil at the same time. Add in that he seems like a nice guy, just that you aren't ready for this type of bonding.

    Now personally, if a pretty Korean girl were to tell me, in the midst of my passionate advances, that "you're so bad," I might mistakenly misinterpret it as a positive, not nervous and negative, comment. It could, on my end, be viewed as a cue to continue my salacious behavior. You can't be subtle with guys.

    Anyway, I'd say I'm all of the good things you listed this guy as, so if it doesn't work out... I'm kidding. But really, a girl like you shouldn't have to put up with this brand of BS. So if this one doesn't get the memo, then I am sure plenty of guys would be more than happy--and dare I say lucky--to take his place.

    By the way, you have good taste in music. Rock rocks. :)

    • Really good answer. :) Thank you so much for your help!

    • He's picking me up after he gets off work tonight and we're working on my homework so hopefully things don't get too wild lol.

    • I'm glad you gave him another chance. And I'm sure he is, too, lol. I hope it is going well, that you are getting homework done and concomitantly, comfortably enjoying his company. By the way, do you wear glasses when you study? 'Cus you sure look cute in them, haha. Anyway, keep all of us on this thread posted as to your status. Savor the night, enchanted! x3

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  • He wanted to initiate sex with you... badly. And it sounds like he's not respecting your wishes when he won't stop when you tell him to. I don't really see guys getting that affectionate when they are on their first date (I think it is right?) with someone unless they're also trying to have it lead to more. Personally, if that was a first date going back to his place was a bad move. It always sends the signal (these days) that you're willing to go all the way to guys.

    I'd say you definitely need to tell him he can't do that. That you don't like being forcefully grabbed and such especially when you say stop. Honestly, I'd bet he's not really "just that affectionate" and more "I want that ass" :\ but I also have a very low trust in the people these days. You need to tell him you weren't comfortable with that and tell him, if you really are, that you're not going to just "give it up" and if that's all he wants he should find another.

    What was the reason you went back to his place? I mean, considering the way our society is these days, wouldn't that seem reasonable that most guys are going to think that means you're interested in doing things in private? Just saying :\

    Hope he won't act like a douche and try and force himself on you or anything later if you do date him more.

    • I don't know. After dinner, he was like what do you want to do? We could go back to my house and watch a movie. So I was like sure. He's been texting me this morning so I'm sure he knows he's not just going to get some ass.

    • He suggested going back to his house though and you said sure. To guys these days, that means "high possibility of sex." Ah well, maybe he is different and cause I don't know him personally he could be. Still, it really is best you make sure he knows you weren't comfortable with what he did if you really weren't comfortable.

    • Last night was awesome. I was way more comfortable with him after I told him how I feel and he said he feels bad because he doesn't want to do anything because he's a bad guy? He was really down on himself. So I got him to talk to me. We're both on the same page now, hopefully. And it's HOT. ;D

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Most Helpful Girls

  • I have been there. Those guys will push you and push you until they get what they want, I don't think its being overly affectinate, its just not knowing how to accept the word 'no'. Its good that you can stay strong and not give into the pressure from him. I think maybe he just assumed he could get some straight off the bat, and now obviously he realized that isn't the case, so he may be more patient if you see him again. I personally don't like guys who are forceful in a playful way, enough to make me feel uncomfortable. As the girl said below, trust your instincts, if something doesn't feel right, it probably isnt. And you shouldn't keep seeing someone who makes you feel uncomfortable.

    • Thank you. :) Very true.

  • I would go with my gut instinct here.

    If you really like him I'd talk with him and tell him all the handsy sh*t is making you a bit uncomfortable. Of course, I trust you would out it a lot more nicely and lightly.

    But really, if your getting a weird vibe from him or are feeling unsettled with him, just forget it. Remember at the end of the day that we are all just animals, and animals go by their instinct.

    • That's true. I mean, it was a little off-putting but he is a dude...

    • I know he's a guy, but it isn't an excuse, ya know :/? I don't want to scare you or sound like a stereo-typical chick, but if he's that aggressive now who knows what he'll do later. It's way better to be safe now than sorry later. You sound like you really like him, so I would talk to him first, and be firm with what your saying. If he continues to act aggressively, I'd start re-evaluating everything.

    • It was only the first date. He seems like a good guy, but only time will tell. And you're right, it's not an excuse. Thanks for your advice. I'm just very submissive and he's VERY dominant so I was caught off guard. Thank you. :)

  • Maybe you're not being very clear about what you want? Telling a guy he's "so bad" can actually be encouraging him lol. There's a fine line between playful struggling and trying to say no to a guy. So just make it very clear, no giggling and use firm language. And don't start kissing again a second later. Otherwise it can be very confusing for a guy.

    • I said other things too, like no, stop, etc. but he would ignore it or stop and then start right up a few minutes later. But you're right, I probably did seem playful at times.

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  • He's a guy, I could say that he wants sex, but I doubt that is new to your ears. Basically as Brando said; if you're uncomfortable then start making obvious (bur temporary) boundaries.

  • Maybe he is a great guys who just likes you, so lay down some ground rules & let him know he can cuddle & be affectionate but he needs to keep his hands "less busy" & if that's too much to ask then think about getting away from him. My friend hooked up with a guy that kept coming up behind her & untucking the back of her shirt. When they had some privacy he tried it again, but when she yried to tuck it in again he forced her to take it off & let him "make use of her cleavage", if you get my meaning. Nice guys who TRULY like you & want more than one thing, when you set the ground rules & they realized they've offended you or crossed the line, they will be MORE THAN HAPPY to back off, even if they do still show you affection still in a more appropriate manner...

    • Omg... It sounds kinda rapey what that guy did.. Such a confusing situation BC she hooked up with him, so it sends mixed msgs... Did she tell you how things panned out?

  • > I went to dinner with this guy

    Glad your eating disorder is resolved from a couple of weeks ago.

    You know how to handle yourself with guys and have no problems getting them. If you want this guy he is obviously up for you. If you don't move on, it is unlikely to be a long drought.

    • Nah, I ate like a bird. I'm still stressed lol. And I don't understand your last comment about a long drought?

    • Sorry, punctuation in the wrong place. My last sentence makes no sense! I meant: If you don't (want this guy) move on. It is unlikely to be a long drought. I meant drought as in time between guys (if I have a long spell between partners it sometimes feels like being in a desert without a drink of water). I think you wouldn't wait long for a new guy to be attracted as you are interesting and outgoing. It was a well meant mild compliment.

    • Oh okay, thanks for clearing that up. :)

  • Start setting boundaries then.

  • Watch out! He wants your body and is willing to make you uncomfortable to get what he needs...

    • I don't know. It was just a very weird situation.