Afraid to tell your fetish?

My boyfriend of over a year just told me what his two fetishes are. They weren't anything too weird, I actually thought it was cute. It was nice to find out what he's really into. Kind of amused at the fact I had been 'pleasuring' him the whole time without really knowing. Anyways, he was literally like shaking and his body kind of twitching while telling me. Apparently he had heard of several basically horror stories of people getting dumped after telling their fetish or whatever. Also he was worried that when I knew what they were, I wouldn't ever want to do anything like it because I'd know it turns him on.. (which is probably the opposite of reality lol) this is due to the fact I'm actually really innocent. So I was wondering.. (If you don't mind me asking) what is your fetish? Are you/were you afraid to tell your other half what it is? Have you ever been dumped because of your fetish?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • What is your fetish? - feet... not sweaty, not smelly, not covered in foot or anything weird, just the look of barefeet / painted toes and the general shape

    Are you/were you afraid to tell your other half what it is? - not really, she seemed to like the attention, I generally just let it come out over time rather than come right out and say it. It's not something I talk about much but I don't hide it, there's no denying that there's a lot of misconceptions out there about the whole foot thing. If someone loves you they're usually happy to accommodate your kinks.

    Have you ever been dumped because of your fetish? - no, but it does affect your chances because not only does the girl have to have a great personality and an awesome body, but she needs to have cute, well-kept feet. Makes the dating pool a little smaller you know, not to mention the fact that a number of girls are either too ticklish, too self-conscious, or just anti-feet. And if you obsess about it, rather than keep the fetish fun/casual and focus on the person as a whole, then you are always asking for trouble.

  • I have a very very odd and strange fetish but I would not tell my girl until I absolutely knew for sure that she was gonna be OK with it...

Most Helpful Girls

  • im not going to go anonymous over this, whoever reads it can either like it or not.

    i've always went to be hit, not like S&M but just getting hit. as much pain as possible I suppose.

    no I wouldn't tell my other half because it isn't the most normal of things to have a conversation about, I did with a couple of friends of mine and they thought I was weird. but hey! its what I like

    • You said not S&M, but you like the pain... how is that different than S&M?

    • I would have a hard time striking most (if not all) females and especially the love of my life. I prefer gentle sex ( I gave up marsupials for lent..joke) This conflicts with my wish to please my lover and, if you read my Answer, you might understand that this makes me feel like a hypocrite. but I would pretty much have to change my character & personality to like rough sex or knock girls around.

  • i have 2 fetishes and from the look of me I KNOW no one would guess. them HELL no I would never tell a sole. I wanna see if anyone could guess tho. lol. I will never tell tho.

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  • No - girls love my fetish. I love to tie them down gently to the bed, blindfold them and then drive them totally insane by telling them all the naughty things I want to do to them, gently massage their entire bodies from head to toe with just my fingertips, use a feather duster to then add more stimulation all over, kiss their earlobes, neck, shoulders, breasts, etc., and then give them the licking of their lives as long as they want. I know it's extremely bizarre and I'm a total weirdo and am ashamed to disclose this to them but they don't seem to mind once I can convince them to try it. Perhaps I need professional help to get over my love of doing this.

  • I've hesitated to tell my submissive fantasies... I mean, it isn't easy to admit interest in being peed on or cuckolded.

  • i have too many

    -Softcore Bondage

    -Several types of roll playing

    -domination fetish

    -licking and kissing her everywhere(except her butthole)

    -sex in random places even in public

    -Sex during random activities like while eating dinner, watching a movie, playing video games

    I would not tell my girlfriend even if I had one, it would probibly screw me over.

  • It takes some courage to tell your female that you wish to watch her pee or that you would like to drink her pee but your adrenalin takes a pop upwards and there is that little-boy-sugar-high when she finally says "yes" I have been selective and only asked steady girlfriends...there is a trust issue after all. Maybe I have been lucky but none have ever refused me altho some took more convincing than others. So, no I have not been dumped and, while I would always seek this from my steady lover, I would be a liar if I said that there was no fear...

  • Ddlg, claiming girls, voyeurism and exhibitionism