Are periods overrated?

I'm not trying to be sexist here. As a man, I'm not going to experience periods in my life time hence my opinions depends upon experience shared by others.
I know periods can give cramps, can make you go wild, can give sour feelings but irrespective of that, I was told by many women that periods aren't really that big deal unless we make it or it goes extreme. It is a part of women's day to day (or month to month) life
What do you think about it?
Yes They're.. not a big deal
Vote A
No. They deserve much more attention
Vote B
Wtf is period?
Vote C
Stop being a sexist pig OP
Vote D
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Overrated? No. You are not using your words correctly.

    You really mean to say "Do people make a bigger deal about periods than they are?"

    Yes in that the revulsion and freak-out people have when we talk about periods is waaaaaaaaay over the top.

    No in that they are what they are for women - there are some problems, sometimes big problems about having periods. There are just things we need society to help with like making sure sanitary products are available to women in developing countries, and that women have access to proper education, health care and education about their bodies everywhere.

    You get bent out of shape when you hear a woman say something like "these cramps are killing me"? You need to get over it.

    This is our reality. We all deal with it, or deal with not having one, at some point in our lives as women. It's usually not a BIG deal, but so what if it is? What's it to you?

    Like, don't you ask this same question about once a month?

  • It depends a lot on the individual woman. Some women get fairly light, easy periods. Other women have a harder time. Personally I get super long, heavy periods. I bleed enough that it makes me anemic. I get severe cramps in my abdomen, hips, back, and thighs that can be bad enough that they interfere with my daily life. My period also makes me feel fatigued and feverish on my heavier days. I become a lot more sensitive and emotional and have a far more difficult time handling stress during that time, and there's very little I can do about that. So for me, it's a genuinely rough week.

  • It's annoying that they're considered "taboo" when it's... something that happens to everyone with a vagina. They shouldn't be considered that bad it happens every month.

    Mine used to be debilitatingly painful, to the point I could barely walk around my house. Yet it's still tmi to say that, when I told men (DURING conversations about periods!!) they'd still tell me it was too gross. Like if hearing about the constant blood flow that's part of my everyday fuckin life is hard for you try living it ya weakling

Most Helpful Guys

  • i know different period experience periods differently. my wife gets some cramping but that is about it. i've been with women who get severe cramping, severe hormonal flucuations, and rather excessive bleeding

    • thanks for MHO

  • Do you want a war, cause this is how you start a war 😂

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What Girls & Guys Said

25 7
  • Periods are the worst u can ever encounter. That's all I have to say. And it's not part of day to day life, I curse every day from that part of the month.
    But some girls don't experience cramps or mood swings so they may have a different opinion about it

  • Depends on the girl. Personally for me I just get extra sleepy, back pain, mood swings and crave sweets & really horny like a week prior and my boobs get SUPER sensitive.

  • It really depends on the individual. Like you said - if it's extreme, but my periods are at the edge of normal. Some people may get wild mood swings but their periods might not be that bad. Others like me, it will last for 1/4 of your adult life. I find some periods cause loads of symptoms a fortnight before hand and been told could have had a cyst or fibroid or endometriosis. But other times it just turns up. Also some people just tend to complain more than others. I think in general they are how they are made out to be, yes, plus of course the expense and inconvenience.

  • They absolutely suck, but yes they are part of life so we're used to it. I don't know if "overrated" is the right word, though.

  • They not overrated, that time of the month is probably the worst for teenagers like me coz it feels like the worst thing. From my perspective I feel they should be given more attention, its unexplainable y. One question tho is why in some other countries are condoms free but they sell things like pads? That's how little attention periods get, less than sex. I feel they deserve more attention tho most might disagree.

    • Yes. Controllable. If not. Medication. PCOD? Women! Pls. take care of yourselves

  • They‘re not that much of a big deal, but it‘s different for everybody. Also cramps: that‘s nothing anybody should be ashamed of and oml I hate people telling me I shouldn’t make such a fuss bc I know the reason but does that lessen the pain? No. Gosh.

  • Um
    well in my case i get my period 3-5 times a year if even. and they last 2 days and are hella light, and I've never had cramps or anything. so i honestly think they get too much attention. but maybe some girls get them for 10 days every month and it is hell lol

  • I do feel annoyed during periods but that's just because of how frequently I hv to visit washroom, otherwise I hv never experienced wild mood swings during periods... So yeah I think people make a big deal out of it

  • It's very individual lol. We can mostly agree some cramps are terrible and some aren't.

    Personally, I'm taking the pill continuously without stopping EVER because of how terrifying my periods were.

  • I’ve always had shit periods. My cramps are horrible, I’ve been admitted to hospitals because of my period cramps because they suspected it was the gallbladder. I also get angry over nothing,

    Meanwhile my sister has no period pain at all. She just changes her pads and that’s all the trouble for her.

    It’s different from woman to woman. It’s a big deal to me because I dont exactly know when the pain is going to come, and I’ll have to schedule everything according to my period because some random day of my period I’m always in such bad pain I can’t even walk, and it’s not a big deal for people like my sister.

  • It depends. Some people have easy periods. Other people have had to be admitted to the ER because of the severity of pain and have needed muscle relaxants. Everyone's bodies and experiences are different.

  • I'm in between a and b although it is kinda a big deal everyone doesn't need to know you're on the rag. Plus everyone's period may feel different girl to girl, some with cramps/flows/durations worse than others

  • The problem is that, it is a taboo. Yet, it is something almost half of the humans on earth have to deal with.
    There is nothing to be ashamed of it, but there is nothing to be so loud about it either!

  • Maybe
    For some girls it's like everyday (god I hate them lol) but for some girls like me, can't even walk from pains so it is pretty much a big deal but I don't wave it around or anything, I just say I'm sick

  • Everyone is different. My sister usually doesn't even feel it when she gets it every month while for me it's a week long agony.

    Guys can't experience this so they shouldn't be able to vote by the way as we wouldn't be able to say how much being kicked in the balls hurt.

  • It’s different for every girl. Some girls don’t experience many symptoms, but some girl experience extreme pain and possibly cysts on her ovaries. It really depends on the girl

  • I guarantee they are overblowing it because women can't take pain as good as guys can at least from what I've seen anyway.

    • Unless you have had a feeling like someone is repeatedly stabbing you in the stomach for a week out of every month then you obviously have no right to say we are blowing it out of proportion

    • @imacatttt you are blowing it out of proportion by saying it's like being stabbed lol, I'm just saying I've seen girls take some falls/get hit and they either start whining or crying but I've seen guys take similar hits and they brush it off.

    • We aren't talking about hits though we are taking about period pains which is singeing no guy will ever know

  • For me it's only painfull a few times a year and paracetamol helps. But i've got some friends who are really sick three or four days every month.

  • Well for some people they can be really painful. I'm lucky, but both of my sisters sometimes throw up because of pain.

  • Not overrated. You probably need better word choice my dude.

    Anyway, it's different for every girl. My cramping pains are really really bad to the point where I nearly pass out. So to me it's a big deal. But I don't make it known and I'm not saying it's a big deal, but I just need to be careful. The hype around periods can be a bit too much

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