Are your lips and genitals the same color?

Are your lips and genitals the same color? I've heard something about this and am curious if it's at all true.
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Weird question but if you don't know please look before voting lol
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Some girls have added pigmentation there, including darkened edges that look like they applied lip liner. Very appealing to see.

  • No, but very close to the colors.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Not at all. At all lol

    My lips are a dark pink/red and down there is just a fleshy color

  • Actually... wtf I never noticed that lol My lips are a dark pink. So are my other ones.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 6
  • No my lips are purple and my girls bits are not

  • Not sure. Too lazy to check. Food coma incoming

  • my lips are red / pink other stuff, flesh color.

    • Everything?

    • Yes, everything.

  • Yes but a different texture of pink lol

  • Lol umm I doubt it.