Nope. I believe popping her cherry should make her menstruate more easily. Since there have been cases where the hymen has sealed the vaginal opening completely which has caused problems because the menstruation blood wasn't able to "leak" out.
Go buy a morning after pill. Not sure what kind of pills they showed me in sex-ed but if my memory serves me right some pills can still work even if a few days to a week have gone by.
Keep in mind sometimes periods come late.0 0 0 0The morning after pill wouldn't even work after that long
Hymens don't need to be popped for menstrual blood to come out, and only in a very few cases has it been mutated in an individual for it to be completely over the vaginal opening, in which case it was that way at birth and fixable by minor surgery. Morning after pills mess up periods a lot, so I'm not really sure if that's the best solution.
Fun fact, for modern women it is most common for them to perforate their hymen years before having sex. In addition to that, and contradicting medieval theories, in most women the hymen is not like wall its more like a screen. It often only partly covers and has large gaps. It is even possible to have intercourse through one of these holes while the rest says in-tacked. Yeah anatomy classes :)
Once again, it's best to consult the great Laci Green: 0 0 0
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4 days late isn't that late unless she has one of those absurdly regular cycles. However, it is possible something could have changed down there. She should see someone to be sure everything is still functioning correctly if she's worried, but I doubt it's a pregnancy. So long as you put the condom on correctly it's highly unlikely that it failed.
0 0 0 0Four days isn't actually a long time, she's probably just irregular.
0 0 0 0Can u be irregular at anytime or does it have to be from when u first start having your period?
Anytime ever. Girls just go through weird cycles sometimes. Mine is often very regular, and then I get bits where it totally surprises me. Once it was almost a month late, for example.
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1 2As long as the condom was put on correctly and did not break. You also said that you did not orgasm, so it is probably not an issue.
0 0 0 0I didn't realize periods had such specific schedules to follow.
0 0 0 0No it can't
0 0 0 0
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