Girls, do you have sex drive? Why do girls have less interest in sex?

often heard that men have a high sex drive and men think about se quite often. sexual thought comes into men's mind all day, all time even every minute. men want sex constantly everyday and men have a greater interest in sex and women have no interest in sex. girls always report that men always talk about sex and they don't like this topic. they also report that guys always want sex and it's hurt them. i also heard that women are not visually turn on and don't desire sex if her lover don't kiss them. women can stay very long time without sex. sex isn't important for women and women only have sex only for money. they only desire sex on the time of ovulation (3 or 4 days in a month). women don't attract to a unknown person though he is hot. so, girls tell me is sex very unworthy thing? it's our problem that we want sex? do you hate a guy who want sex and who talk about sex?

i have a girlfriend and she never talk to me about sex. when i want to talk about sex she don't like this and if i want to sex with her she reject me. i feel guilty for that. why i am wanting sex, it's my problem that i'm a guy, i think about sex, i get turn on by hot girl, i masturbate. what's wrong? why you don't like sex, why you have less interested in sex?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Girls are the same as guys in saying that we talk about sex a lot. I know my friends and I talk about sex and that fun stuff. Girls normally are only interested in sex for a very short amount of time compared to guys but that doesn't mean we don't enjoy it. Women enjoy sex as guys do and if they aren't really talking about sex then that probably means they either don't like talking about it or they are too young or too inexperienced. Trust me when I say that girls want sex in a relationship but they also don't want the relationship to be just about sex (Except for friends with benefits). Your girlfriend probably doesn't feel comfortable talking about sex probably because your too young or she doesn't feel safe. Whilst guys are mostly turned on by what they see and smell, girls on the other hand are mostly turned on my their imagination as well as their sight. Lastly girls enjoy masturbation but depending on the girl they usually only masturbate during certain times of the month.
    Hope this helps.

    • I agree! :) Us girls tend to be more secretive though. Maybe not every girl is like me, but personally I'm a bit secretive about my sexual desires unless I'm asking a question on here or talking to a close friend, or my boyfriend.

    • @sweetlivy You become less secretive with them once you have done it a couple times! My sister and I used to be really prudent when it came to talking about it, but now are extremely open about our fantasies in real life or over the phone.

  • That is a bunch of bull shit ! Seriously my sex drive is off the roof! I want sex 10 times a day everyday! I masturbate everyday and at least 7 times a day would be more but I have to work lol. I think of sex all day really. I want it more then my man does. He gets tired quicker. But I'm a sex freak haha.

    • Lol im the same way

    • @Lillianascelin preach girl! :).


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What Girls Said

  • I don't think that really all girls are less interested in sex in real life. In our society there are some girls are working in escort agencies as dubaicompanionsservices where you can see how much a girl also have desire for have sex.

  • This is very hard to answer so I think I'll break it down let's first start with the relationship. Talking about sex with a partner. I feel it truly depends on your maturity and how long you have been dating the girl how well does she know you
    if you are a new couple then it would be completely understandable if she's not comfortable talking about sex yet. How well do you understand her morals upbringing or religious background? These things may affect how shy or open a person is to discussing sex
    And when you're trying to talk about sex it depends on how you approach the topic. Are you mature? make you use proper language not curse words. are you being respectful? Are you being mindful of your surroundings and timing let's not have that kind of conversation outside her church Sunday morning 5 minutes before Mass... But most importantly never pressure anyone into having sex. It isn't something that is begged for. It needs to be a mutual desire. And if it is meant to happen it will be.
    begging is just plan immature ugly and totally unromantic... And being pressured into having sex or pressured into talking about sex is awkward and totally a turn off. one thing to know sometimes people are just not sexually compatible or their sexual drives are not. Now my next step
    Do women think about sex? do women desire sex? are women sexual?
    DUH of course we are. Men didn't populate the Earth by themselves!
    women are very sexual and we express it in our own ways the problem is the way women express sexual interests isn't always the same as a man. But fortunately I'm quite sure that there are many ways that we express sexual interest that's are the same as a man.
    Now as for me When entering a new relationship I start off slow and I'm very timid. I observe I think and consider things for a few days and then I act... Slow.
    Signs of sexual interest new outfits new perfume makeup finding reasons to be around the person inquiring about their interest Hobbies sports... I know you wouldn't think these things are considered sexual interest but it definitely means a woman has an interest
    Now once I'm in the relationship and I feel it's going good oh boy oh boy that man better watch out... Because now I begin to act in ways we stereotypically believe only men capable of (yes it's very untrue men are not the only ones who
    have wild sexual cravings). Once the man has entered my trust zone and I have deemed him reliable and deserving of my body it's game on.
    The sexy clothing come out
    The sexy underwear go on
    The condoms get bought!
    The main thing is some woman are timid and or busy observing and categorizing The Mans worthiness. There's got to be trust he's got to be worth it to give it to.
    Now in a committed relationship
    I am sex fiend.
    I am constantly asking my own man if he thinks I'm over sexual.
    I masturbate everyday multiple times
    I'd take my man multiple times a day all day long If we could and if he would let me
    I give BJ's for the fun of it and sometimes have beg to do it sometimes I don't even want a returned favor I'm just happy if he finishes
    I watch porn and read /write dirty books
    I'm sexual

  • Wow. Big problem. You need to not have her feeling forced. Sex is suppose to be fun and fulfilling. How often do u guys have sex? I'm a 22 year old female. And I love sex. I like sex more then my boyfriend. He works a lot so my sex drive is way more intense and he is 29 so I guess the younger the more sex u want. It's not about female or male and u just have to try to slowly get her hornet. Kiss on her and then touch her while complimenting her. Women love for play

  • you have got to be kidding me. I can't wait to get grinding. it kills me so much!

  • My sex drive fluctuates. When I'm not in a relationship it's barely there but when I'm in a relationship or even extremely turned to on by a guy I pretty much want sex every minute of the day

    • If you don't feel sexual desire when you are not in a relationship then why do you choose to be in a relationship with a guy and why do you choose to have sex?

    • Sexual desire is created by sexual tension. I mean when it's a mutual attraction it becomes something you think about.

    • but when you were single you didn't feel sexual desire, sexual turn on, sexual arousal? When you were single you became asexual? You didn't feel self sexual tension or self sexual desire when you were single? If it's the case what the thing that encourage or give you provocation to have sex with a guy? Actually I get confused. You didn't feel need for release when you were single?