Do you think condoms should be age restricted?

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A-MAZ-ING results so far, i'm glad GAG is not silly. Obviously i don't thing they should be restricted, i also agree with @Dragan they should be more easily accessible to purchase without any shame.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I'm not one of those people who think teenagers having sex, in-and-of-itself, is a giant tragedy in society. Teenagers have ALWAYS had sex.

    I prefer informed teenagers with free and unfettered access to contraception and disease prevention, as well as all the tools to help them delay sex until they are prepared to handle it.

    That we simply got condoms into the hands of all kinds of people in the US since the 1980s has reduced the spread of deadly diseases.

    Condom culture saves lives. Every single day. 1000 times over.

    I literally thank Jesus for the technology.

    • what if the age restriction was say 16 which is the average age of concent?

    • So 13-year-olds should just get Hepatitis C because I don't approve of their choices? That's like a legitimate thing that I should think is ok, because they deserve the death penalty for having sex too young? And the world certainly doesn't already have enough babies that languish in orphanages because they were born to people not prepared to care for them, right? Because THAT seems like another good punishment for a teenager having sex too soon - a baby, that the REST of us pay the taxes to care for. See what I am getting at here?

    • i'm just asking questions. i totally agree that they shouldn't be restricted

  • Restricting birth control doesn't restrict sex. Only creates a problem of teen pregnancy that can't be avoided the way it can without the age restrictions.

  • No, because even if you're too young to be having sex, at least be safe. Condoms should be accessible to everybody, they keep people safe.

Most Helpful Guys

  • NO, and just because they are available doesn't mean that kids arfe going to have sex, BECAUSE they are available!! They ARE HAVING SEX, NOW, without them, and the statistics prove it, with pregnancy, and HIV/STD infection rates.
    If I had daughters, I would want them to have them, for protection, when they made BAD CHOICES!! They would know that they would get Severe Punishments, later, Grounding, no phones, and probably a solid spanking, but at least they wouldn't get pregnant, or get a disease!! Not sanctioning it, or condoning, but THEY ARE GOING TO DO IT!! We DID, at their age!!

  • What would be the point of that?

    Even kids who are too young to use them can enjoy water balloon fights with them...

    I remember once reading about a middle school event at a private club, where the chaperones asked management to remove the condoms from the restroom vending machines - not because of sex, but because they didn't want the kids to make a mess having water fights.

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What Girls & Guys Said

12 35
  • Not at all! If people want to have sex; they're going to have sex. Having the option to do so safely should be available to everyone

  • No. Condoms prevent unwanted pregnancy and, more pressingly, sexually-transmitted diseases (including the common cold, weird as that is). Wearing a condom is just basic safe sex.

    • I'd love to hear more about how condoms prevent the transmission of rhinovirus. That's a new one for me.

    • @MlleCake Yeah hahah i don't think a common cold is sexually transmitted. you'd catch it through other means aka kissing during sex.

    • Yeah, I couldn't find a single academic or lay mention of how condoms can prevent the spread of rhinovirus, influenza or adenovirus, as these viruses are not normally expressed in sexual fluids, and the membranes of the male urethra, vagina and either gender's rectum do no appear to be vulnerable to any of these viruses. These viruses are acquired through the mucosa of the sinuses. This means that the close contact of kissing and sex may be risky, but could not find a single note of reference that any of the common respiratory viruses are transmissible by anal contact, genital contact or oral-genital contact. I'd be happy for @YourPersonalJesus to show me something (credible and evidence based) I've missed though - it seems like something we should all know, if jizz can give you a cold.

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  • age restrictions will lead to more unwanted pregnancies and STDs.
    just bc they can't buy condoms , doesn't mean they won't have sex.

  • Getting a child at 14 is worse than having sex with a condom.

  • I'm glad we all agree!

  • Not at all. Better safe than sorry. You don't want your 13 year old coming home pregnant.

  • Are STD's age restricted?


    So neither should condoms be.

  • No. Teens will have sex if they want to. It'd be best if a baby didn't come out of it when they're still in high school.

  • People are going to have sex no matter their age, if condoms become restricted by age STD's and pregnancy will skyrocket.

  • No. Restricting condom use is only going to contribute to MORE teen pregnancies and the spread of STDs. They should be easily accessible to everyone. You can't stop people from having sex by limiting birth control. All you'll do is prevent safe sex

  • Kids have sex, everybody knows and it will never stop. The best you can do is to allow them to have protection at least. Wouldn't want your saran wrap to go missing and then find out your son Tommy impregnated his girlfriend by accident.

  • no they should not be age-restricted at all, i am 48 and can still get one on. my cock is massive and they usually tear when i try to wear it. i even tried a kitchen rubber glove once. work fine. never tore at all.

  • ... sex isn't restricted for anyone... anyone can do it when they please..

    • Scenario- you are a check out operator at a grocery store and a 11 year old kid comes up to your checkout with a pack of condoms. would you feel like you shouldn't be selling them

    • That would depend on whether if it's illegal for him to be having sex Is it? Do they even hit puberty at that age lol

    • 11 is a typical age to start puberty most countries/states have 16 as the age of consent

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  • Like bullets, condoms are morally neutral.

  • Um no, ever heard of teen pregnancy?

    • Ever read updates?

    • Hoe bye

  • hell no. What if kids have sex too and they can't have any kind of protection because of age restriction? Not like it's gonna prevent them from having sex.

  • Better to not have teenage pregnancies. when my daughter turned 12 we had the following discussion "this is where I keep my condoms, I don't count them." I would rather that then a grandchild.

  • No.
    Teens will have sex anyways. Best to have them protected.

    • and pre-teens?

    • I have no idea when people start to have sex. At any age, (hopefully not too young) people should always be protected.

  • No. Having no condoms wouldn't stop young teens from having sex. They would still do it without one, obviously increasing the chances of pregnancy and stds

  • They shuld be free issue, no questions asked in ALL schools.

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