Enough with the penis questions.

So obviously a lot of guys are self-conscious about their penis size, so I want to clear the air here about what's normal, what girls like, and what they don't give a sh*t about (which is basically everything except for how good he is with it). Onward~ The average erect penis length is between 5 and 6 inches. ANYWHERE BETWEEN 4 to 7 IS COMPLETELY 100% NORMAL. "Small" is considered anything under 4 inches; "large" is anything over 7.5 inches. Flaccid, 3 to 4 inches is the norm and average girth is between 4 and 5 inches around. Before I see another "length or girth?" question, I'm going to tell you now: girth > length. Vaginas, just like penises, vary in length. Usually they're only about 3-4 inches until aroused, where they can stretch to be anywhere between 4 and 7 inches (some girls may vary). Do these measurements sound familiar? They should. (read the second paragraph again if you don't remember) Are you telling me that the average vagina is only gets about as long as the average penis? Yes, yes I am. Girls in real life do not want guys with p*rn star penises. That 9-incher you wish you had? Yeah, that thing. It would HURT a girl. Going too deep can hit a woman's cervix and it hurts like a bitch. It's not pleasant and it's not something to aim for, guys. Women like thickness; they want to feel full. A thicker penis means you are hitting more nerve endings in the vagina and it feels so much better than a nine-inch noodle banging your cervix. Now sit down and drop your rulers guys, because you may not believe what I'm about to tell you: Girls don't really care about penis size. (*cue gasp*) Girls care much more what you can DO with that piece of meat. A guy with a 5-inch penis that knows just how to use it will always be preferable over a guy with an 8-inch penis that doesn't know the difference between a g-spot and a g-string. The moral here? Learn how to use your meat. Best thing I can tell you is that girls don't care NEARLY as much as you do about the size of your sword. Learn how to wield it, and you will be treasured. All of the ads trying to tell you you're not big enough are LYING to you. The marketers know just how sensitive a guy is about that. It's their JOB to know that. Your insecurity means money in their pocket. Do YOU know what 6.5 inches looks like just by looking? Well even if you're a smart-ass who said, "Why, yes. Yes, I CAN measure exactly 6.5 inches just by looking," odds are, the person you're with can't. And if you're deep in the moment and all they can think about is measuring your penis, then you've got to get yourself a new f***-buddy because something's wrong with the one you've got. Honestly - and I'm being serious now - no one else scrutinizes it. No one else cares as much as you do. Relax, you're normal. Now, I'll answer the rest of your burning questions about your wang here. Any girls who have read this far, please, help me out. Add anything I missed and answer questions.
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What Girls & Guys Said

13 33
  • Love this! I'm sick the penis questions too.

  • Good to know. Very well put. And thank you

  • You are right it's time we start growing some boobs

    • Then GaG would be flooded with boob questions. Haha Well, there's already a lot of those, but not as many as penis questions. Keep your balls. Just quit posting so many of the same questions about them.

  • Nice article. Totally agree too much Penis conversations spoils the website. Everything you said is dead on.

  • How do I gain 2 inches of erect length to my penis?

  • With that, lets saw nuff said. Let the topic die!!!

  • Is there any way to gain more girth? I have on average a 4 inch girth when fully erect. Or is that a fine girth?

  • Yeah since you're not a guy you never have experience rejection after the girls you tried to date rejected you after touching and seeing your penis

    • @vinathreeone have you done that to a guy?

  • This is a great post. Thank you for putting it out there. The point is, guys, that women don't obsess about size nearly as much as we think they do. Everyone has their 'ideal' preference, but life is unpredictable. Insecurity can be a powerful thing, but confidence in yourself trumps that. If you're below average, and the person you're with really cares about about you, then they'll find a way to make it work and it won't be an issue. If they judge and wish you were different, then they don't deserve you. Inversely, too big is overrated. Most women would rather have a guy they don't want to worry about being hurt by. But, if you are, like I said, you find a way to make it work.

  • The standard deviation is only around.5 inches. this puts 7.5 inches into the 99th percentile.

  • I mean, "small dick energy" is a popular insult nowadays. And telling someone they have a small dick has pretty much always been used as an insult. So can you really blame people for feeling self conscious about it?

  • Small statistically is not the same as small in terms of pleasure. A guy may not be small, but for sexually pleasuring a woman, he is small. And please stop with "women don't care", they obviously prefer and worship bigger. The only reason they stay with a small guy is security, this won't stop her from having a doing every now and then to satisfy her needs. And by the way, thickness is still a factor of size, so good job proving bigger is better, and women do care

  • Ok, what does "a guy should know how to wield it" mean?

  • I know, girth is more important! But what is considered thick enough?

  • I hate everything about my penis. I hate that it is only 5.5 inches (14 cm), I hate that it is circumcised, I hate that it's a grower and not a shower.

    No woman has ever seen it, and I plan on keeping it that way. I don't want to be a laughing stock.

  • Yeah right, we all know that all women are size queens who hate guys under 8” and will cheat on you for a bigger dick

  • What BS!

  • The quit demanding dicks that are bigger than average. Problem solved

  • Well it's the same with women and their breast size, or butt. Unfortunately they'll just keep coming because of insecurities and the society we live in.

  • I disagree

    skill can be learned but size can't be gained

    you have 5 inch guy with skills, and a 7-9 inch guy with skill, all women will pick the bigger guy %100 of the time, average guys are f***ed and should just give up

    also explains why so many girls like black guys, size matters

    • I think you're missing the point here. Girls honestly couldn't care less 99% of the time, so no, the guy with the bigger penis doesn't automatically win. Girls generally tend to put more meaning into sex, so her mind revolves more on the experience or the emotional connection than penis size. Besides, a nine-inch penis wouldn't be fun for anyone. It would most likely hurt the girl and the guy would get frustrated because he can't put it all the way in.

    • That's when you just shove it in anyway regardless

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