Girls, why shave off ALL your pubes? Doesn't that make you look/feel like a prepubescent girl?

I can understand shaving around the pussy, especially if you enjoy receiving oral. And yes, bikini wax and trimming the mound for aesthetics makes sense. However, it's the shave/wax off all the pubes that confuses me. When you stand naked in front of the mirror, have you ever felt like a little girl?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I am so confused by the comments below. First of all, pubic hair is natural. To say it is "disgusting", "gross", or "doesn't look good on women" is so bizarre to me. The ONLY reason that women today shave off all their pubic hair is because 1) they are told that guys like it and 2) most porn stars do not have pubic hair. I doubt if you were living in an era without porn that you would still go bald.

    Girls, your pubic hair is your prerogative, but don't strip yourself of womanhood because you want to attract a guy. Real men who want to have sex with a woman-- not a little girl-- will not mind pubic hair. Grow up!

    • Amen

    • Amen x10 i would would way rather be with a woman than a girl

  • lol, I've never felt like a little girl, nor do I think that that would be the desired goal. I prefer the feeling when I'm totally bare; the smoothness is soft and sexy, and I like that. But as I'm in a long-distance relationship, I get lazy with the maintenance when I don't see him for a while. I don't like having it grown out because it can get a bit itchy and unattractive (in my opinion). I know my boyfriend has absolutely no preference when it comes to hair (for him, p**** is p**** and he doesn't care what kind of package it comes in). I just find it way more sensual to me smooth and hairless.

  • I have never felt like a little girl because I have a bald p**** lol. I've left a little bit trimmed at the top right above my vagina before and I'll do it occasionally if I'm like bored.. but it's just easier maintenance to shave/wax it all. I know that there are guys that don't mind if a girl is not completely bare, but a lot of guys I know prefer it that way.. so that's what I do!

  • Because, stereotypically, guys prefer shaved.

    Now, of course there's some guys who don't care, or prefer the opposite.

    but most prefer shaved.

    And no, I've never felt like a little girl when I've shaved... Does shaving your face make you feel like a little boy?

    • Haha. funny!!

    • Yes it does i always have at least a little bit of facial hair (mainly a goatee) so I don't feel like I look like a little boy lmao

    • haha good answer!

Most Helpful Guys

  • Ladies don't analyse it that far. Just because he doesn't like you to have hair down there doesn't mean he like little girls. I personally hate hair down there, and I enjoy giving her oral. Hair down there is a turnoff and a deal breaker. It's 2010, embrace your sexuallity. Clean doesn't mean young.

  • when you sweat and the sweat stays in hair...then you stink. Shave off the hair, and clean yourself...that way you won't smell. Girls who don't shave most likely smell like low tide is coming in from the beach. That's when things get a little "Fishy" LOL

    • The only girls who smell fishy are the ones who don't clean their vag. Hair or no hair.

    • When shaved I hardly think adult men and women feel like little boys and girls. It's only hair you know. It doesn't take years off your life.

    • Soooo funny because its sooooooo true! hahhaha

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15 1
  • i don't really feel like a little girl. sometimes its nice to have it gone (because I don't feel the need to worry about any bikini mishaps.) sometimes I leave a strip, though, from where my pubic hair starts to where my vagina starts. but I do trim around the labia. I just feel prettier without it there. it seems kinda gross and...bushlike? lol

  • I hate the idea of being bare for the exact reason you specified. Though I trim/groom to feel neater/cleaner. And I shower, thought I'd point that out cause the guys who have commented below don't know a lot about girls who shower.

  • well, lets see... when I was a "little girl" I didn't have curves and I didn't have boobs, so no, I don't really feel very young ; )

  • nope & I don't like the way pubic hair looks on girls. and most guys that I've talked to say that they would never go down on a chick that wasn't completely shaved/waxed.

    • I've gone down on many a girl. But really, I don't spend time licking her pubic mound. Shaving around the labia is appreciated. Did you start shaving as soon as they began to grow based on your reaction to your pubes? Or can you remember what triggered your decision to start shaving?

    • I started shaving my pubes completely at 13 I think. I started because I just didn't like the way it looked or felt.

    • Did you notice that other girls were shaving, or did you see shaved girls in porn. I'm just trying to understand what would have made you feel that way to the point of wanting to shave.

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  • I feel weird when its all shaved... Its just not natural. When I see pictures I think it looks weird with hair though so I've thought about waxing or something. Personally I think the whole area just looks weird in general though. Penises are just much nicer looking lol.