Guys and their penis complexes...Why can't they get over it?

I've seen the same question posted countless times, all of them wondering the same thing. Am I big enough? Am I too small? etc... I always answer with something along the lines of- I really don't care about the size, I care about the guy attached to it. I'm a virgin but I know what sex is and how it works. But yet I always get voted down for such answers. And I'm being totally truthful that I really don't give a f*** about size. Having a small d*** isn't going to be a deal-breaker because by the time I have sex I'll have already liked the dude A LOT. I know a lot of other girls feel this way too. Why can't guys stop being insecure? I'm not being rude. It's just really not a big deal at all.
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14 52
  • Porn is the main reason. Also, a lot of women like to say that bigger is better. 6" is a lot of d*** and most women should be capable of getting off on that. They start seeing 8" and then all the sudden they get freaked out and wonder if its going to hurt/

  • What about girls with their endless babbling about their insecurities? Nobody wants girls to get over that though, because guys can build themselves around that and pander to them, as a kind of bait and beartrap.

    If people celebrated the fact that they all like different things, instead of classifying some things as fetishes and some things as normal, some people as sick and some people as 'chubby chasers', whatever, all that sh*t would be forgotten.

  • Being a man who is small ill answer this question.The reason why we ask this question so much is because we want to feel secure about ourselfs.sure for every women who says it doesn't matter bout the size there's just as many who says it does. Personally I believe that a guy who is small can have great sex but I must admitt sex for me can sometimes be a bit more of a chore rather than something we should be enjoying. I believe smaller guys can be great lovers and are capable of giving a women great orgasms which I have done a lot of times. But its hard for us to be 100% certain with ourselfs because if all smaller guys are like me I am very considerate towards womens sexual feelings. I've never ask a women out with the only intention to get into her knickers.ive spent time getting to know them but I know that even tho I'm great a oral and foreplay there's a chance that the women could laugh at us for being small which will knock us back greatly. The fact is we can't change the fact that where small unlike women who can av breast enlargement or have things neatend up down there we've got to live with it.

  • Well idc as long as the guy the girl has been b4 had a smaller penis then me

    But I think I'm decent size down there but why wouldn't I want it to be bigger?

    It's like I have a thousand dollars why wouldn't I want a thousand more

  • Yes, its true; however, its still feels nice to have something large in your pants :)

    Actually, guys with small penises try harder in bed and probably are better lovers

    Ask any SHORT person whether they like being short or not. Many will say NO.

    However, many of them try to compensate it with other strong character traits.

    Thats why many short people go in Politics and become successful leaders and not tall people

  • its funny because whenever I get in a fight with my boyfiend I tell him his d*** is small and its the only thing that gets to him.

    i guess its kinda like girls with their boob size, you know?

    when girls have small boobs theyre sometimes insecure, I see it as the same thing but with guys penis'.

    • thats f***ed up

    • but I'd dump your insensative ass in a heartbeat. your like a guy calling his girlfriend fat. you never do that

    • ouch. That WOULD hurt :(

  • Have you ever used a dildo on yourself? Trust me -- you will care thereafter about a guys size.

  • but I really do need to know ;)

  • i don't get why its just the men asking about their penis size you're targeting? I see many more "are my boobs to small?" posts on here than anything lol...people are insecure...its a fact, both guys and girls.

  • LOL. I don't have the penis complex, I think you should be happy with what you have. And if your not, don't burden someone by complaining about penis insecurities, no one wants to hear about it.

  • because a lot of women do care

  • Guys are insecure because they watch p*rnography where the guy has a huge d*** and he's with some hot girl. It is a touchy issue for guys and every guy subconsciously compares his package to every other guys. Fact. The truth is that a lot of girls do care and men with small penises get laughed at. Maybe not to their face but girls do talk and having a small penis is one of the worst things a girlfriend can tell her guy. It is a security issue and telling a guy not to be insecure is the same thing as telling a girl who is prepping for her prom not to be fussy. Its something every guy has to deal with on their own.

  • I love women that appreciate my big penis. Its an ego boost and it feels great knowing that I'm giving her more pleasure than the next guy. Size matters people. If you got a small d*** you'd better work on the other skills and even then it might not be enough unless you're rich or extremely good looking. There's no substitute for a big **** with the skills to really work it out. I don't care what your girlfriends say.

    • haha EGO! I once read in a health magazine Mike, that size in fact doesn't matter, and that often times, men with larger penises, cop out on skills, because they assume having a larger penis is enough to satisfy a woman. Now, since I'm a virgin, I can't comment from experience, but people feel sometimes, that men with larger penises don't try as hard to please their women, because they don't think they have to. Look at China, the largest populated country, Asians tend to be on the smaller side.

    • Any guy that wants to be a great lover will do whatever he needs to to make the sex off the charts. Some guys will care and some won't but it has nothing to do with d*** size. Big guys can have skills too.

  • If you don't have a D*ck you're a girl. Why? well let me explain it to you. Girls don't hae them so if a guy's is small I means he's that much closer to being a girl

    • actually scientifically. men are actually women until we get the y chromosome. which is why develop a d***. we were all women at some point, regardless of size

  • everyone forgot what the question is and are now bragging about their penis sizes

    i think that 6-7 inches is ok

  • I agree. It seems like it's asked countless times and I don't really understand why they can't do a search on this site and read the others to the other 100 questions about it.

    I also sometimes wonder if it's just asked to get people to react as well. It's gets to be almost as annoying as the guy from New Jersey posting the ball kicking question.

  • We are insecure because look at all the women that go into p*rn only having sex with guys that have a big penis. Also go to,, and and you will realize a lot of women care about size.

  • Guys worry about it because we are bombarded by the media and p*rn industries that say you need a 10 inch dong. Ever open your email inbox? How many spams do you get about increasing your (non-existing) unit? They do this to exploiy male insecurities and get them to buy drugs.

    It's really similar to the body image complex society has succesfully executed on women. That you should have DD cup and be thin as a rail. Diet pills and weight loss is a multi-million dollar industry.

    Sometimes guys don't care about the truth you tell them -they've already made up their mind that bigger is better before they ask.

  • Guys that worry too much about the penis size simply lack skills..for Gods sake,i v heard so many girls on GAG saying"size doesn't matter,what matters is the way you use it"..

  • how would you feel if you found out you had an extremely loose vagina? would you be curious if it really mattered to your partner or "guys" in general?

    • I wouldn't give a f***. Nothing I could do about it. And I don't have a loose vagina so that's that.

    • actually there is stuff that can be done about it. you really can't understand why a guy may be a little insecure about his penis size? I find it hard to believe that you wouldn't care if having sex with you was like throwing a hot dog down a hall way.

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