I just did a porn shoot...

Ok, so I'm a model professionally. Work has been TERRIBLY scarce. So I started looking for jobs, and ended up booking a "maxim style" project. When I actually got there, it turned out to be hardcore porn. I've never done that sort of thing before. They had 14 girls, and the scene was supposed to be a party scene that eventually becomes an orgy. They told me I didn't have to do anything too sexual, but I would make more money if I at least flashed my t*ts. I refused, and instead ended up more like a prospector/commentator then actually participating in the sex acts. One naked guy did start humping me ( I had clothes on), and I just ran away laughing, spilling beer all over the place. They tried really hard to pressure me to do more, but I wouldn't do it. But I didn't just leave because I really needed the money.anything like that again... Anyway, I made friends with some of the other girls. A lot of them di this stuff for a living, and they say they hate every minute of it but they need the cash. One girl says she can only do it if she's had some drugs before the shoot. Most of them lose they're boyfriends because of it after a while, or say they can't get dates when guys find out what they do. One girl was an escort on the side and said that after the guys had sex with her, they'd call her a whore and act like they were disgusted by her. She just quit having boyfriends all together. I think she sort of resents all men because of this. My question is...why do guys like to look at porn, but get all weirded out when it comes to actually seeing the girls in real life? These are real people with feelings, and that's kind of hypocritical, isn't it? The only girl who's Boyfriend didn't have a problem with it was because he worked for Playboy.
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23 41
  • Because its fantasy, the women are submissive and enjoy doing the most vile of sex acts that us guys can think of. Its one of those deep down things that we want to see a girl do this or that, and when a pornstar does it, we feel like even though we aren't there we are still dominating her.

    However, if we were to meet them in person or even be involved with them its a different story. Just imagining how many guys they've probably been with is a little unnerving for a guy to handle. Also, one thing that makes us guys different from girls is that we are obviously more visual. Whatever our preferences are, we usually bring up those preferences even when we are trying to put ourselves in someone else's shoes. So we also assume that women are visual and enjoy the random sex with strangers. Like you said, most of them don't enjoy it and are there just for the money. But guys don't see it like that, we see it as the woman enjoying it. So she were to be my girlfriend and she's "enjoying" sex with another guy, I feel both jealous and angry. To me, it would be completely unthinkable if a girl that I was with, was having sex with another guy and being filmed doing it. Its sickening and that's what a lot of guys feel. The cold reality of it is that we don't care about the pornstar. We are just fine watching her have sex then having nothing to do with her. Its not my problem who she sleeps with and I'm not going to make it my problem. Hopefully this rambling makes sense? lol

  • honestly, those men are just sad

    ignore them, and get another job.

    like, star in a play!

    no sex in them (excluding Amsterdam)

  • Dude, why would a normal guy want to date a girl who f***s other men at her job?...you can't see the issue guys would have with dating a girl like that? I wouldn't call any of them a whore and try to insult them, and I don't think negative of them, but I wouldn't want a girlfriend that got filled up with ball juice for a living while I am working a 12-hour shift at the hospital.

    • HAHAHA. "filled up with ball juice" just made my day.

    • Lol

  • Most girls that end up porn start hate what they are doing. I have known a lot of girls that worked the sex industry. Hooking, Nude dancers... escorts. They all hate it. Yet they stay in it and why? Because of the money.

    Yes it is hypocritical for guys to react that was too. Welcome to the world of humans. We are all hypocritical to some extent!

  • i don't believe that pornography is right... I don't like what it does to women and I couldn't be with a woman who was banging other guys for money...

    but the horny ass man in me still watches it, because I like looking at naked women... porn is literally addictive to men. it does something chemically in the brain... I don't know how it works but that's why.

  • There are 2 types of women in the world, women that you f***, and women you have a relationship with. Would you have a relationship with a guy that has sex with 20 women a week? no... but you would f*** him though wouldn't you, because you know it will be half a decent shag.

  • Wow I'm so sorry! I think on the inside guys want to get off and they want to see a woman do weird stuff, but guys egos won't let them date them because they have done sick stuff with other men. Guys want to see girls do gross stuff, but think they are too good for the women in porn, that's what it boils down too. Hope this helps!

  • Be proud that you refused. Hold to your values and life will treat you well.

  • I guess you could say that guys watch porn for a way to get off. Imagine for a second you sit down and watch a porno one night and the next day a guy from said porno walks into your place of work to buy something or to start work. We don't really expect to see these women in daily life, so while we are in our homes/apartments, we have all sorts of dark fantasies about a woman we see on the screen, but we freak when we actually see one in real life.

  • porn is fantasy... real people get aids and such. I think that would be my fear std's...

  • good questions...i wonder also why guys love to watch it but would never date one and take her to meet mom. hmmm weird.

  • thats sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. save yourself...run away from it.

  • go to school and find another profession. in a recession, nobody needs a model with her clothes on.

  • if I found a girl that was truly my love and I really enjoyed being around her I wouldn't care what she did. some guys just can't talk the thought of THEIR girl being with someone else.

  • Guys are very visual, especially when it comes to arousal, so something like porn is stimulating to them. They are also known to be in the, in the moment types, like food=eat , horny=sex/porn gratification now. I'm not saying that this is all guys, but for the basic study it show that this is seen a lot.

    When it comes to mixing their porn fantasy with the real thing, it changes. The fantasy is no longer a fantasy, and studies have shown that when something like that becomes real, interest is lost. So I guess they like the idea in the moment, but in the end they really don't want that fantasy world to collide with reality.

    Listen I could be wrong, but from the stuff I have looked up this is what I got out of it. I has been something I have been wondering for a long time, and I only ever got small answers. Anyways I really hope you don't have to get lost in that world, I've heard how hard it is to get out.

  • I say get away from it. I do get your point though it's kinda sad for those girls but I would stay outta that business

  • Because I put them in the same catagory as prostitutes. I look at them and I see one large STD. a vat of them swimming around in her pssy. Even though they may not have any, that is the image and no way am I having sex with them.

  • I've stripped for money- same question back at ya. It's ended two of my relationships. I guess they didn't want to know where the money came from for that new ring. Still, it pays the bills and I've since quit and started work as a pedicab operator- lousy pay, but decent tips and more fulfilling.

  • Then again tell me. What if your boyfriend did p*rn what would your reaction be?

  • I speak for myself when I say that I hate dating sluts

    Why? Because to think that my girl has had sex with so many guys and will most likely have sex with more when she has the chance, is really hard to even bear in mind.

    But if she were just a person then I wouldn't give 2 hoots about em so let them do what they want, its not my problem and I don't have any right to tell them anything

    Now I look at porn for a couple of reasons:

    To arouse myself sexually, to entertain myself when I'm bored and just feel the need to look at some titties

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