Is it true that white guys are attracted to only boobs not a**?

I'm half black and half white and I have pretty big boobs but I also have an ass. I recently dated a white guy and he would always talk about my boobs in a positive way but never ever say anything about my ass! It didn't bother me till his friends were damn your girl got some boobs on her but she has an ass, then he was like I know but the boobs make up for it! Ever since then I've been self-conscious! So are white guys only attracted to boobs and prefer their girl not to have an ass?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Say what, who said that, such idiots. This is why you can't find a good decent girl anymore. Guys just mess up their heads, got them thinking all kinds of crap that aren't true. You'll go from being perfect to having some kind eating disorder in a matter of days. Then if I had a chance, would have to lie to you about your appearance because I actually cared. I'm also generalizing by the way.

    I'm just throwing this in, but I actually got interested when I heard, "Half-Black, Half-White, Big Boobs, Big Ass." Don't ask why. Lol

    But on a serious note, if you are as you describe yourself, that's not bad at all. From any angle. Like many have come to say, they are just immature. It's true, I can't help but imagine how many times per day he talked about your boobs. I would be thinking about something more private but my mind is just strictly in the gutter at the moment.

    I'm just saying, don't let any MAN or WOMEN make you self-conscious about your body. I've seen girls come to my job and stare at the calorie chart. They look amazing, but they think they could be better. I'm not sure if that's for the men or themselves personally.

  • NO! False. False False...

    1.) The guy you were dating and his friends are immature.

    2.) Don't be self-conscience about your body, because a couple of immature boys think they know what is best about you.

    3.) If you have nice boobs, be grateful. Many girls would love to say the same thing.

    4.) "The boobs make up for it?" What a tool. So If you had great boobs and a great butt, but you had horns and tail, it would still be ok?

    5.) Don't judge men, in general by a couple of boys.

    6.) There are plenty of men out there that will like you for you as the whole package and won't list their attractions to you in a list from best to worst.

    • So true.

Most Helpful Girls

  • generally speaking yes

    I am a black girl but I Have DD breasts so that is probably how I get a lot of white guys attracted to me. my butt is medium-ish, I don't have a donk and I've had a few black guys tell me that it was too small so ass men don't really go for me. there are black guys who like boobs but they think booty is more important than boobs.

    on the flipside my homegirl has small A/B cups but a huge booty you can actually set a drink on it and black men go crazy for her and white men tend to not be into her. I'm sure there are white guys who are ass men, but it seems like most of them go for boobs. I don't think too many white guys like "donks" but I could be wrong. there has got to be a reason why so many white girls get breast implants but want their butts to be small..

  • And you're still dating this dumbass what's wrong with you. Go to a black guy he will appreciate both of your assests and will know how to handle both of them. Sounds like he see you as his black sex slave, trophy gf, or eye candy for his friends. What a jerk white or not that's just a jerk move.

  • My boyfriend (a white guy) is the opposite. He likes a nice ass (not too big, but definitely round and toned) but he doesn't care about boobs, as long as they are symmetrical and don't sag.

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What Girls & Guys Said

7 43
  • Absolutely not. Nice cleavage will catch my eye, but it's a girls butt and legs that really get me going.

  • Depends on the guy, and which feature he prefers, if you have both, that's a bonus

  • A stereotypical, prejudiced generalization.

    Do you think its true?

  • i think guys used to be more attracted to boobs but now adays it seems like guys are ass men .

  • Ok, I will admit it I'm a breast man, however I have to say, were I single again. The thing that really reels me in is personality and chemistry and if she is attracted to me. I'm not trying to say it's all about me, I'm just saying if we are attracted to each other than her race, or other physical characteristics are less important to me. Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors and they are all beautiful to me.