I'm gonna answer in the same way as Linds, but the answers are mostly different.
Can you feel anything down there? Like I mean when you walk do you notice it there?
Not really. I'm always aware of it, but it doesn't give off any sensations.
Like when you sit down do you notice it?
Only if I sit awkwardly and it feels exposed or if my clothes press up against my clit in a pleasurable way.
What does it feel like for a girl when she has sex?
I don't know really because I'm a virgin, but in my fantasies it always feels like I'm completely full and there's pressure towards the back. Good pressure. I don't know if it's actually like that though.
What all can you feel?
Pretty much anything if the fabric of my clothes and/or undies is thin. It's almost always pretty sensitive down there but particularly so when I'm aroused and it's all uber-sensitive.
Can you feel it down there when you start your period, like can you feel it coming on, like when you have to go to the bathroom or something?
Girls normally have discharge to clean it out down there, but when it discharges, for me it feels totally different from getting your period. Sometimes I'll discharge and be like "Oh well." and other times it's like "Oh no, that was totally my period." Also, for a few days before I get it, I can sort of feel my hormones changing and my back getting sore (my back always does that before my period) and I get really paranoid and edgy. It's times like those that I keep tampons in my locker and car for emergencies.
After you have sex with a guy, what does that feel like?
Do you still have any sensations of him messing with you, is it still reacting even afterward, or when he pulls out is it done immediately?
Can't really answer. The whole virginity thing y'know.
Does it get wet like randomly?
Sometimes. It's not really that bad though. I don't have to worry about looking like I peed myself.
Do you see a guy in a store, and all the sudden your like wooah I'm wet; or like wooah I'm wet I'm gonna play with it when I get home maybe. Does that happen?
Well, I don't get very wet by nature, but sometimes I'll see someone really hot or depending on my current mood and state of arousal and I'm like "I'd do him". So yes, sometimes I do see someone or something and get suddenly aroused, either mildly or ragingly. If it's mildly I'll probably forget about it in a minute but if I'm raging I'll mast. at home or in my car.
Is it better having a guy play with it or by yourself?
Guy. Definitely a guy.
Does it hurt if you get hit there
Only if something hits it really hard. When I was 13 a boy kicked me really hard and it was sore for 3 days.
Is using the B-room like a challenge? No. Poo comes out one hole, pee comes from the urethra (which is pencil tip sized) and the vag just stays out of the way. No you don't distinguish. The only inconvenience is having to pee more often than a guy.
No I don't wonder why I'm girl. I wonder what it's be like to be penised.0 1 0 0So how often do you jill in the car? And how much mess do you have to worry about cleaning up if you do? It just seems pretty adventurous so I was curious. Sorry if this offends
I can only guess you have not got kicked right in the clitoris then.
Oh my gosh, I love this question. Maybe because I've always wondered what it would be like having a penis and also considered if guys ever wondered what it'd be like to have a vagina. Let me see if I can tackle some of these questions for ya :
Can you feel anything down there?
Very rarely. I know that for myself, and I happen to have slightly longer than average lips, sometimes my panties will pinch a lip and it will be a slight pain, but otherwise I'm rather unaware of it's presense. Except when it's really wet!
Like I mean when you walk do you notice it there?
Like when you sit down do you notice it?
No, not unless I sit with my pants in an awkward position where somethings being pinched. Sometimes if I'm wearing jeans the thick material may press against me and give me interested sensations.
What does it feel like for a girl when she has sex?
I'm a virgin, but I consider myself a pro-masturbater. Umm.it feels like an intense pressure building up inside and it makes you want to scream. Sometimes it feels like you have to pee.
Can you feel it down there when you start your period, like can you feel it coming on, like when you have to go to the bathroom or something?
It feels nothing like having to go to the bathroom. The only indication I ever get that my period is coming is if I'm getting cramps, which I usually get the day before or the day of my period. Sometimes (and I stress sometimes) you can feel the blood coming out, and it really is an awkward feeling.
After you have sex with a guy, what does that feel like?
I'm not really qualified to answer this question.
Do you still have any sensations of him messing with you, is it still reacting even afterwards, or when he pulls out is it done immediately?
After I masturbate sometimes it still feels like the inside of my vagina, or even sometimes the outside, is still pulsating.
Does it get wet like randomly?
It's always a little bit moist, but usually I have to be turned on in order for it to get "wet".
Do you like see a guy in a store, and all the sudden your like wooah I'm wet;
This has never happened to me. Maybe because I can't really tell I'm wet unless I stick my hand down there and feel -- the exception is when I'm REALLY wet and it starts coming down my legs, but this has never happened just by looking at someone.
or like wooah I'm wet I'm gonna play with it when I get home maybe. Does that happen?
No. I've never planned when I'm going to masturbate ahead of time.
Is it better having a guy play with it or by yourself?
It's definitely better having a guy play with it :)
Does it hurt if you get hit there, even know nothing is there?
It doesn't hurt anymore than it hurts if I get hit anywhere else on my body. If you do it with force, it'll hurt because it's flesh and has nerve endings. It's nothing like a man's testicles, though. A bump or light hit will not make me cringe in pain.6 8 1 1Continued: Is using the B-room like a challenge, it's gotta be hard with three holes, is it hard or was it in the beginning to differentiate which is which? Let me put this out there -- the urethra -- where our urine is expelled from -- is barely visible. You've really got to do some searching in order to even locate it. It was never an issue. The other 2 holes have never posed a problem for my either. They feel different both with on my finger and they feel different from what I can feel inside.
When you have sex with a guy in your vagina, does it feel anything like anal, or is it like a totally different feeling all together? I've had fingers in both and they feel completely different. Have you ever looked down, and wondered why you have a vagina, and not the other? If so, do you wonder this still, or on occasion maybe? I can't say that I've ever wondered why I have a vagina. I always assumed it was because I was female.
Do you wonder what it would be like to not have a vagina? Of course I've wondered from time to time.
A vagina is an internal organ, so without outside stimulation, I usually don't consciously feel it all the time. Like, can you pinpoint exactly where your stomach is without trying to internally feel it? No. In order to feel your stomach you need to feel the muscles around it or feel sensations in it (pain, bloating). The vagina is the same way. It feels dormant or subconscious until something happens to it like periods cramps or sex or pregnancy.
I can't feel it when I'm just walking around, if I do its usually just exterior skin and not anything deep. (Sometimes when I go jogging my thighs cause friction and can cause some arousal, but it's usually unpleasant because I'm trying to run). I can sometimes feel my vagina when I'm peeing, this is because I'm using nearby muscles to control my urinary bladder. I can usually tell when I'm about to start my period, because my midsection usually feels like I'm constipated and my stomach makes bubbling sounds and makes whale noises and it feels like something is weighing down all my internal organs. I don't get cramps or bad pains though so I'm blessed. To become wet, I need a lot more mental stimulation then just seeing a guy. If I imagine doing something to him, that can get me aroused. If I get wet, I can calm myself down, I don't need to immediately finger myself when I get home, and I usually forget my arousal by the time I get home. It still hurts if I get whacked down there because there's only a couple layers of skin and muscles protecting my pelvic bone, and my bones are particularly sensitive. Truth be told, I didn't know where my vagina was till 6th grade. I knew I had three holes, but my vagina was hidden in folds of skin and I took to exploring it and when I did I tried sticking my finger up it but I missed and jammed my finger into a painful forgotten corner. Being 17 now, I still haven't seen the little hole where my pee comes out from. I running out of words so I might make another post about sex feelings.0 2 0 0@idontwant2becreative I am sure it won't be just the bone that will hurt, getting hit right in the clitoris will cause extreme pain too.
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Well, since some women also asked about what it's like to have a penis, and since there is only one answer, with someone once mentioning about how it would be great for diversity in terms of actually answering this question, I may as well say mine, too.
Anyway, well I can say that I don't really wear underwear. At all. So I can't really comment on how it pinches or anything, especially with the last time I wore them being when I was quite young. I also don't really feel it there when it's soft and not horny or anything, unless of course it is actually pressing against my pants and I notice it. After that it sort of becomes like breathing; like if I notice it or notice it touching my pants, then I continue to notice it usually or something like that. When it gets wet, I don't usually notice it until it's touched by either my hand or my pants. When I am getting horny, it can be very annoying, especially if I am out in public. Now, I'm not sure how other men feel about this, but I often get horny in public, sometimes from actually getting turned on by seeing a really cute (I wouldn't necessarily call what I like "hot", per se) woman, and sometimes just randomly. Like I could be just sitting there, and maybe I'm liking what I'm doing, maybe I'm not, but sometimes it will just twitch, or I'll twitch it for some reason, which leads me to think about it, and then I start getting horny. You girls don't know how good you have it with not having to hide a boner in public. You sort of try to hold your arms over your legs, in a seemingly awkward position, or cross your legs, and you just sit there thinking "they fucking know". Argh I hate it. Going to the bathroom is also something very day-to-day. Like, it just happens. I've heard from one of my friends who is a girl that she is jealous (seemingly very jealous) of the fact that men can pee standing up, like it's a huge deal. Is it actually though? It's just normal for me, and I can pee sitting down, too, no problem.0 0 0 0Continued: Oh and when we get horny, now I'm not sure if it's anything like when girls get turned on or anything and blood rushes to the clit, but for men it can be a very awkward feeling. Like, especially when you're hiding it out in public, and you have to twitch it in order for the blood to pump more. If you just leave it there it starts becoming extremely uncomfortable until your body almost forces you to do it. However when you're in a controlled situation and you move your penis about to let blood through, it can actually feel very nice, especially if you move it in the right direction; usually downwards. In terms of orgasming, yeah for me I find it very annoying that we only get one for awhile. I'd kill to have the ability to have that many orgasms in a row, although then again I don't really want to imagine the massive clean up job I'd have to do from that. Oh also, orgasming can sometimes feel like peeing, but more often than not, not really.
Continued: It will only ever feel like peeing if you just happened to have felt like you needed to go even slightly before you thought "oh I'll masturbate instead" or something. And yeah it just sort of feels pleasure from there. It's hard to explain this for obvious reasons, but yeah. I'd presume it to feel weaker than you would, as of course, the penis has lesser nerve endings and they are more spread apart, which annoys me.
Oh, and one more thing I thought I should mention that some women may be wondering about: Auto-fellatio. I am one of the few men (I don't know how many men can actually do this, but I hear it is very little) that can actually do it. I have never had a real blow-job, but I imagine it to be something similar. I pretty much wrap my arms around my legs, or sit on a chair, put my legs on a table in front of me, and reach through, grab the bottom of the chair to pull myself closer, and just go at it. It feels really, really good, although I have yet to get good enough at it as I don't know when I should be able to do it or anything, but hopefully I'll learn soon :D Anyway, in terms of the actual feeling, well it depends. I can either go straight to liking it like a dog, which feels TOO good. Or, what I usually do, is I stick my tongue in it when the foreskin is almost all the way up, and just lick around. Doing this for a few minutes usually gets me off and such. But yeah.
What's it like to have a penis? As a guy, I'll try to explain.
In it's natural soft state I don't really notice it's there and don't even think about it. Wearing underpants keeps everything in check, but wearing no underpants and jumping about wildly would have everything flapping about, but wouldn't be at all painful.
Sometimes with underpants on elastic can pinch.- usually the skin of the scrotum. Which is probably similar to a girl's labia being pinched.
Getting a penis aroused can be done just by imagination, but for a guy is mostly done by visual stimulation like p*rno or sexy girlfriend, and almost definitely by sexy kissing and body contact.
Testicles: if you close your eyes and put pressure on your eyeball with your finger, this is what testicle pain feels like. Imagine getting kicked there!
Also having a penis means I just want to stick in into females. Great sensations are felt the full length of the shaft, but mostly on the bottom side of it. The rest can be basically numb. And it's way more sensitive when erect. And when I want to stick it into a female, that's because it feels so damn good. Also the vagina is the obvious place to want to stick it, but the mouth and the ass are usually high on the list, because of the urge to get it inside the female's body rather than any perverse reasons.
And for guys that mostly can only have one orgasm before having to take an hour or two to recover, this is not as bad as some girls imagine. The act of in and out sex rubs all the right places on the penis and the guy will get nearly to orgasm time after time, which is immensely pleasurable, and then finally when the time is right go for the big one. And then lie back and feel like the king of the jungle.0 0 0 1
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12 2Well, just like any other part of the body, you feel it when you touch it, you don't remember it exists if nothing touches it or it doesn't hurt, it does hurt when you hit it with something, it doesn't hurt on periods, it's the womb that hurts.
0 0 0 0Sometimes when wearing tight jeans I like to sit down and cross my legs. It’s so good the feeling of my clit being squeezed and I start to get really wet. I usually do it before having sex with my boyfriend so I am ready and dripping wet for him.
1 0 0 0No. Only if stuff is coming out or I feel wet
0 0 0 0Are you serious you're supposed to be a female and you don't know what your own vagina feels like
0 0 0 0If you are a girl like me, a vagina feels very wet. Sorry ladies who think this is crude but for me its true. All the time. Wet. Wet. Wet. It's definitely the most wet when my clothes are tight. But every girl is different.
SInce I've always had a vagina I'm not sure what it feels like without it. But for me it makes me feel feminine and pretty. ;)
One time, I saw a guy I liked in college and within 10 seconds I had an orgasm. My girlfriend asked me if I was all right as I bent over and I had to lie to her and tell her it was a tummy ache. ;o) I had to go to the bathroom and clean up!0 0 0 0
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