I'm Indonesian, this is my humble opinion
Swedish women, sure there are quite a number of beautiful women with blond hair and blue eyes in Sweden. But I find them too manly looking, they often have somewhat too angular chin/jaw, like Victoria Silvstedt and Elin Nordegren, that's the typical Swedish chin/jaw.
Swedish women also often have slightly big shoulders like men. I know this when I met my dad's Swede female co-worker when the three of us took lunch in the restaurant, she had a huge shoulder like men and she had a quite manly jaw.
Brazilians are overrated too, I don't know what is the fuss about them. It seems like they always associate Brazilian women with Giselle Bundchen, when in reality, my dad ever been to Brazil. He said yeah there are some nice looking women there with large bottom (fake or naturally) and sexy bodies. Unfortunately he found out that most of the Brazilian women are so plain and average looking, even some of them are quite unattractive.
Italians are slightly overrated too I have to agree with you, I've ever met an Italian couple (husband and wife) at the Mall. I saw them very short (shorter than me) and quite unattractive, the man had a big hooked nose and the woman was a bit plump, also hairy. There are some attractive people in Italy, but I don't find them that great based in my experience when I was at the Mall.
Japanese women are overrated, there are some gorgeous Japanese out there of course, but most of the Japanese women are met are not that pretty. They have weird looking eyes, jacked-up teeth, short body, and flat nose.
Koreans are overrated, they're only look gorgeous because of the makeup and the plastic surgery. Their beauty is so fake and plastic looking, they're not natural beauties, 100% fake. Average Korean women are not that pretty, they're weird looking with the flat moon face and small squinty eyes. Thanks to the plastic surgery and the makeup, they look gorgeous now.
I'm not jealous with these beauties, but I just don't find them great, there are some women who looked better than them.
I personally like middle eastern beauties the best, like Arabs. I've met lots of Indonesian Arab blooded ladies here in Indonesia, oh my goodness they were so beautiful, they have the most beautiful eyes and features. They're exotic, I've never seen such a beautiful women like them in my life. Way better looking than Swedish, Italians, Japanese, and the Koreans all combined. More exotic than the Brazilians as well.
Chinese women are slightly underrated, I don't know why there are so many of people calling them ugly. But in reality, I've seen so many gorgeous Chinese women both here and at China.
My friend is a Chinese, I find her very pretty she has the most beautiful skin that I've ever seen.
As for the white ladies, I personally think that French, German, Dutch, Greek, Polish, and Czech women are underrated.2 1 0 0I am also an Indonesian and i couldn’t agree more
latina girls are very overrated. sure there are some beautiful latinas but there are some uglies like in all races. they aren't any more beautiful than other ethnicities, especially when their phenotypes run the gamut from argentinean caucasian looking women to dominican black looking women. if you say "latina" that could refer to any type so how are they all the most beautiful?
3 0 1 0When guys say they think Latinas are the most beautiful they are normally thinking Colombian or Venezuelan, the type they see in movies, yet they fail to realize those women are a small portion and Latinas come in every race, skin color, eye color, hair color and from different backgrounds
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I also agree with Irish women. I have no idea why some men say Irish women are hot, but in my eyes they are some of the biggest uggs from Europe.
Southern Belles (not really an ethnicity, but whatever) ...I think anyone who thinks they are hot hasn't spent much time in the deep South. Over 50% of them (according to my scientific poll that I just made) are morbidly obese, and they also have fake tans to the point they put Jersey girls to shame...and that's in addition to their annoying accent and vernacular.
Also, while I think South Asian women from places like the Philipines look pretty good, I will never understand these manga dudes that think Japanese and Chinese women are the hottest women ever.1 0 0 0filipino women are supposed to be so loyal and honest and hard working. many I have met are a little bit sneaky and are gold diggers-this is just my experience I may be way off base
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0 5irish! so easily. like really overrated imo
0 0 0 0On the contrary, they are the most UNDERRATED... in my opinion
ya I kno a lot of guys like them, which is why that is my answer. I really don't do freckles or red hair given the choice. and I kno that's super stereotypical and most irish people are not red heads but they do have a higher chance than most ethnicities. to each his own
Seems like Irish guys are little overrated - everybody loves them, but they're cool too
you forgot to say how hairy they are
1 0 0 0North Korean women! UGH don't get me started. I dated a north korean once, she was so... "malnourished."
1 0 0 1You dated ONE north korean woman and now think all north korean women are like her? lol
yes. she was also sorta batsh*t crazy.
American white-girls
8 2 1 0Why is that?...Just wondering.
Best answer, haha.
They think they're so great, when in fact they aren't. Any other ethnicity of girls (black, Asian, or Hispanic) are far more approachable and don't make you feel like all you want is sex and aren't after your money or social status... not mention their infidelities are FAR more prevelant than other non-white girls
Gotta be the white westerners.
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