Why can't some women understand that men NEED Sex?

It is like a requirement for us. Those testosterones are not giving us a choice but we need it. It was also said, that if we are not using it then we are losing it - our tool. This is biology.
Why can't some women understand that men NEED Sex?

There are of course exceptions for asexuals and aromantics. But a "normal" male human being would not like to go through sexual abstinence gladly. We are "burning" inside if we can't get some action.

I need to get laid 😣 we all need to.
+1 y
To clear some things up with the angry and confused crowd: 1. Never did I say that women *should* be having sex with us in a demanding manner. This was merely a question with some explanation how it is like being a man dealing with constant high sex drive to see if women can understand what I am saying. Which leads me to... 2. The amount of women not understanding it seems to be MUCH higher than I expected. 3. PORN TO THE RESCUE :D!!! I LOVE PORN!!!
+1 y
I did not know, that most women hate sex. Yikes. But my expectation about women not understanding it was way too low. This question should now be "Why do most women not understand our need for sex?" Guess it has something to do with never experiencing it in first hand as we do. How typical and tedious. Alright, I had enough of angry and offended anti-sex women. I don't need to deal with this here. I will find my answers elsewhere.
+1 y
I was missing the answers, that i was looking for. Glad they showed up 🙂. Those, who agreed with me or supported me - I thank you ladies and gentlemen. You all are sexy 😀😁 stay sexy! I found, that i am just below having satyriasis and as such i just need (=strongly desire) a lady just below being a nymphomaniac 😋😛 Now picking a MHO is a challenge. So many good answers and just one to choose as "best". Oh well. Thanks again. Sex!!! Sex, sex, sex 😍😍😍
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Men don't need sex. Period. It's a want, not a necessity. The problem is that too many of you men are so engrossed with porn, learning nonsense from your peers no different than girls are, and so many are brainwashed to the point it's degenerating the brain to be desensitized to it. Saying that so many women hate sex is wrong. Just like calling all men are dogs is wrong. Women don't hate sex. If anything I hate knowing the kind of sex people are having today. Women also will grow to despise it when they are not virginal and had multiple partners and it turn they tell other virginal girls their experiences and they too begin to form a poor reception of what sex is supposed to be like and how it's supposed to be experienced.

    Anybody who tells you that you will lose it if you're not having sex is a liar! Misuse it and abuse it, and now you will have something to talk about. You won't get your answers elsewhere until you change your mentality. Most women do understand it, but I know like so many know it's not an excuse. I kept saying either get married and find somebody to get married to for that life and stay a virgin or suffer the consequences. Like a good amount have already pointed out which I would have already said. You're not going to die from never having sex. You can't place that as a priority or else it will destroy your perception on life. You're going to be miserable with this way of thinking.

    This is all I can really tell you:

    -Most women overall understand that men and women are different.
    -When you understand the context of lust, it damages your sex life and one's perception of sex.
    -The more you pay attention to those urges the more harrassing, annoying and damaging it is to your pscyhe, and how you decide to treat others as well as yourself.
    -Humans burn with sexual desire because we are born as sexual beings, but there is a time and place for that, and it's only with your spouse.
    -If your sex drive is out of your control, then you need help. Because this is more psychological than biological. Some genetic testing can tell if this is normal for you or abnormal.

    Don't just listen to anybody even if they are a professional. Lots of them are crazy in the head too. See somebody who truly understands what is happening with you personally.

    • Men and women aren't different in terms of sexual desire

    • Most men want and desire sex. Most women don't care for it, but see it as a way to bond with a man. Unless, it's what she personally wants. Why do you think there are people like me who can go through life without sex, while others cannot? Whether virgin or not? Because not everybody is genetically the same.

    • Wrong there! the differences are individual and not gendered. How can you say most women don't care for it? "Desire" and "way to bond" is roughly the same thing and can vary among individuals. I thought you were smarter than this lol.

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  • I know men have higher drive. I know most men need a routine for sex. If not, they have to look for an alternative. And I also know the consequences of breaking this routine, and so do I know the fact that a man's fertility gradually decreases with less sexual activity.

    The question is, so what am I supposed to do with that? What will we do with this knowledge? The only man I'd care about anyway is my future husband, and, yes THAT'S when I should be responsible and, if not putting his needs above mine, come to a settlement with our routine that will keep us both satisfied. So my actions will be fully based on his drive and my drive regardless of the depth of my knowledge about men's sexual health.
    But as a man yourself, you have to understand this: You're a human being and you're far more civilized than any other animal. You don't depend on your surroundings, your surroundings depend on you. Your body shouldn't control your mind, but your mind should control your body. Be responsible and respectful, towards women and yourself.

    That's all I could tell.

    • Knowing it is almost all I would ask for. Understanding it being the rest, which I think you do as you stated. That's all. How does it help? Well first, you understand it when men say "I need sex" or "i love sex". Furthermore you will understand men, who watch porn or men going through a prolonged time without any sexual release and you understand how they feel and how frustrated it is. Unlike those, who shun sex or freedom over sexuality, you could simply support them with advise if you have any. Or you know at the very least you are NOT shunning it but you DO understand it.

    • I chose not to even send pictures in tight clothes and no physical intimacy until I get married (because I can). My boyfriend has a super high drive. Then think how hard it was on my before lol, but we learned to manage.

    • I know that doesn't make me an expert, but at least I know that guys aren't as much dependent on sexual activity as they think they are.

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  • hey now guys, I totally understand the need from sex that you guys have. bc I have the same need. but the difference between us women and u men, is the mental part. see women are, or at least I am, more up for giving sex excitedly how you like if you guys thought more. see us women feed, launder take care of the kids plus the house and most of if women also work full time and do all these things and if you guys are like my husband you have side work you do as well. so when us women hit the bed we r tired. and then you guys roll over and start your thing so a good women will give you what you want cause the faster she does the faster she can sleep or just lay in a quite bed an hour with no one wating something for you. with this said. what little things do you guys do for your women to get that "needed sex"? I'm just assuming here but, I'm guessing not much but I bet you guys are good about telling her what she didn't do right? now don't get mad I'm just giving my 2 cent. and I'm not saying all men and all women feel as I do.

  • I honestly don't understand why women are offensed by it.
    I fucking agree, I need sex too and there is nothing wrong with wanting to have sex!

    • THANK YOU lady 😀 i am glad there are women like you understanding it. Those angry women i cannot bear.

    • seriously hatsoff to your mental understanding. I wish if every girl would be like you

    • Don't worry, there are more of us than you think, some are just ashamed of it.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Uh, it really doesn't work like that. Girls are as horny as guys if you ignore culture and look at this from a sheer biological perspective. You can’t really say the presence of higher levels of testosterone produces such a substantial biological difference in sex drive between the genders due to the fact that the degree to which testosterone affects sex drive is not fully scientifically clear as of right now. A study conducted on testosterone and sex drive concluded that only a small percentage (28%) of the low testosterone males who participated actually had low sex drives, the rest were fine. Similarly, if you look at animals, females pursue sex just as avidly as males. There are also a plethora of studies that have irrefutably disproved the destructive notion that “males are sex-crazed automatons while women are borderline asexual.” In general, there exists a multitude of other hard-to-pin non-testosterone related factors that affect sex drive. Plenty of men want a lot of sex, some don’t want much. Similarly, there are plenty of girls who want a lot of sex, some don’t want much. Throw subconsciously internalized cultural values some girls absorb (which have been heavily influenced by the long-lasting stigmatization of girls who are honest about pursuing sexual urges that has been occurring for the past few centuries) into the mix & boom.

    Just find an honest girl with a decent sex drive if you're having issues.

    • dude testosterone has a different effect on sex drive than female hormone such as estrogen does. women have like seasonal sex drives. they change troughout the years, months, weeks and even days. men have a constant sex drive. just because there are certain points in time where women are hornier than their men doesn't mean that women's sex drives are the ame as mens. which is why they say men "need" sex. our desire is constant. we have to have it. all you can do is distract a dude with other work and other activities long enough for him to forget about it. but its always there.

  • dude who told you women hate sex? Lol. Some do but not many. Granted I probably date girls on the high side for sex drive, however besides one or two girls I heard about and didn't know, never in my entire life have I heard a women say it with the bars word lol. Now I haven't read any of the comments so I don't know if one side is being skewed or not.

    Hate sex? Omg I would die lol. I'd have no purpose in life lol 🤣😂

    • Just check out the angry female comments and you will see for yourself.

    • I didn't see any comments where the woman says I hate sex. did I miss it? oh and whoever told you That if we are not using it then we are losing it - our tool. This is biology. Is wrong. I have a degree in biology and that's an old myth

    • At least not always the case but in some cases it is like that I believe. I think there is just a phase of becoming hornier easier and maybe after that in some cases the libido will decrease? As far as I know sex increases libido. You'd have to dig deep into the comments section. The majority of females now agree with me at least or got my point. The angry anti-sex women should be found at the bottom of the comments section since they were the first wave of commenters.

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  • Well. Tough to be honest. This doesn't mean you can act entitled and assume every woman should now sleep with you because you have specific desires.

    I don't care if you're hungry either. I - or anyone else would not obliged to ensure you are fed. That's your own problem.

    If you want something to happen, you gotta make it happen. Nobody in this world owes you anything and you can't expect people to give you more than you can also give to them.

    • With that attitude why even approach them? What's the point? You and women like you are just going to deny men that show interest anyway.

    • This isn't an attitude. This is just me having any degree of value for myself at all. Don't you believe I should get a say on such matters? Or should I bow down to your whims and be forced to have sex without consent?

    • Nah, waste of time. If that's her approach then she's unapproachable.

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  • You seem to be confusing men's 'need' for release of ejaculate with 'needing' sex.

    • nah he's just right actually

    • ^^^^

    • That's not a need lol. Orgasm and ejaculation are independent of themselves. Men and women both need release of tension with orgasm.

  • They do.
    What do you want to get a permission for, I am scared to ask?

  • Men definitely DONT need sex to function it's something they highly enjoy just like woman but it's not something humans biologically need to survive 😒 you obviously don't know much about biology and they way a human body works a guy isn't going to die if he doesn't have sex and lots of guys who aren't asexual or anything along those lines do just fine without sex. Just because you want to have sex doesn't mean you need to

    • But if we get excited by a teasing girl and we don't cum it may trigger testicle pain.

    • testicular* and this is the only post that's realistic i agree.

    • @Karl99 and imagine this you can make yourself climax.

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  • I know a lot of girls that say they're afraid to admit they need sex like guys because most guys they meet take it like "I'm a dirty slut come make me your bitch and break my heart"

    • Its completely not with every guy. how will I look like if I say most of the girls are insecure and sex repellent coz they consider every guy a dog and not even wanna consider those women who use guys for money and never take a stand for the one who loves them

    • I said most guys THEY meet. Not every guy.

    • yeah maybe but you gotta understand girls always got pointless excuses when it comes to sex and trust isn't about a guy or a girl. its a stereotypical ideology of a woman that only guys are dogs. today anyone can be.

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