Why can't some women understand that men NEED Sex?
It is like a requirement for us. Those testosterones are not giving us a choice but we need it. It was also said, that if we are not using it then we are losing it - our tool. This is biology.
There are of course exceptions for asexuals and aromantics. But a "normal" male human being would not like to go through sexual abstinence gladly. We are "burning" inside if we can't get some action.
I need to get laid 😣 we all need to.
+1 y
To clear some things up with the angry and confused crowd: 1. Never did I say that women *should* be having sex with us in a demanding manner. This was merely a question with some explanation how it is like being a man dealing with constant high sex drive to see if women can understand what I am saying. Which leads me to... 2. The amount of women not understanding it seems to be MUCH higher than I expected. 3. PORN TO THE RESCUE :D!!! I LOVE PORN!!!
+1 y
I did not know, that most women hate sex. Yikes. But my expectation about women not understanding it was way too low. This question should now be "Why do most women not understand our need for sex?" Guess it has something to do with never experiencing it in first hand as we do. How typical and tedious. Alright, I had enough of angry and offended anti-sex women. I don't need to deal with this here. I will find my answers elsewhere.
+1 y
I was missing the answers, that i was looking for. Glad they showed up 🙂. Those, who agreed with me or supported me - I thank you ladies and gentlemen. You all are sexy 😀😁 stay sexy! I found, that i am just below having satyriasis and as such i just need (=strongly desire) a lady just below being a nymphomaniac 😋😛 Now picking a MHO is a challenge. So many good answers and just one to choose as "best". Oh well. Thanks again. Sex!!! Sex, sex, sex 😍😍😍
Most Helpful Girls
+1 y
Men don't need sex. Period. It's a want, not a necessity. The problem is that too many of you men are so engrossed with porn, learning nonsense from your peers no different than girls are, and so many are brainwashed to the point it's degenerating the brain to be desensitized to it. Saying that so many women hate sex is wrong. Just like calling all men are dogs is wrong. Women don't hate sex. If anything I hate knowing the kind of sex people are having today. Women also will grow to despise it when they are not virginal and had multiple partners and it turn they tell other virginal girls their experiences and they too begin to form a poor reception of what sex is supposed to be like and how it's supposed to be experienced.
Anybody who tells you that you will lose it if you're not having sex is a liar! Misuse it and abuse it, and now you will have something to talk about. You won't get your answers elsewhere until you change your mentality. Most women do understand it, but I know like so many know it's not an excuse. I kept saying either get married and find somebody to get married to for that life and stay a virgin or suffer the consequences. Like a good amount have already pointed out which I would have already said. You're not going to die from never having sex. You can't place that as a priority or else it will destroy your perception on life. You're going to be miserable with this way of thinking.
This is all I can really tell you:
-Most women overall understand that men and women are different. -When you understand the context of lust, it damages your sex life and one's perception of sex. -The more you pay attention to those urges the more harrassing, annoying and damaging it is to your pscyhe, and how you decide to treat others as well as yourself. -Humans burn with sexual desire because we are born as sexual beings, but there is a time and place for that, and it's only with your spouse. -If your sex drive is out of your control, then you need help. Because this is more psychological than biological. Some genetic testing can tell if this is normal for you or abnormal.
Don't just listen to anybody even if they are a professional. Lots of them are crazy in the head too. See somebody who truly understands what is happening with you personally.
+1 y
Men and women aren't different in terms of sexual desire
+1 y
Most men want and desire sex. Most women don't care for it, but see it as a way to bond with a man. Unless, it's what she personally wants. Why do you think there are people like me who can go through life without sex, while others cannot? Whether virgin or not? Because not everybody is genetically the same.
+1 y
Wrong there! the differences are individual and not gendered. How can you say most women don't care for it? "Desire" and "way to bond" is roughly the same thing and can vary among individuals. I thought you were smarter than this lol.
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+1 y
@Asad1ONE1 Most women literally don't care much for it because we really want to share and have love for the person we desire to be with but understand that men overall want sex when they are with us. Sex is the last thing on a woman's mind, which is why I said unless they personally want that. Men often want sex. Women talk about sex because the guys they are attracted to want sex. Get it? We care about what the guy cares about so much it frustrates us.
+1 y
That is a DEAD WRONG generalization you are making there and highly offensive to men! You don't speak for all women! Even though I still think you aren't telling the truth. What you just stated absolutely makes no sense what so ever. I can't believe what you just wrote. You're basically saying women are the "giving sex", a long known myth like many others...
You just keep contradicting what you are saying, such as "not everybody is genetically the same" and then saying "most women don't care for it" or "sex is the last thing on a women's mind". Are you trolling? Lol.
+1 y
I said 'most' not 'all'. And that overall is just the reality because of how girls are raised today. Girls as I said before just want to have love for the guy, but very few understand once married sex becomes a way to equally express it. This is not demeaning men. This is the reality women are today, Unless they understand the important of sex if taught right or is nympho. How am I dead wrong? How am I not telling the truth? Ask any random women if they would be having sex all the time and with any guy. They would tell you a mixed answer. Some will say sure But, women's biggest complaint is a man not taking time for her and not strictly for sex. Or they would prefer of the relationship was not always about sex. So no, that is not a myth. Women are the giving sex bit so is men. It depends on the person. But we now live in a feminist world.
+1 y
What I am saying is that it is a mentality many girls have I this day and age. It is rare today to find a woman who is not a prostitute and strictly cares only about sex and waits to marriage of that. Extremely rare. A some men equally are put off by that. I'm talking about experience over my life by speaking wit h different people. It doesn't mean some women don't think about sex as much. But a good amount would act on them and put off some men, some won't and still put off some men. Some men will be happy and perhaps be married to them, and some men will not marry them, but often use them for ex sex I like to call it. I think I know what I talking about. What you understanding is that we girls overall don't want to get used for sex. They don't mind having it, that is not what I was saying. But they don't want to participate and they get nothing in return. This is why you have so many bitter women.
+1 y
You're not making any sense! Well you're taking this somewhere else lol. We're not talking about people sleeping around or being used for sex. Earlier you mentioned "Most men want and desire sex. Most women don't care for it, but see it as a way to bond with a man." That is probably the most insensible statement you've posted as opposed to the very intelligent responses I usually hear from you lol. Anyone can desire intimacy or sex to any degree, monogamous or not, man or women, regardless of how women are raised.
+1 y
"Most women literally don't care much for it because we really want to share and have love for the person we desire to be with but understand that men overall want sex when they are with us. Sex is the last thing on a woman's mind, which is why I said unless they personally want that. Men often want sex. Women talk about sex because the guys they are attracted to want sex. Get it? We care about what the guy cares about so much it frustrates us.' Another highly offensive statement on your part! Are you serious? This can go either way. In fact it's definitely the opposite.
+1 y
again as I'm asking how is it very insensitive if it's very much the truth. Have you ever spoke to a woman and many girls about their views or personal life to even grasp that concept. I am not contradicting myself. I will further clarify. Starting with what you quoted. Concerning genetics. Some women are not the same with comes down to our reproductive system. Our reproductive system and genetics DNA wise, says A lot about what happens to us as we go through puberty. and if you know about generational curses, then you can also add that in there because that pertains to everything that I'm saying concerning this. this affects whether or not we're going to want to be sexually active with somebody or not.
+1 y
but we're not going to fully understand it unless we go to the doctor do we not? so let's just leave that one for now. now concerning about what I said about most women literally don't care much for sex it's very much true. these are from the mouths of most girls and women I've spoken to over the years, from childhood to the age now. Your not going to hear that because we keep this to ourselves and just fkse it till we make it, so we can be viewed as normal. What you saw in that link overall is mostly a lie. You cannot belief everything you see and hear on the internet.
+1 y
I thought you were a good person btbc92. But I'm just starting to get an idea of who you really might be... Someone who is playing mind games and playing with words to throw offenses. I don't know your history with men, but I am should it may not may very good. Your words clearly do not make worldly sense. I think I should quote this thread on a myTake (I can make you anonymous) and read the responses.
+1 y
then let me ask you of what is your beliefs I'm not here be playing mind games playing with words or throwing offense. I didn't even get a chance to finish writing what I was writing because my phone started acting up. I clearly asked you again how is it that my words do not make any sense? I almost see that you believe what it is that you believe but it has nothing to do with my history with men it has everything to do like I said with intrapersonal conversations. I don't see how was it that my words were not made any clearer when I said most not all there for even if you want to post what you want to post you going to get a mixed answer. even if they say oh no that's not true since it was lying that their personal opinion. always remember that. just like a lot of them are not going to really speak up about it unless they personally want to.
+1 y
and two for clarify if what I'm saying is not true then how is it that no world so far has downvoted anything that I have said on this question?
+1 y
Then how is it that no woman so far*
+1 y
Down vote? Well they didn't read the rest of this thread. Didn't you notice the countless female responses here and the down votes for the opinions similar to yours? Lol. Men and women aren't different in terms of sexual desire. People are.
+1 y
I just fully explained it to you in the other thread with the rape situation. You have to remember they are mostly secular and sexually active and or messing around. I was not talking about them.
+1 y
Trust me. No differences between the sexes. But rather individuals. Countless links like these...
Who is a women to salable what men need or don’t need? We know and understand how we are wired better than women do.
+1 y
I know men have higher drive. I know most men need a routine for sex. If not, they have to look for an alternative. And I also know the consequences of breaking this routine, and so do I know the fact that a man's fertility gradually decreases with less sexual activity.
The question is, so what am I supposed to do with that? What will we do with this knowledge? The only man I'd care about anyway is my future husband, and, yes THAT'S when I should be responsible and, if not putting his needs above mine, come to a settlement with our routine that will keep us both satisfied. So my actions will be fully based on his drive and my drive regardless of the depth of my knowledge about men's sexual health. But as a man yourself, you have to understand this: You're a human being and you're far more civilized than any other animal. You don't depend on your surroundings, your surroundings depend on you. Your body shouldn't control your mind, but your mind should control your body. Be responsible and respectful, towards women and yourself.
That's all I could tell.
+1 y
Knowing it is almost all I would ask for. Understanding it being the rest, which I think you do as you stated. That's all. How does it help? Well first, you understand it when men say "I need sex" or "i love sex". Furthermore you will understand men, who watch porn or men going through a prolonged time without any sexual release and you understand how they feel and how frustrated it is. Unlike those, who shun sex or freedom over sexuality, you could simply support them with advise if you have any. Or you know at the very least you are NOT shunning it but you DO understand it.
+1 y
I chose not to even send pictures in tight clothes and no physical intimacy until I get married (because I can). My boyfriend has a super high drive. Then think how hard it was on my before lol, but we learned to manage.
+1 y
I know that doesn't make me an expert, but at least I know that guys aren't as much dependent on sexual activity as they think they are.
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+1 y
lol no, you are managing. your boyfriend is just jerking off to porn. but i think at least you try to understand
+1 y
@CubsterShura, there is no decline in fertility if a man doesn't have sex often or not at all for a long period.
+1 y
@MlleCake There is, it's a scientifically proven fact.
+1 y
You'll have to send me some scientific citations then, because I couldn't find anything to substantiate what you said.
hey now guys, I totally understand the need from sex that you guys have. bc I have the same need. but the difference between us women and u men, is the mental part. see women are, or at least I am, more up for giving sex excitedly how you like if you guys thought more. see us women feed, launder take care of the kids plus the house and most of if women also work full time and do all these things and if you guys are like my husband you have side work you do as well. so when us women hit the bed we r tired. and then you guys roll over and start your thing so a good women will give you what you want cause the faster she does the faster she can sleep or just lay in a quite bed an hour with no one wating something for you. with this said. what little things do you guys do for your women to get that "needed sex"? I'm just assuming here but, I'm guessing not much but I bet you guys are good about telling her what she didn't do right? now don't get mad I'm just giving my 2 cent. and I'm not saying all men and all women feel as I do.
+1 y
I honestly don't understand why women are offensed by it. I fucking agree, I need sex too and there is nothing wrong with wanting to have sex!
+1 y
THANK YOU lady 😀 i am glad there are women like you understanding it. Those angry women i cannot bear.
+1 y
seriously hatsoff to your mental understanding. I wish if every girl would be like you
+1 y
Don't worry, there are more of us than you think, some are just ashamed of it.
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+1 y
feel free to teach them some lessons if possible. 😛
+1 y
There's a difference between wanting and needing.
+1 y
if woman and men wants sex it is okay to have sex but one of person doesn't want and then one person is pushing to have sex it is not okay
Most Helpful Guys
AgentXper 6
+1 y
Uh, it really doesn't work like that. Girls are as horny as guys if you ignore culture and look at this from a sheer biological perspective. You can’t really say the presence of higher levels of testosterone produces such a substantial biological difference in sex drive between the genders due to the fact that the degree to which testosterone affects sex drive is not fully scientifically clear as of right now. A study conducted on testosterone and sex drive concluded that only a small percentage (28%) of the low testosterone males who participated actually had low sex drives, the rest were fine. Similarly, if you look at animals, females pursue sex just as avidly as males. There are also a plethora of studies that have irrefutably disproved the destructive notion that “males are sex-crazed automatons while women are borderline asexual.” In general, there exists a multitude of other hard-to-pin non-testosterone related factors that affect sex drive. Plenty of men want a lot of sex, some don’t want much. Similarly, there are plenty of girls who want a lot of sex, some don’t want much. Throw subconsciously internalized cultural values some girls absorb (which have been heavily influenced by the long-lasting stigmatization of girls who are honest about pursuing sexual urges that has been occurring for the past few centuries) into the mix & boom.
Just find an honest girl with a decent sex drive if you're having issues.
+1 y
dude testosterone has a different effect on sex drive than female hormone such as estrogen does. women have like seasonal sex drives. they change troughout the years, months, weeks and even days. men have a constant sex drive. just because there are certain points in time where women are hornier than their men doesn't mean that women's sex drives are the ame as mens. which is why they say men "need" sex. our desire is constant. we have to have it. all you can do is distract a dude with other work and other activities long enough for him to forget about it. but its always there.
MattMcCoyXper 4
+1 y
dude who told you women hate sex? Lol. Some do but not many. Granted I probably date girls on the high side for sex drive, however besides one or two girls I heard about and didn't know, never in my entire life have I heard a women say it with the bars word lol. Now I haven't read any of the comments so I don't know if one side is being skewed or not.
Hate sex? Omg I would die lol. I'd have no purpose in life lol 🤣😂
+1 y
Just check out the angry female comments and you will see for yourself.
+1 y
I didn't see any comments where the woman says I hate sex. did I miss it? oh and whoever told you That if we are not using it then we are losing it - our tool. This is biology. Is wrong. I have a degree in biology and that's an old myth
+1 y
At least not always the case but in some cases it is like that I believe. I think there is just a phase of becoming hornier easier and maybe after that in some cases the libido will decrease? As far as I know sex increases libido. You'd have to dig deep into the comments section. The majority of females now agree with me at least or got my point. The angry anti-sex women should be found at the bottom of the comments section since they were the first wave of commenters.
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What Girls & Guys Said
NodachiXper 7
+1 y
Well. Tough to be honest. This doesn't mean you can act entitled and assume every woman should now sleep with you because you have specific desires.
I don't care if you're hungry either. I - or anyone else would not obliged to ensure you are fed. That's your own problem.
If you want something to happen, you gotta make it happen. Nobody in this world owes you anything and you can't expect people to give you more than you can also give to them.
+1 y
With that attitude why even approach them? What's the point? You and women like you are just going to deny men that show interest anyway.
+1 y
This isn't an attitude. This is just me having any degree of value for myself at all. Don't you believe I should get a say on such matters? Or should I bow down to your whims and be forced to have sex without consent?
+1 y
Nah, waste of time. If that's her approach then she's unapproachable.
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+1 y
Good luck getting a guy that bows to your double standards. "It's your own problem but you have to do all the work" even though a relationship is a two way street.
+1 y
You seem to be confusing men's 'need' for release of ejaculate with 'needing' sex.
+1 y
nah he's just right actually
+1 y
+1 y
That's not a need lol. Orgasm and ejaculation are independent of themselves. Men and women both need release of tension with orgasm.
GretaMXper 4
+1 y
They do. What do you want to get a permission for, I am scared to ask?
TequilafishXper 3
+1 y
Men definitely DONT need sex to function it's something they highly enjoy just like woman but it's not something humans biologically need to survive 😒 you obviously don't know much about biology and they way a human body works a guy isn't going to die if he doesn't have sex and lots of guys who aren't asexual or anything along those lines do just fine without sex. Just because you want to have sex doesn't mean you need to
+1 y
But if we get excited by a teasing girl and we don't cum it may trigger testicle pain.
+1 y
testicular* and this is the only post that's realistic i agree.
+1 y
@Karl99 and imagine this you can make yourself climax.
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+1 y
Imagine what? I don't understand
+1 y
@Karl99 your first language isn't English is it?
+1 y
thesmalldog000Xper 3
+1 y
I know a lot of girls that say they're afraid to admit they need sex like guys because most guys they meet take it like "I'm a dirty slut come make me your bitch and break my heart"
+1 y
Its completely not with every guy. how will I look like if I say most of the girls are insecure and sex repellent coz they consider every guy a dog and not even wanna consider those women who use guys for money and never take a stand for the one who loves them
+1 y
I said most guys THEY meet. Not every guy.
+1 y
yeah maybe but you gotta understand girls always got pointless excuses when it comes to sex and trust isn't about a guy or a girl. its a stereotypical ideology of a woman that only guys are dogs. today anyone can be.
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+1 y
I'm not dissing all guys. I'm dissing the few guys they meet. And not all girls are always making pointless excuses. you'll live if you stop saying every girl thinks every guy is a dog. I dont, I have several cousins who dont, two sister who don't, and a bunch of friends who dont. So shut your mouth and calm down.
+1 y
Why are you being so possessive about the topic. its a general discussion. we all are people of this world and we all get to learn from each other
+1 y
there isn't any point to be rude about. it was a general think I observed
+1 y
+1 y
I think a girl and boy should leave love story a side and just do it once...
+1 y
But don't force anyone or yourself..
+1 y
Only if you sleep around.
SabsiesXper 5
+1 y
People have different sex drives. No-one "needs" sex (let's not confuse desire with necessity) but people just have different sex drives that cause them to desire sex more often than others. It happens to both men and women to. Just find a woman that meets your sexual desires if it's that important to you, else you'll have to deal with it yourself.
And don't be one of those idiots that gets into a relationship and cheats just to satisfy his sexual desires. Just don't.
MrsReidXper 3
+1 y
most women dont hate sex. most women love sex. we understand that but its not our obligation to satisfy you. go jack off somewhere if you're that desperate.
+1 y
The question said specifically that he isn't saying it is, he just didn't know how to ask his question.
+1 y
I guess no one else read.
+1 y
i did read it i was just confirming. i know he didn't think that way there was just no other way to answer it.
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+1 y
Oh alright. I'm going to stop commenting on this question the possibility for drama is too high.
+1 y
wait no. my tone wasn't hostile or anything.
+1 y
the amount of people on here that assume women are offended or being rude. im just saying. im indifferent.
+1 y
Not you specificly.
+1 y
oh okay
+1 y
I would be indifferent but I'm trying to not have a lot of sexual encounters due to my religious beliefs.
+1 y
So yup.
+1 y
makes sense
+1 y
Have a good day.
+1 y
you too :)
AristidesXper 5
+1 y
it's a biological urge not a necessity. we need food, we need water, we need air; without those we die. Shit we need companionship more than we sex.
andoestaXper 3
+1 y
Lemme try and give my 2 cents.
I'm 26 now and had a phase of my life where I thought I needed sex constantly. This is no longer the case.
I really enjoy sex, but I could go a few days to a week without it no big deal, just like women. Another misconception is that women aren't as horny as men; wrong in my experience.
What I think the issue here is, is that a man's self worth or value is measured in how often he gets laid, in today's society. Subconsciously, the male wants to have sex so he can feel accomplished and not bored or empty.
That is something a woman would be hard pressed to empathize with, since she has not lived as a boy (and its struggles) her whole life. Much like how it's harder for a guy to understand why women hate cat calling so much or are afraid of walking alone with another man she doesn't know.
Once self worth is independent of sex, sex becomes just another really fun part of life, but not a requirement.
We all want to get laid, not need, and at different degrees. (i. e. a teenager full of hormones is gonna wanna bang a fuck ton more than 30 year old, most of the time)
+1 y
Just because men "need" (you have a hand, use it) sex doesn't mean every girl has to have sex with you. And you don't need sex, that's just ridiculous. You need air, food and water, not sex.
+1 y
well you could make the argument that a person also needs valdation, appreciation and physical contact to other people in order to stay happy and mentally healthy. so by that you could argue that some actually can not live without that kind of attention given to them.
+1 y
You don't need sex. You can want sex, but it's not a need. You won't die without it.
+1 y
you don´t die without using the internet either :P
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+1 y
For proper mental health development, sex is an integral part of a man's overall health. Masturbation does not release the same chemicals in the brain ie. pairbonding
+1 y
So your opinion states that pairbonding isn't necessary.
+1 y
Like I said, you don't need sex to live. You don't need sex, end of story.
+1 y
Mental health experts would be inclined to disagree.
+1 y
Women don't need sex to live either. I guess we're all gonna become test tube babies now and start reproducing in labs. You're right, end of story sex is not necessary to further humanity along. We have science. ALL HAIL ZARDOZ!
+1 y
Yes women don't need sex to live either. It's not a need, it's a want like most things are in life.
+1 y
Shauna, I understand where your coming from, but maybe I can clarify... women don't need a man to buy them flowers or make them feel sexy, or a man to share his emotions, or help do chores, or provide for a family, or a man that will go down on her, or even a man that can satisfy a woman's sexual needs. you could live without all that, but would you have a happy life?
GeminiAgent007Xper 6
+1 y
uhhh some of women want it just as much believe me I keep my boyfriend busy plus we both watch porn sometimes together. Why make us sound incompetent? That's your own problem. If you don't give respect chances are a females not gunna wanna even bother with you. I thought you were a genuinely nice guy it's sad because you just sound like a douchebag.
+1 y
Men who want sex are now douchbags 😂
+1 y
Men who don't want sex are either weirdos or gay 😂
+1 y
no dude he way he sounded, love the rest of y'all 😉 lol as long as your not assholes
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+1 y
Nope. I am not a nice guy ;)
+1 y
yeah just another fake one. no thanks 😷
+1 y
Do you fancy some sex now... keyboard sex!
mrsH25Xper 3
+1 y
women love sex, I have an extremely high sex drive and my husband doesn't come close to actually satisfying me. I'm not going to pressure it or say I'm dying because I can't have it, I want it but it's not like I'm going to die. Sometimes I don't even want to have sex anymore because I'm so deprived by it, but this doesn't change my view on men. I can say most don't even know how to please women, because they have this belief that women don't enjoy it. I say y'all should actually try pleasing a woman, and maybe she'll want to be with you more.
+1 y
A lot of them don't give it a second thought
+1 y
Jesus you both sound miserable. Lucky for us guys we only need a visual cue to get our rocks off.
+1 y
Not miserable by any means. That's what vibrators are for. Plus, I'm bisexual, so I'm always happy.
+1 y
First of all it's possible to survive without sex and sex is just something nice to have. I for instance love chocolate and I really enjoys it, but I wouldn't literally die without it. Such things like food, water, clothes etc. is what a human needs in order to survive.
It's possible to get it without a girlfriend or help from other peoples. You can use your hands (If you've some) to please yourself, daydream and look at pictures of celeb crushes for example. Women also likes sex, so it's not only something men likes.
By the way, as a human being you should be able to control yourself and respect others. Humans doesn't have so many instincts as animals and has the ability to control themselves. So be nice and don't be desperate. : )
XxMochaKittyxXXper 3
+1 y
I dont know how anyone hates sex unless you've just had a lot of bad sex or you have personal reasons from your past why or religious reasons.. but I love it when I can get it. I mean its with my fiance but if he wants to why am I going to say no? If feels good. its an addicting feeling that just consumes you. sex is awesome
+1 y
Hell yes :D
+1 y
I understand that the urge for sex can be incredibly powerful. But honestly, that does NOT make it an actual "need". Sex isn't oxygen, food, or water- you CAN live without it, and there are fates worse than celibacy. And hormones can drive women pretty nuts too. Feeling overcome by your biology is certainly not exclusive to men.
+1 y
Exactly my thoughts. You will not die if you don't have sex for a certain period of time. Need is definitely the wrong word to use here.
+1 y
@trisarahtops94 Exactly. How are we defining the word "need"? Something can be very important without being a true necessity.
+1 y
oh trust me, it is a need. women can't begin to understand how strong the urge is for men. there was a female bodybuilder who took her first cycle of testosterone steroids and couldnt believe how horny she got and how men controlled it all the time.
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+1 y
No it's not. End of story. Biologically speaking you will not die if you don't have sex. Just stop.
+1 y
@lord_chilled Exactly. Some will never understand. No need to teach the unwilling or shallow minds ;)
+1 y
I'm shallow because I know the definition of a need? If anyone is closed minded and refusing to listen to reason it's you. You're ridiculous.
+1 y
@lord_chilled For one thing, we need to distinguish between the need for sexual release, and the need to actually have sex with another person. Those are very different concepts. If you want to say that sexual release is a need, okay, I can roll with that. But actual sex with another person simply is not a true need. It's not a matter of failing to understand how powerful the urge for sex can be. It's a matter of defining what a need is, in terms of what happens to you if that need isn't met.
+1 y
yes im saying sexual release. but you have to take into account that most men have a programmed preference to have sex with women. unless they are gay or have some other preferences (im not going deep into the lgbt stuff, no time) they do want to have that sexual release fullfilled with a woman. you can substitute it with porn and masturbation and stuff, but that won't be a permanent solution. you will still keep wanting a woman. and denial will just keep on building up frustration, which isn't healthy. so while i dont disagree with the need of release vs sex with a woman, the fact is that the end goal is and always will be sex with a woman, and until that is fulfilled, men will just keep going after it. i know, because i have been there, i started wanting it at 13 and was in that phase til completing 17 years of age. all op here is trying to ask is how omen dont get that. and i agree with him. most women have absolutely zero clue. worse, they actually think they do
+1 y
@lord_chilled I can agree that sexual release itself is a need, particularly for men. And of course men are programmed to want actual sex- that is the point, after all. As I've been saying all along, that biological urge is very real, and I do get that. But in my book, in order for something to be an actual need, there has to be an incredibly serious lasting impact from not having access to whatever it is. If you don't have water, you die. If you don't have sex, you masturbate and feel frustrated that you're not having real sex. Big difference.
+1 y
" in order for something to be an actual need, there has to be an incredibly serious lasting impact from not having access to whatever it is" - yeah you dont wanna know the stuff i did because i couldnt get sex when i was a kid. you'd either reconsider the position of sex as a want vs need or you'd run away from me lol :-)
+1 y
You sound like a sex addict talking like that. I know plenty of guys who don't have that sort of a sex drive. It's definitely not like that for all men. Sounds unhealthy how obsessed you are... just saying.
+1 y
@lord_chilled Oh, really, what did you do? Join a gang? Murder your neighbors? Have with with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Unless you actually fell ill or died or lost a limb, or you're crippled by some sort of emotional trauma from going an entire four years (gasp) without sex, you won't change my mind.
+1 y
jeez, tough crowd
+1 y
i did join a gang but our crimes range from prank calls to underage smoking cigs. so we were a pleasant gang :-)
+1 y
@trisarahtops94 i had 4 partners in my life. is that an addict? i have gone without sex for almost a year now. im just acknowledging that the urge is real and that it exists. oh, and it is for all men :-) . they are just not telling you that, since you dont need to know. watch the youtube video "the internet is for porn" (wont regret it, its funny) thats how guys are , the video is totally accurate. EVERY guy is like that
+1 y
If you've gone over a year without it, it's not a need. You just proved yourself wrong.
+1 y
@lord_chilled And I don't disagree that the urge is real, or that it's powerful.
+1 y
Or that it's generally more powerful for men. I don't disagree with that. Women do want and enjoy sex, it's not that women don't care about it, but I can accept than men are on a different level with it. But whether or not it is a "need" just depends completely and utterly on how you define "need". In my book, it just doesn't enter that territory.
+1 y
@trisarahtops94 well you can go without chicken for a year as well. but id still say i "need" chicken :-) . differnece is i can have chicken whenever i want, i wouldn't go for a week without it let alone a year,,, sex is a bit harder to obtain
+1 y
+1 y
@lord_chilled Lol if you "need" chicken then our respective definitions of the word "need" is definitely the key issue here.
+1 y
A need is something your body cannot live without (food, water etc). So no, sex is NOT a need. End of story.
+1 y
i guess that might be it. :-) . but im not changing my words,, i need me some chicken !,, actually im gonna eat some now.. just made me hungry
+1 y
@lord_chilled Lol okay then chocolate is a need for me.
+1 y
fair enough. i just drank a bit with my friends. whiskey, it turns out, is not a need for me :-)
ssilverXper 5
+1 y
Hate to break it to you, but most women love sex too. The problem is, that society deems it a bad characteristic in women, and those who do like it and have it, are labeled sluts. There is a huge double standard with the sexes, about enjoying and partaking in sexual activities. Men want virgins, and women are expected to save themselves for one man and can only mildly feign interest in sex in traditional monogamous relationships. It's a standard belief that men are wired for multiple partners and are basically given a free pass and are even encouraged to pursue sex with multiple partners. (Hi five, bro)
+1 y
Women, in the other hand, are discouraged from it, despite there being no scientific evidence that supports the theory that women are monogamous by nature. This type if thinking pits women against themselves, because they are denied being able to explore their sexuality in the same manner, because the consequences of not being accepted and valued is too great.
+1 y
Society seems to put women into two categories, based solely on their sexuality. Good=pure, wholesome, modest, or Bad=Slut, temptrest, evil vixin, whore. There's a certain amount of safety and protection involved from men, for the women who choose to be on the "good" side. If you're on the "bad" side, you're on your own and you deserve what you've got coming. In my opinion, it seems that men have a hard time reconciling their need for women, whether it be for sex, procreation, nurturing, care taking, or whatever. It makes them feel too vulnerable to have such a need, so instead of acknowledging it exists , they subconsciously resent and blame women for the audacity to have that effect on them. This resentment leads to misogyny and often violence as men use women as an external target for the internal part of themselves that they hate (the fact that they are dependent on women)
+1 y
there's a good/bad divide between men too. there's the fuckboy that is desperate for sex all the time and treats women like shit and the pathetic virgins that don't think they have a chance with women and are extremely sexually conservative. so the only people that are satisfied are the ones that "get some" despite what other people think about it
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+1 y
I don't disagree with you. I don't think women care as much as men whether or not a man is a virgin. Being a virgin in and of itself is not a bad thing. What is a bad thing, is the social stigma placed on it and the reward/punishment socialization of it in terms of withholding love and acceptance, while replacing it with shame. There are too many people who feel the need to police or condemn other people's sexuality. As long as no one is being harmed emotionally, physically, or psychologically, people's sexuality is nobody else's business to be involved in, but the individual or consenting individuals involved. That was my point.
+1 y
I agree but that's not how it is.
+1 y
One difference between the sexes though, as far as sexuality is concerned, is that more often women are harmed physically, in far greater numbers, because of their sex and sexuality. They have been and still are used as bargaining tools without their consent, and traded like a commodity in arranged marraiges. They are used as leverage in wars as a strategy and are raped, beaten and murdered by men spy because they are women and are still considered as something to be taken and owned. That has never been the case for men as a whole, committed against them by women.
+1 y
That's perhaps, why some women are put off by the sexual advances of some men.
+1 y
yeah, men don't have that much value
+1 y
I wouldn't say that, at all... because they do.
+1 y
I would just like to see more of them hold each other and themselves accountable for bad behavior. Also, to just treat women the same way that they themselves want to be treated and for both sexes to stop making demands of the opposite sex that they wouldn't be willing to do themselves in return (or something similar and of equal value)
+1 y
I said nearly the exact same thing in a comment I made yesterday
+1 y
Thank God there are men out there like you who are brave enough to help do something about it. A lot of men dismiss it, like it doesn't happen, because they can't set aside their hurt feelings, to talk about things in which they are not personally the central character. Thank you!
+1 y
I don't like trying to make my point from a personal perspective, I feel like it keeps people from understanding as well as they could.
+1 y
Thank you for presenting such good points
+1 y
May I ask where you are from?
+1 y
I'm in the US
bethany24Xper 4
+1 y
😂😂 some of these comments, looks like some people took this question way too personally!
+1 y
I effin know right? I was kind of surprised myself. The internet nowadays suffers from the thin skin syndrome, which weakens their immune system in order to take things to the right context.
+1 y
I do agree with you, but I think just like Men need Sex some of us Women need sex the same way around... Or maybe I have a crazy testosterone level, but honestly, I don't mind pleasing my Man, I love it, but I don't do it because he EARNED IT, but because this is something NORMAL in a relationship, and because he LOVES to please me just like I love to please him. Nothing tragic according to me :)
+1 y
That sounds alright and I am really curious who down voted your opinion
+1 y
@simonthecat Looks like he/she changed its mind lol :P
+1 y
Every woman should be a grownup like you. I appreciate your progress of understanding
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+1 y
i first need a partner. hahaha.
+1 y
Lol if sex drive really doesn't depend on the gender than how does testosterone come into play? weird
StellastarlingXper 6
+1 y
the thing is, a lot of women do enjoy sex. It is obviously a desire. However, it is not necessarily something that one cannot live without. Sex drives depending on the person maybe low or high. Nothing at all to do with gender. The thing maybe, is that you might personally have a high sex drive. A lot of others don't. It's nothing to be ashamed or proud of, just life. Also, there might be only one particular reason as to why women aren't so willing to have sex a lot or with a lot of people is the fear of getting pregnant. A woman, needs to carry the baby in her womb for nine months and then take care of the baby. Men, sometimes in fear either leave the mother to her fate or get out of their lifes. Obviously there are men who support them as well, but no one really wants the additional stress , now does one. And that is the only reason why women might not be willing to have sex as much as men.
+1 y
Boys hormones are raging between 14 to about 18... ladies hormones don't kick in until about 30 maybe 32 with age...
+1 y
Thank you for your story I did learn something from you... something I would've never thought... I try to share my experiences in life... my mistakes... and I try to give advice to people... hopefully helps them in life... that is my reward...
+1 y
@Charlerpi68 I don't know where you get your information but that's not true.
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+1 y
That was a study I had read years ago... The information could be outdated so you may be right...
+1 y
So what is the age of sexual peak guys versus girls
+1 y
@charlerpi68 it's pretty much the same. In fact girls develop their hormones faster than men. Why do you think you see girls giggling together when one of them see's a guy she likes? Whereas at that age the guy's are just clueless
+1 y
Absolutely clueless.
+1 y
I have to agree with you on that one
+1 y
So what is your take on this Mr. expert
+1 y
Thought we were here to share our experiences and try to help one another by just saying you're clueless then educate me I will hear what you have to say if I'm wrong I will Amit that I'm wrong... so what your opinion or do you have one
+1 y
you're 48. you're not a 11 year old clueless guy. I'm pretty sure you know
+1 y
Very smart response.
MariniteXper 4
+1 y
As a genophobe, I'm just gonna point out that you have literally an endless sea of porn at your disposal, so maybe us that instead of getting in women's face about it. Also maybe stop using the word "need" to describe pleasure. That implies it is unreasonable to expect you to go without. While there is no good reason to ask you to go without, that does not mean you're going to suffer greatly if you somehow deprived of it.
MissGeorgiaXper 7
+1 y
Sex is a basic human need. We all have hormones, cravings, desires...
I've never met anyone, female or male, say they "hate sex"
What is there to hate? Sex, to pretty much everyone feels good. Even bad sex is pretty good. That's half the point.
ThatDudeWittXper 4
+1 y
It's not that women hate sex; women hate sex without trust, commitment, and romance.
+1 y
that's not entirely true, there are some woman who would rather hookup and have one night stands than to have a commitment. I don't personally know any of those women, but they are out there
+1 y
@jamiebakerr I agree. I tried to date a girl like that at one time. She wasn't interested. But my other girlfriends have needed that before things have become intimate in the relationship.
tangymarmaladeXper 4
+1 y
You already said it. we NEED sex. All human beings do. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a conservative living life under the shades of preconceived morals of society or is too shy to mention it openly.
Its a fact and don't let people's opinion bother you. ✌
+1 y
Cheers kind lady =)
+1 y
That's just wrong. It's not a NEED at all, but a desire. Nothin wrong with a desire, but don't call it a need. What do you think you know about needs? Have you ever been a homeless? Western society is all fucked up by their ideas of what people need. All you NEED is food and sleep. While you'll start getting some serious lack of those you will see how right i am and how sex is not NEEDED.
+1 y
Haha. so my argument proves true anyway. I mentioned about 'preconceived morals' didn't I? I like how you assume things 👏 what makes you preassume I belong to the western world? Im from a middle class Asian family and I guess I can differentiate between 'needs' 'wants' and 'desires'. Anyway... to each their own. I just expressed my opinion and you're free to do so too. No hard feelings. peace.
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+1 y
didn't get what you said about preconceived morals? how what i said is preconceived moral? just the opposite, what i said was coming from the most basic primal brain. as someone who used to be homeless for few months, I feel that i know what we really need and what we don't need for survival but is a desire, and nothing wrong with desires. but once you go to REALLY hungry in an uncomfortable bed, you totally don't give a fuck about sex and it's last on your "to do list". about western society - ur correct, i meant more like classes in developed societies that don't know what it means to be hungry.
+1 y
I loved it how you were responding kind lady :) ✊👍
+1 y
unit1.. thanks. @ethan1991, haha... well Is this forum is for expressing our opinion which I did... so im not interested in sparking off a debate here. lol. no good is gonna come out of it. you keep your viewpoint, I'll stick with mine 🙏
+1 y
Even if they understand it perfectly well, why should they give a fuck unless they want to have sex with you? Women might NEED pizza, that's not my problem. They can go out and get it.
MatthaelXper 4
+1 y
I pity you.. You don't need sex. You need love. You're trying to satisfy a thrust for love with lust, and it obviously isn't working, given all you need is more, more and more.
Reign in your lust and stop objectifying women.
OGEuphoniumXper 6
+1 y
I have gone 17, nearing 18 years without it, and I don't particularly crave it. Masturbating suits me just fine
+1 y
Same here but I am 22
sevenpointsXper 3
+1 y
Women can feel like they need sex too though.
+1 y
Not as much as men
+1 y
So not true, buddy
+1 y
I think they re secret admirer
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+1 y
sex drive = amount of testosterone in body
+1 y
First of all men and women both have testosterone. There are tons of men who lose interest in sex also. One of the biggest complaints I've heard from women is men's sex drives being lower. Fact of the matter is no one "needs" sex. You won't drop dead from lack of. If you're partner isn't putting out as much as you would like and talking to her doesn't work and you've tried everything then end it. Tell them to put out or get out
GalemeadXper 5
+1 y
To answer your question in a somewhat round about way: In relationships, women are emotion oriented while men are action oriented. Women need to feel they have an emotional connection with their man, while men need to have physical connection (namely sex) with their woman. Usually, when a woman is holding back from sex, it means she doesn't feel that emotional connection yet. Which can be taxing for the man who isn't getting his physical connection. Thus, the frustration that happens on both sides. (I hope that was helpful in some way).
so you understand, but are you willing to have sex as often as a man likes?
+1 y
I do have sex with my partner nearly every time he wants to. so with him yes
+1 y
what happens the times that you don't want to?
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+1 y
it's usually because it's that time of the month for me when I don't want to.
+1 y
you ever try sex on that time of the month?
+1 y
Why don't most men believe it when we admit that we women need it too?
+1 y
Women don't need sex
+1 y
Yeah women don't need sex.
+1 y
Then why should we sleep with you men?
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+1 y
Come on guys. serious question. We don't have to have sex to artificially inseminate to make babies. So what is the motivation if we don't need it? We can masturbate to get that release.
+1 y
To please the guy so he won't cheat on you.
+1 y
@CT_CD Humans are mammals. Mammals aren't designed to be monogamous. Most mammalian species practice herding and shared breeding mates. Sex is a physical act that doesn't equate love. That's why I'm in an open relationship.
+1 y
I believe you! :)
+1 y
Humans are not mammals
+1 y
@CT_CD Warm blooded, have hair or fur, give live birth, secrete milk from mammary glands. Yes, we are.
+1 y
Humans are crustaceans
+1 y
@CT_CD I'm not a member of the Crab People; I practice clean and safe sex. Besides, you identify as a dog, beneath humans, so what would you know anyway?
+1 y
@CT_CD I thought we were lizards
+1 y
because guys dont say we need sex and 3 years later we start denying sex for two weeks. who needs sex and still goes on without fucking for weeks even tough they have the opportunity? only women
+1 y
@lord_chilled I think that proves the case that women will just find another outlet and don't need sex biologically like men do. They know they can get it whenever they choose.
+1 y
@Wwwyzzerdd yeah the fact that they can get sex whenever they want plays into it as well..
+1 y
@lord_chilled Yep, I find it analogous to a kid getting bored with it's toy.
+1 y
If women needed sex just as much as men then why is online dating so difficult for men?
+1 y
@Wwwyzzerdd because every girl has 100 dms while a guy is dming 10 girls and still only has a 1 in 10 chances that someone will respond :-)
+1 y
@lord_chilled You speak the truth.
+1 y
Because they're probably very skeptical and don't believe anymore
SHKeyXper 5
+1 y
Eh. Other ways to satisfy, maybe.
+1 y
You're telling me, boy oh boy, there are times I want sex and my partner doesn't. Why is it such a stereotype that women don't want sex, I love sex. Being the person with the higher libido sucks in a relationship, man or woman.
+1 y
I kind of know that feel sis :/ You have my empathy.
+1 y
Lol okay, and? No offence to any guy out there but him needing sex isn't my problem unless he's my man. Every other guy out there can pretty much kick rocks.
+1 y
Women don't hate sex dude. Lol. Also women don't understand the "need for sex" because you won't die without it. We're not anti sex either: we're anti EXCUSES. If you want sex, go out there and get it or earn it from a wholesome girl. Don't whine and cry that you "NEED TO GET LAID!!" The reason it annoys most girls is because we've all heard horny guys made such claims while they won't take "no" for an answer: "No, I'm not ready to have sex with you yet." Guy: "But I NEED it! I have blue balls! Don't be a tease, that's cruel!" That's why you're getting a negative reaction. Lol.
+1 y
Heh 😂😂 Okay. Thanks for the following heads up kind lady.
+1 y
No problem bud.
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+1 y
well that's really a nice one to go out and earn sex from a wholesome girl @rjgraveytrain
+1 y
+1 y
@redeyemindtricks 🤘🏻🤘🏻
+1 y
Very well put graveytrain
Jay_LaurenXper 5
+1 y
I get exactly what you mean 👍
Potato_GoddessXper 5
+1 y
Well I'm 15. What I have learn from youtube. Its confusing. Men need so do women. You need to calm down and wait. You can't just have it. Im waiting till I'm married. Patience is 🔐. I think women understand you need it. They just don't want it. Whats important, your needs or your lovers?
KaffieXper 3
+1 y
trans here. quite simply put, female hormone levels make you less horny. someone who hasn't experienced male levels would certainly have a hard time understanding how it feels, and vice versa. but it's not a need, it's an urge/desire. masturbation relieves that urge, so make use of it. sex and horniness I'd biological, it's dumb to shame someone for it. but Peele do need to be respectful and use their brain, on both sides of the fence. girls should understand that guys get the urge more often, and guys should understand girls do not, but do still get it sometimes.
+1 y
very true. You girls should just take loys of steroids and we will tell you god all you do is think about sex all day what is wrong with you, you horn ball. 😂😂😂
+1 y
huh? not at all. personally I enjoy being less horny. I can still enjoy it but its less if a burden. people shouldn't fuck with their hormones. only transition if you need to. I'm just providing my experience as trans since I've literally been on both sides of the fence on this topic.
+1 y
but yes. trans guys take T and note getting really horny haha.
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+1 y
Lol yeah this is like the perfect topic for you guys. what I was saying is we each find it hard to understand what our significant other is feeling bc simply we have different hormones and different levels as well. So we have never experienced it. As for my comment I was saying if girls want to understand us better they they should take steroids, higher testosterone levels, and will begin to see why we are the way we are lol. Also good comment about "T" so true. Maybe they should take that as well 🤣. Just in case there is someone out there considering this, it's a joke. Also you girls are correct we don't "need it" however if we dont get it your body will basically kick it's own ass lol. The body wants this just like it would if you took drugs, I dunno let's say "T" since it was already brought up. (to be continued)
+1 y
You have been doing it however long it takes to get addicted and then when you show up to your dealers house she says ya know I'm just really not feeling very well and have these itty bitty cramps and I just can't handle it...😂😂😂BTW I'm joking here girls and trying not to laugh while I explain this. When your dealer says this you think she doesn't love you anymore and don't understand why she would force your body to kick your own ass because suddenly your body is kicking you over and over repeatedly in the balls like a hungry infant on crack. 😂. So now you feel like shit just like your girlfriend, I guess misery does like company, and you are both annoyed with one another and don't understand why they don't see your point of view.
+1 y
The answer to this is simple communicate better and learn about the opposite sex for Christ sake. One of my degrees is in biology and honestly that alone helps you understand and relate to them. Here is an example. Also you wouldn't feel the same way you would if you did drugs I am just trying to get you to be able to relate to the human condition and explain that your body will fight you just like it does if you came off of something your body has gotten used and your body really does think it needs it and it goes crazy psycho on you lol.
+1 y
omg I'm sorry for writing so much I was on a roll I never got to talk to you about the girls part but I'm done writing. I hope it made sense bc I had to cut it up after the fact in smaller chunks bc it was too long lol. which is harder than you'd think with a cell phone.
+1 y
no, girls should not take T unless they have a hormonal definciency. otherwise it will lead to all sorts of problems. sex is not a requirement for either sex. guys tend to have stronger urges and shouldn't be shamed for relieving them privately (porn). But forcing your partner into sex or demanding sex is wrong. plenty of guys learn to stop, it's not a biological requirement. in my opinion it sucks as it's a pain to deal with and gets a social stigma. Perhaps guys see it differently, I dunno. as a girl I still get urges but they're different and less frequent. Just respect people and what they feel they need to do. it isn't hard.
+1 y
"T" isn't testosterone hun lol. it is methamphetamines. aka "Tina" and like explained and stated "Do not do this" bc I'm trying to somehow relate to you guys so you can understand us so I made up a fake scenario.
+1 y
I'm sorry why are you pointing this to me? I agreed with you girls and just said everything you did.
+1 y
? I'm just continuing the conversation. T is short for testosterone. I'd assumed that was obvious given the topic.
+1 y
Actually it's not. Test is testosterone. T is short for Tina so that people don't know what your talking about. T N. crystal meth. Often used to refer specifically to 1/16 ounce of crystal meth (half an eight ball). The term originated as follows: "crystal" was referred to as "christina;" "christina" was shortened to "tina," which was shortened to T. --tina syn. Tweaker 1: Dude, you know anyone who's selling? I wanna get a T. Tweaker 2: Yeah, I got a contact. Lemme get her number. but we are talking g slang and if your talking to people who do test I'm sure they would assume test if meth then they would also know what you mean. givens don't have any background info it's hard to know
+1 y
lol w/e dude
+1 y
Dude where did you learn English? w/e, T, etc. Is this Ebonics? Seriously no wonder they are co fused. I was just trying to help you out, apparently to no avail.
+1 y
lol it's not ebonics. everyone else understands me just fine, so the fault is yours.
+1 y
Your assuming they understand you. You know what they say about assumptions right? What's more likely is some do and some don't, most of the ones that do are the ones that responded
Sex is not a requirement. It is a desire as many have said before me.
+1 y
I'm confused. Was that an insult or agreement?
+1 y
@David14 I was agreeing with the people who have posted before me saying that it is not a requirement for men to have sex to survive.
+1 y
Of course not lol. I'm pretty sure everyone gets that, they just like to exaggerate.
AaronTupazXper 6
+1 y
Well more important our species as a whole needs sex to survive. That much I'm sure everyone can agree with
trisarahtops94Xper 5
+1 y
I'm sorry but this is ridiculous. And it's thinking/logic like this that can get dangerous (this is how people sometimes justify rape and perpetuate rape culture). You do not need to have sex to live. Sure that urgency may feel so important to you, but you will NOT die of you don't have sex. So no it's not a need. Control yourself and figure out a way to deal with your sex drive yourself.
+1 y
A really good way to reduce your sex drive is thinking about other things, doing hobbies, or working out/lifting. Also turning to sex for things can be dangerous, can lead to addiction. Look to better thing my man
+1 y
look I know both genders would like to feel more secure and wanted when it comes to their urges, it would be like a dream world in a sense cause we love certain interactions with others and always are neglected by society on both sides in some way or another. It is no excuse under any of those circumstances for rape. Rape culture is not a fucking thing to use as an argument, it doesn't really exist and if it does it's not changing.
+1 y
Can you elaborate on how you think rape culture doesn't exist? The moment a girl gets assaulted or raped the questions start flying: was she drunk? what was she wearing? did she lead him on? etc. It's very much real. And a male defining his urge for sex as a need can definitely make him say he NEEDED sex. Which is just false.
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+1 y
1. you prove how it does exist first 2. yes these questions do have plenty to do with the memory and credability of the victim and play into the scale of the events that happened. All these questions are important for the case and the rapist should get punished. The problems are that women have started doing things like lying and extremely over dramatizing situations for money and attention that have have brought all of the courts, victims, and accused, points into view.
+1 y
These people that have tarnished the trust of others should not effect people that from what I have seen truly care about others like you, though if you knew some more about me you could easily send me to trial right now with a false accusation possibly destroying so many parts of my life. I have respect for the fact that you seemed to stay under a certain level of calm after my posibly hurtful opinionated words and greatly thank you for being of the few with those followed ideas to try and understand where the enemy is coming from. I agree with your 2 last sentances to a full extent aswell
+1 y
knew some more about me as in minor personal info, no insult intended
+1 y
Wow wow wow. Who said anything about rape?
UNCWgal63Xper 4
+1 y
Women don't hate sex lol... But anyways, humans don't NEED anything but food, water, and oxygen. Sure, it sucks to not have Netflix, or brownies, or sex, but it is not a necessity for anyone. You can survive without it. So no, you don't NEED sex.
+1 y
yes we do need sex lol. it's an instinct. SURVIVAL, aka reproduction
+1 y
But you don't need it to survive. You instinctually want to reproduce, but it is not a NECESSITY for your own life.
+1 y
Speaking of instinct lmao. Think about this. Ain't it funny how women claim men just want to have sex and yet they comolain that men finish too fast? Think about any animal having sex. A horse thrust like what 3 times? And then they're done. I don't think God indended for men to last very long.
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+1 y
+1 y
Lol okay that's unrelated to your argument. And I just realized you're 14! Dude stop worrying about sex and go enjoy your life before you have adult responsibilities to deal with.
+1 y
Shit, my life as a child is over. I wish I listened when people told me not to grow up smh.
+1 y
And what's wrong with wanting to know about something before hand. I like to educate myself.
+1 y
Look, my point being. I like to be prepared, and I'm considered mature for my age. So don't pull the "You're only blah blah" card👌.
+1 y
Aw that's a bummer :( well at least enjoy not having to worry about work and student loans and all that *fun* adult stuff yet.
+1 y
I'm getting a job this year and I got my future planned out, but thanks for the advice. Unlike my friends I know how to handle money.
+1 y
I'm sorry, I'm not trying to demean your thoughts and questions because of your age. That is actually really good to educate yourself about things.
+1 y
Lol. I bet I'm smarter than have the people in this thread tbh. I'm not offended by you, it's cool of you to actually listen. You don't have to be a child to me childish, anx you don't have to be an adult to be mature. Just hope you understand that.
+1 y
My bestfriend is 16 and his girlfriend is 18. Get what I mean? fyi I'm 15 in 2 weeks.
+1 y
Oh I definitely agree. You can generally get an idea of someone's maturity level by their age, but of course there are always outliers of people who are more or less mature than their age.
+1 y
I forgot what we're talking about. Nice talk, good day.
+1 y
+1 y
If you're saying you're more mature than your age because you hang out with older people, then yes I get what you mean.
+1 y
Honestly I think my friends an idiot, but that's beside the point 😂
+1 y
We were talking about sex being a necessity or not, and I proved to you that it wasn't lol 😝 but nice talking to you too, have a great day, dude!
+1 y
I got your point hun, but sorry, you're waaaay too young lol
+1 y
+1 y
I guess you didn't get what I was saying after all😅
+1 y
Apparently not then lol
+1 y
dude, you sound really mature for 14. good on you! just trust me and do yourself a favor. be as humble as you can be while still doing badass things with your life. and yes, the points you made earlier are good ones. I have 10 years on you by the way
+1 y
makeup, shoes, jewelry, aren't a necessity to life, but I bet you'll be hard pressed to find a girl not lusting after them
+1 y
People lust after many different things, but very few of those things are actually necessary to sustain life. If you were stranded on a deserted island, you would not need makeup, shoes, jewelry, sex, or other things like that to survive. It would suck to not have those things, but you would survive without them.
+1 y
Thanks @Daermon 👌 I appreciate the positive feedback.
+1 y
+1 y
by the way the tag function didn't work
+1 y
I had trouble with the tag function the other day too! Do you know how to get it to work Daermon? (sorry to eavesdrop on your conversation by the way haha)
+1 y
Yeahhhhh, I figure but I see people do it and at listen you know I was talking to you.
+1 y
lol OK cool
+1 y
My phone is retarded.. Sometimes it auto corrects actual words to random letter mashups, lol.
+1 y
yeah sometimes they do. you should be able to turn auto correct off in either your keyboard or phone general settings
+1 y
Yami_DemonXper 3
+1 y
We don't need sex. I don't need sex. It's not a make it or break it thing and if it is as long as your clear about what you expect your not an asshole.
SkylinnXper 3
+1 y
This is a joke. Hormones can drive girls crazy, especially aroung teenage years, and even if we decided to abstain, the moment we start telling ourselves that there is no room for compromise, we act out. I'm sorry to break it to you but girls want sex just as much as guys do and thinking you NEED sex to survive is just dumb
+1 y
trust me, its not even close
Starlord47Xper 3
+1 y
dude I'm 16 so I'm horny as hell but I can still control it because I know that most girls want a gentleman who needs love not a sex machine who wishes to use them like some tool
Puppyz123Xper 6
+1 y
u don't need it, it's just a desire
+1 y
That's where you're wrong kiddo
+1 y
You will not die if you don't have sex. You will for if you don't drink water or eat food for a certain period of time. So no, you do not need it. You're just a horny teenager bro.
+1 y
Yeah probably, just wanted to share my opinion, sorry to have triggered you @trisarahtops94
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+1 y
original 😂
+1 y
not completely a desire, sometimes it's a need also
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow how is it a need? what is the purpose of sex? I think ur mistaking the words 'need' and 'want'.
+1 y
there are some circumstances which you can overcome if you have sex, like stress anxiety etc there sex can be a great medicine
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow it can, but what is the purpose of it?
+1 y
lol, you need a purpose to have sex its a feeling like love, you want your partner to touch you, make you feel comfortable, and once you get into each other for quite long you then also start describing your love with sex sometimes
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow the purpose of sex it to unite the husband and wife and to have children. So there is no need for guys to just hook up with girls, just so that their desire is complete.
+1 y
well even I'm against hook ups I hate when people just want sex to fulfill their desires but if you are in serious relationship then you can have sex with your partner and for that you dont always need to have a reason yeah basically people do sex to have babies, but some couples also do it to relax you will come to know when you will be in relationship
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow the only time i will have sex is with my future husband, when i am married
+1 y
well being with husband would also mean a relation so just to make point, once you will have sex with your husband, you will get to know whether its for a purpose or not
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow yes, i know that there is pleasure in it, and God created it for that between a husband and a wife and for the purpose of multiplying.
+1 y
well you have very traditional thinking on relationship and I really like it very few people think so you really remind me of my childhood
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow thank you. and thanks for being respectful
+1 y
respectful? in what sense you said so like what made you say so
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow lots of guys i talk to try to make me believe in their point and get mad if i don't.
+1 y
lol everyone has it's on views on love, relationship so I don't force my point and you had your views very clear and I respect that
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow thank you and i respect ur veiws too
+1 y
thank you and good luck for your future well if you have another account we can talk over there
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow what do you mean another account?
+1 y
on other social media this social stage is something different so that's it
+1 y
you do ffs
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow yeah, i have other accounts for other social media
+1 y
@Dave_ what is ff?
+1 y
@puppyz123, what other social sites you use
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow i use Instagram
+1 y
oh cool mind if we can connect there PM your link
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow i don't think that's necessary
+1 y
lol, you need a reason or purpose for every thing you want to do respect that and don't mind for any later recalls
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow yeah, i do need reasons and purpose for most things. because i don't want to do something stupid
+1 y
well I aspire your intentions and also worries but knowing someone is simply a gesture, where no one can act stupidly its just I like your views and just want to extend it a further
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow yeah, true
+1 y
that's why said you if we can connect there and you can PM your link
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow why can't we talk on G@G PM?
+1 y
lol, you tried but seems some setting problem in your account, so could not reply you there, that's why asked you for another account
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow oh, ok
+1 y
well, now I hope you got a valid reason
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow not quiet valid, because there's no reason for us to talk
+1 y
yeah, seem very conservative cool be what you are that's good
+1 y
@nationwantstoknow i am sorry, most people think I should be more chill and just go with the flow. But if you go with the flow you might end up some where you don't want to. it's like you are going along in a stream and then go off a water fall.
+1 y
nothing to be sorry about but yeah there's nothing wrong in going with the flow unless you know with what pace and in which direction you need to going along the stream and knowing your goal, you will never fall into a water trap but yeah again its you who has to decide what flow you need to follow
+1 y
chilling is on one side, and knowing where you want to head and then enjoying accordingly is what you need to learn
+1 y
I'm pretty sure everyone knows that people (not just men) feel the NEED for sex... But no one is going to DIE without it.
But the part most normal people have issues with is how they go about getting it - lying and cheating...
-Only talking about those kinds of men - and they're usually the ones who feel the need to write these kinds of Qs...
itiskissieXper 5
+1 y
If you are married... yes. she is required to have sex with you... if not... no not really :) it's our body so we decide. ok?
+1 y
Not just that but you should read about the biology behind a women's body. We also need sex actually and desire sex more than most men thinks we do but comments like this is some of the reason women gets dry down there I guess..
+1 y
I wish more women were well educate on the topic of sex likr you.
+1 y
but it's still as far as I've found impossible for women to like sex more than normal guys
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+1 y
according to what is a married woman "required" to have sex with her husband? because legally that's false. if the woman doesn't want to and calls the law, it is indeed possible for a man to get in legal trouble for RAPING his wife.
+1 y
I know... a married women doesn't NEED to have sex with her husband if she really doesn't want... but with marriage comes sex - an intimate commitment to each other that you will become one... I worded it wrongly I am sorry
+1 y
it's cool. I would expect every decent male and female to know that marriage involves regular sex... lmfao
+1 y
No but if you read about sex drive and what scientist says... it shows that women loves and wants sex as much as men do. :) we might want it at different times, and variations when it comes to sex drive... but trust me. Women LOVES sex. We talk about sex all the time, and many of us are horny all the time and think about it often.
+1 y
When you can have multiple orgasm at the same time... why wouldn't women love sex?
+1 y
that's great to hear! I know my girl is. we just need to get her out of her parents house and living alone with me so it can flourish lol
+1 y
wait whoa what? tell me more about the multiple orgasms simultaneously and how to achieve them please!
+1 y
+1 y
I can only tell you have I achieve it with a guy. Remember every girl is quite different... but try and see if she likes it :) You want to get her relaxed at first, when she is relaxed, it is time to get her aroused but do it carefully, but giving her soft kisses and touching her body, make her feel sexy and wanted, tell her to relax and just enjoy it and start working the CLITORIS! This is how 90% of women have orgasms. Most of the focus needs to be here... this is how most of us achieve our own orgasm. I would start rubbing it gentle in circular motions, and go a bit faster by listing to her breathing.. if she breath faster, you will go a bit faster. I get so horny that most of the time I don't mind having a penis inside of me... just gently penetration.. so you can do that if she is trying to reach for you penis. Just to this, and I like getting my ears licked or bitten to or eye contact, some girls like that too... if she is relaxed enough, she will orgasm.. even multiply times
+1 y
OK thanks!! I'll see her next weekend and try it. it's pretty hard to get her to orgasm...
+1 y
In spooning position of course... but she can make her self have an orgasm right?
+1 y
yes. what part (s) exactly in spooning position?
+1 y
Is she completely comfortable with her body... or you touching her body?
+1 y
Hard to explain it... 😅 you need to google it.
+1 y
you can do it... and yes she is.
+1 y
she's never stopped me except a couple times that I tried anal before licking her there first lol
+1 y
Oh... I see you love your girlfriend a lot 😅 most girls can orgasm even with guys it is just about how relaxed and comfortable she is. And get to know her clit. This is the secret to any orgasm... penetration does almost nothing to a girl
Charlerpi68Xper 5
+1 y
Ladies and gentlemen from my experience in life and knowledge... guys we are programmed to want sex... girls you can get the D anytime you want... Now the issue with how important is sex in a relationship... to some guys it is and I'll tell you why some are you guys no fence have the entitlement that you should get it at any time you want at your disposal
+1 y
On the flipside to that coin lady's when you have a man who wears his heart on the sleeve you can express your love through sex some couples bond that way... if the woman is having womanly issues at the end of the month guys you need to be more understanding of her needs going to the bathroom take matters in your own hands and move on with it...
taurus10jXper 5
+1 y
i just have to laugh at this question. i won't give my opinion but in time you will learn the answer to this question
lcassell0901Xper 4
+1 y
I love and enjoy sex personally. so I'm not sure and don't understand why women hate or make excuses to not have sex. it doesn't make sense to me either and I'm a woman, sorry
+1 y
THANK YOU!!! Thanks!
+1 y
You're welcome
+1 y
Pregnancy maybe lol. Orgasm is the need I guess. Intercrural sex might be the best option
Totoro91Xper 4
+1 y
are you fucking retarded? of course no man with regular levels of sexual activity would ubdergo abstinence the same can be said of women, if you can't deny your hormonal impulses to the point it becomes a "need" IE something you cannot function as a normal human being without, then you might need to see a therapist because A thats a dangerous point of view and B a "normal" human being can quite happily do without sex, I'm one of them just because I'm over the amount of drama that having a partner brings, do I enjoy sex? fuck yes. is it a need? fuck no.
learn some self control you'll be all the better for it.
iron_smithXper 3
+1 y
why the fuck os this popping up on my alerts 24/7?
DP0122Xper 7
+1 y
I don't need it, maybe I have low test though, maybe I need that checked
+1 y
You can survive without sex and doesn't literally need it, but someone rather wants it.
SassyPinkLittleRWRXper 4
+1 y
I guess we should all just throw in the towel and be empathetic to men's needs. I'll just bend over at the first sign of a testesterone crazed boy having a serious medical issue... -_-...
How did you manage to get both your hands cut off? Must have taken a long time to type this post with your feet.
+1 y
Hahaha, why do you think so?
+1 y
Guess he thought you were a sex addict. @panda, bro, love for sex doesn't means the person is a sex addict and can't see and think anything beyond sex. 😂
+1 y
This is bullshit
+1 y
Just because you don't understand it doesn't negate the subject
Kate_XxXper 6
+1 y
They should understand. I feel the same way. Oddly though not just for some good d*** but for that person I am lusting over. That's just me. And women crave it too. They are lying if they say they don't. It may not be just to get laid but for that contact of a person you want to be inside you and intimate with
forestprincessXper 5
+1 y
You seem to be confusing 'needs' and 'wants'. The idea of survival is real, meaning someone would die without their needs being met. This includes things like food, water, and shelter. A want is one step up in the order from needs and is simply something that people desire to have, that they may, or may not, be able to obtain. You will not die without sex, and there are plenty of humans on earth as it is. If you really want a kid, adopt or foster one. No one is there for just being a sexual object to make a baby then put back on the shelf. You ( and anyone really) are not entitled to any person and their uterus. And if you are really 'burning' on the inside because you're not getting laid, I would recommend a sex doll.
+1 y
damn right
+1 y
the populations would die off if mens "needs" werent met..
+1 y
population would die if women stopped having sex/babies
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+1 y
correct.. whats your point?
+1 y
same point as yours
+1 y
technically someone can die if denied sex frequently.. it can cause stress/depression that can lead to congestive heart failure etc. but that goes both ways, not just for men lol. we are equipped with sex drives for a reason though.. most of the time it is instinctual and chemical balance changes in our bodies that force us to crave sexual intimacy.. so I would say that it is a need and a want at the same time. I have yet to have sex, but that doesn't mean that I don't crave it.. everyone copes differently to those urges and deals with it differently as well..
+1 y
Sex dolls are nice =)
+1 y
It would take a very long time for 9 billion people to die off and a long time to even notice a decline in the population at all, even if every woman on the planet decided to become abstinent. But nice try making a case for male "desire" out to be a biological "need" to populate the world.
+1 y
@ssilver so if everyone stopped having sex now, the population would die off in around 100 years.. no human race left at all! our bodies are put together to multiply therefore it is a need no matter how much you want to argue it isn't..
+1 y
It isn't even a possibility that people would all stop having sex. It would never happen. Even if all the women said no, which would never happen, men would just see as their duty to rape them. Justified by biological need, I guess
+1 y
@ssilver so you agree it is a NEED then?
+1 y
Perhaps in part, bit I think it's more of a desire. If it were a need, no man could practice celibacy or be asexual, and there are many people who are, and they have not died. Maybe originally it was to promote the species, but the population is huge and it is less necessary for everyone. People have options and there isn't a huge demand for every single man to reproduce. It is an ego thing for sure though, in a lot of men. There are some who couldn't possibly fathom that their "name" or "legacy" (lol) to not live on.
+1 y
yes biology changes with circumstances.. sex was used as a survival instinct but it isn't as necessary now.. but your argument still has flaws. for example, I am an only child.. the need for me to have sex to prolong my family and keep my bloodline running could be a instinctual motivator as well as a want.. as a human being we need a lot of things that look like they are wants, like acceptance, gratification, appreciation, consolement.. humans are complex and each person is handled differently from the next, so I think that it is in fact possible for a man to feel the need to have sex..
+1 y
in that regard, sex is more like a stepping stone to get to a real need, like acceptance, approval, human contact, love, etc... I see where your coming from, but I think the real need is actually deeper than the the outward expression of what a man feels that he "needs".
+1 y
To add on to that point, I think a lot of men rely on sex to mask other emotional problems, that they cannot or do not want to deal with. It may be too painful to face. I think that's why men turn to porn frequently, because it is a numbing experience, free from obligations of life and a way to divert emotional pain instead of exploring the root cause of it.
melodicstaceyXper 5
+1 y
I have emotional needs which includes sex.
David14Xper 4
+1 y
I hate how men are stereotyped to be sex hungry peices of shits.. I want to LOVE someone, but where I live everyone is a whore. I'm for someone I can have mutal respect and trust with, but it's hard.
+1 y
Small town?
+1 y
No, just a shitty neiborhood.
+1 y
I'm on dating apps and shit now so here's to hoping🤞
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+1 y
I know that feel kind of bro. I was dealing with gold diggers in a village for some time myself... It wasn't good at all. It warped my view on women, dating and relationships. Damn that sucks! Keep it tight bro!
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