Why is pro choice so bad?

Let's have an educated debate. If you're not mature enough to handle this then don't bother commenting. I went to a seminar the other day to support a friend who was giving a speech for a women's health center. How they helped her through her pregnancy etc.. Everything was all good until the political parties showed up and talked about how planned parenthood should be banned and abortion should be illegal. I am pro choice and I believe that most women who choose to get an abortion do it entirely by choice so why should that choice be taken from them? Let me know what you guys think.
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I originally asked this question because I wanted to hear from people my age about this topic, since the policies created will affect us the most. I was try to understand both sides but I see myself trying to change peoples opinions.
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I apologize that was not my intent. Thank you everyone who commented.
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11 27
  • I'm 100 percent Pro-choice, but I don't agree with it being tax payer funded, if someone wants to have one done let them pay for it themselves at a private clinic.

    People who don't agree with it shouldn't have their tax dollars going towards it.

    Other than that, as long as they follow the laws and guidelines its a personal decision between them and their doctor, Politicians should stay out of it.

    If someone is truly committed to stopping abortion, focus on creating CareNet clinics which provide women with counseling and other alternatives and support, rather than demonizing them with religious dogma and hate, or trying to ban abortion altogether.

    Banning it altogether would only drive it underground like prohibition of alcohol in the 1920's.

    • so if other people don't agree with military, their tax dollars shouldn't have to go towards it? are you at least ok with your tax dollars going to welfare to support the mother and child, because she's single, has no job and a child to look after?

    • That's different, our country couldn't survive without a military. And that depends on if she is unable to work or not. To help her get back on her feet sure, that's what its there for, but to live off for life, no.

    • I don't like the idea of our tax money doing to that either but that's something you can't control.

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  • I am pro life and i just believe that every creature should try to protect and nurture its offspring not try to destroy it. or kill it.

    • Thank you! I was starting to think everyone was pro choice, glad I'm not alone.

    • valid argument

  • People have different opinions on when "life" starts. Which I have always found ridiculous. The unborn child is alive no matter how you look at it. It's more just whether you care or not and how developed the child is. I'm personally pro life so I obviously think abortion is wrong and that killing is a choice (like it always is) but it shouldn't be legal.

    • So from the moment the egg is fertilized, the embryo somehow becomes worthy of treatment as a full human? I find that weird. Also, what about cases of rape or where the mother is in danger?

    • @cipher42 I believe all life is worth something and shouldn't be needlessly thrown away. Abortions because of rape makes up a very small percentage but I'm still against termination in those cases. I don't see why the child's life is deemed less important because their father is disgusting. Their life still matters to me, the father is the one in the wrong not the child. As for the mother being in danger that's the only time it should be allowed because an other life is in danger but I think most mothers would choose their child to live over themselves.

    • All of what kind of life? Human? Animal? Plant? Just because something has human DNA doesn't make it more capable of feeling or thought, and certainly no more of a person. And fine, at least you're honest about wanting to force women to serve as incubators for a child of an awful person.

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  • I'm pro choice to an extent. I am against late-term/partial birth abortions.

    • Yes, I agree with you. If you didn't want the child in the beginning then why wait that long to make a choice.

  • It's NOT bad in my opinion. Depending on where you live you'll find views different. I used to live in a city and found that people are more tolerant of pro choice. Now I live in a more country type ,( love my guns and hate the gays ) place. They are definitely AGAINST abortion here. I'm a fish out of water here because I have liberal views. I think it SHOULD be a woman's choice. Problem is... some women use abortion as birth control. You know how a few bad apples misuses options and makes it hard for everyone else who legitimately needs an abortion. My view on life is "Live and Let Live."

    • nicely put

    • The father should have to pay child support because it takes two to tango

    • sorry posted this one the wrong one

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  • I agree that couples should have the right to have an abortion if the want, but let's be honest about what it really is. It's a CHILD, not just a choice, and that CHILD belongs equally to TWO parents. As long as you women believe it's right to exclude one of the TWO parents from the decision making, I will not support it. I do not support sexism in any of it's forms.

    • yes I believe men should who are fathers should also have a say in it.

    • Fathers should have a legal say, 50%. If either parent wants to keep the child, there should be no abortion. Of course that parent must be financially responsible for the child. But today fathers have zero legal rights in abortion decisions. The mother is not even legally compelled to tell the father she is pregnant or that he has a son or daughter in the world. It's disgusting! Tell me, where are the feminists who are fighting for abortion rights and who are ostensibly all about "equality" on the subject of men's abortion rights? Are they fighting for fathers' rights here? Fuck no. All we hear about is the "war on women". Like I said, until women show they give a fuck about men's rights, I don't see why any man should support "abortion rights". War on women my ass.

    • I'm glad that you feel like you should have a say if it was your child but there are men out there who do not care and who do not want to have any responsibility to the child

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  • 1. It ends a life.

    2. Studies show many women who have an abortion experience mental trauma due to the abortion.

    3. Abortion has been linked to higher rates of breast cancer.

    4. Women have died from abortions

    4. It's unnecessary given that adoption is an option.

    • Trauma also occurs with birth, many women experience postpartum depression and people have also died from birth. Everything causes cancer. Adoption is an option but how many children out there already exist without a good home to go to without any family who live on the streets and get recruited by gangs? Do you really want to add to that number? And making a woman go through a pregnancy when she was raped or assaulted is just cruel. Not only will she already have trauma from that she is reminded everyday for the next 9 months that she is carry the child of her attacker, who used her and left her alone to deal with everything.

    • “Everything causes cancer.” I disagree. For example, there are no studies showing that the website GirlsAskGuys causes cancer. “…but how many children out there already exist without a good home to go to without any family who live on the streets and get recruited by gangs?” I don’t know. Four? Nobody knows. Could be a really high number, could be a really low number. These children would probably be 16 or 17 and you can’t really compare them to the newborns who would be adopted if abortion were outlawed. “And making a woman go through a pregnancy when she was raped or assaulted is just cruel.” I’d argue it’s more cruel to kill the innocent child

  • Because some people believe life begins at conception, therefore abortion is murder.

    For some people abortion is like slavery: its morally wrong. Some people have believed slavery was acceptable, but its not. Some people may be abortion is acceptable, but its not.

    It just moral opinions.

    • yup it all comes down to morals

  • Usually it's the other way around, with prolife being looked down upon.

    • I don't hate or look down on people who are pro life. I just don't understand why women shouldn't get a choice to have or to not have a baby.

    • It's not about that to them. Support them or not, they see it from a different perspective from you. A different paradigm. When abortion pops up in their head, they don't think "LIMIT THE RIGHTS OF THOSE WEAK AND STUPID WOMEN!", they think "a child is being murdered... why...". You might see it as a gloop of cells and a parasite to a woman's body, they see it as a growing human that has it's own bodily integrity, different from the mother's. Whether you agree with their opinions or not, they see it as a child ACTUALLY being killed. If you saw it in that light, the abortion would be a pretty big frigin' deal, much bigger than whatever "rights" it would support. That's why they oppose it, not because they think women should suffer, but because they see the death of another human being.

      It's all about perspective.

    • If abortion is done early enough then their is not "Child" being killed. It's a clump of cells.

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  • I think people disagree on who are considered "persons". In my country (the U. S.), we have debated the concept of "personhood" throughout history. Right now, there's a debate over whether or not a fetus (that can't survive outside of the womb) is considered a person. I think some people even debate whether or not a viable fetus is considered a person.

    But I agree, there are lots of immature people on both sides of this debate.

    • Both sides are strong and both sides have a good value of truth in them but I still think it's up to the mother.

    • @jarofhearts Why do you believe that if I may ask?

    • I believe that because I think that both sides are trying to protect life. But one has to give for the other to occur. When I say that I'm prochoice, Im not saying that abortion is no big deal or that it's not killing thing to an extent. I just think that women should have the right to the kind of life they want to live.

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  • in my opinion, pro choice is not bad.
    Though, it depends on who's making the choice.

    • thanks for your opinion

  • It's not bad at all.

    • thanks!

  • It is because people don't agree on when life begins. People that are pro life are trying to protect what they see as a human baby. They believe that baby has a right to live. Even people that are pro choice don't agree on when the cut off limit for an abortion should be.

    • very true