70% of women want to have sex with their fathers. Do you agree with this random persons answer on here?

70% of women want to have sex with their fathers. Do you agree with this random persons answer on here?
She calls it the Electra complex. Is this a real phenomena?
2 1

Superb Opinion

  • Oh fuck no, never ever ever would I want to do that thinking about it makes me physically nauseous. Maybe some would, but for at least for me and the vast majority of women that's not something I'm into.

    I've actually heard of this theory before, it's basically saying that as a child you're taught that the parent of the opposite sex is the ideal mate/father/nurterer and so as an adult you search out for people similar to that parent. Its very important to bond with that parent to learn what a healthy relationship is like (BUT NOT SEXUALLY KIDS AREBT OUT HERE LUSTING OVER THEIR DADS). Rivalry with your same sex parent can also occurs because you adore your opposite sex parent emenslley and its difficult to share attention. AGAIN, this isn't a bitchy steal yo man thing, this is emotional. When children don't bond with their opposite sex parent this can lead suppressed emotions causing to daddy issues latter in life, seeking for that validation and attention from a father figure.

    Personally I've experienced this, and it's purely platonic. My mom even encouraged it lol, she would make cards for me like in the one in the photo below.

    70% of women want to have sex with their fathers. Do you agree with this random persons answer on here?

    We would go to daddy daughter dances, and I never thought of it as sexual, it just made me feel grown up and like a princess. They showed me how I could have fun with someone of the opposite sex in nonsexual ways. I have a pretty good bond with my dad, although it could be better I don't think I'll ever have daddy issues. Again, I'm not sure where this person pulled out "70% of women want to fuck their dads", but it's absolutely ludacris.

    70% of women want to have sex with their fathers. Do you agree with this random persons answer on here?
    • Cute

    • @eelephant spot on

    • very thoughtful and detailed answer

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Complete garbage.
    Some people just want to believe this type of crap.
    Jung is not so bad (he was Freud's protégé and initially trained by him, but they departed ways and had ultimately quite different conclusions), but most in the field consider Freud disreputable now; merely a man who attempted to displace his own kinks, fetishes, fantasies, etc. onto others, in an attempt to normalize his own obsessions.

    "Is the Electra complex real?
    The Electra complex isn’t widely accepted in psychology nowadays. As with many of Freud’s theories, the feminine Oedipus attitude complex and the notion of “penis envy” is also widely criticized.

    Very little data actually supports the idea that the Electra complex is real. It’s not an official diagnosis in the the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

    As a 2015 paper points out, Freud’s ideas about psychosexual development have been criticized as outdated because they rely on century-old gender roles.

    The concept of “penis envy” has, in particular, been criticized as sexist. The Oedipus and Electra complexes also imply that a child needs two parents — a mother and a father — to develop properly, which has been criticized as heteronormative.

    That said, it’s possible for young girls to experience sexual attraction toward their fathers. It’s just not as universal as Freud and Jung believed it to be, according to many in the field.
    The takeaway
    The Electra complex is no longer a widely accepted theory. Most psychologists don’t believe it’s real. It’s more a theory that’s become the subject of jokes."


    • excellent! @unbeatable your rebuttal to this?

Most Helpful Guys

  • I will never understand why, when decided what clearly debunked theory people will adopt as Gospel truth, they never take any of the FUN ones. No phlogiston, or spontaneous generation, or even phrenology- no. It's always Freudian nonsense, or Malthusian (very popular these days among the "depopulation" crowd) or some other such bull. No, most women do NOT want to have sex with their fathers. Yes, their father is usually the person who gives them their first real example of masculinity, and (hopefully) their first appreciation for it, but given the rate of fatherlessness these days, there's an appallingly large chunk of the population for whom that's not even true.

    A woman calling her sexual partner "daddy" does NOT indicate she thinks she's having sex with her father. I've always found the idea a little off-putting myself, and I have yet to find a single example of it being used that way before that Zombies song came out, but even I never suspected it had any deeper meaning.

  • Okay it is and isn’t.

    it goes wrong when you. Change from simply competing for affection to sexualising it.



    I’ve. Been to a few seminars on it, it’s mainly just how each child changes attraction to parents, wants and competes for attention and approval.

    The jump to sex, is a large leap and is a dodgy area.

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What Girls & Guys Said

12 14
  • Ew gross. I can barely be in the same room with him. I sure as hell don't want to have sex with him.

  • Uh... hell no

  • Eww no. That's bullshit. Sounds like something out of one of the pseudo-sciences like psychology.

  • Nope! Utterly false!

  • I have no idea. How many women in today's society even HAVE fathers?

  • Definitely not. Little girls and boys might say that they want to "marry" their mom or dad but that's just because they are forming a positive relationship with the opposite gender. This article is about little boys but it's the same principle. I have a little boy so this is what my experience will be.

    https://www. google. com/amp/s/www. psychologytoday. com/us/blog/how-raise-happy-cooperative-child/201602/mommy-i-want-marry-you%3famp

    It's not that children actually want a romantic or sexual relationship with parents. Often times sexual interest in family members occurs because of a broken family dynamic. Incest doesn't occur in healthy family relationships, at least not often. Also if a pregnancy results from an incestual relationship, the chances of birth defects in the child increase dramatically.

    https://www. google. com/amp/s/www. psychologytoday. com/us/blog/animals-and-us/201210/the-problem-incest%3famp

    • nice work! what do you gotta say about this one @unbeatable?

    • Thank you! I don't know why GAG breaks my links up like that though. It's annoying 😑

    • not sure either. but this dude i summoned seems to think he knows it all. ready to see him fail to disprove you? i sure am hehe!

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  • Hmmmm. I really hope that's false

  • Wtf. No no no. Though has never crossed my mind. That is disgusting

  • Actually, while this is untrue that girls want to have sex with their ACTUAL fathers, there's actually something that I heard a lot as a kid (though, I don't know if it's true). A lot of women will look for men that have similar traits to their dads.

    For example, I love my dad in a healthy way. He's charming, bold, laughs a lot, passionate about my mom, and is a pretty chill guy. He's a pretty dorky dude who's also a big cuddler. My preference in guys is a passionate lover who's ultra cuddly, bold, loves to laugh, and stays chill in arguments.

    While this is mostly me basing this off of what I was told and what I find true, I could be completely wrong.

    However, no, this guy made up this statistic. The number is a LOT lower, considering incest is something humans have evolved to dislike.

  • I am having sex with my father as I type this.

  • Sounds like complete nonsense to me.

    • Thats because you haven't studied psychology at all

    • @Unbeatable post your sources buddy

    • The electra complex is well understood and reading material isn't difficult to find. the male version is the oedipus complex however it gives a guy "daddy issues" because he can't have sex with his mom, while his dad can. Which i know well because i have it, unfortunately because i had a nightmare where my mom asked me if i wanted to have sex. I couldve had more dreams like that about her, and just didn't remember them. My ego was completely disgusted by the dream, however i still had the complex and i had to work through it to have a good relationship with my dad.

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  • I think it is nonsense.

  • Absolutely not, I think 70% is an over exaggeration. Hell, I'd be surprised if women wanted to do that in the first place. It just kind of baffles me, it doesn't seem right to me.

  • Lmao

  • I think it is

  • I think this is bullshit

  • Oh my god that is disgusting

    • yeah its a dumb theory

  • Sounds like total bs!

  • Hey, iv seen this in American movies,

    Thanks for using a comment from my question, next time use a link and referral..

    To whom was incest porn created to target?

    • her xpre level wasn't high enough to post it. and also admins hate it when you badmouth other users

    • @Blizzardbuffalo it's not bad mouthing..

    • i know its not but admin usually does see it as bad mouthing and takes them down

  • They are supposed to want to have sex with them. When a father isn't sexually attractive is when the daughter has issues.

    • Like you know about women lmaoooooo

    • @lakotabebebe you bet!

    • Just so everyone knows, this man encourages beating women and cheating on them. Literally don't listen to this clown.

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