A man should never hit a woman? Do you think my beliefs are wrong?

My brother and I were having a talk about this where the question was:

"If a woman fought mom, what would you do?"

My brother doesn't hit women, so he said he'd restrain or hold her

I said I'd punch her in the face, knee her in the tits, etc.

We're definitely not the same lol

She can be the same age as my mom and she's still getting everything if she is attacking my mom.

I hate being called a "gentleman"
I'm not that and i think it's a term only weak men enjoy being called.

No one gets off if they are attacking mom, except little kids, senior citizens, disabled people, etc. The obvious protected groups.

If a woman hit me, she's getting hit.

My brother just has a code that doesn't involve hitting women.
A man should never hit a woman? Do you think my beliefs are wrong?
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Oh, also, if my wife got attacked by a woman, I'm whooping that woman's ass.
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All of this to say, I have NEVER struck or even pushed a woman in my life. I hope I don't have to, but if I do I don't really have qualms about it and if it's people who I love that are getting hurt, I definitely have no disagreements about it.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Call me old fashioned, but I believe men should NOT hit women. A woman just doesn't pose as much of a threat to me as another man does.

    Of course, this comes with reasonable conditions. Obviously you should not let a woman off easy if she's throwing a waffle iron at your face or jabbing a plastic butter knife in your general direction. These violent actions require a response of physical force.

    I understand that we live in a time with people crying out for "gender equality" and "equal rights, equal fights." Like if some random woman slaps a man in the face over something that offended her, him slapping her back in response would and should be justified. And perhaps she DOES deserve to get clocked, and I've had my fair share of YouTube videos of "when men hit back" and greatly enjoying them... But then, on the other hand, violence should not be the answer if it can be avoided.

    Normally, if someone hits you and things appear to be leading to a physical fight, whether with a male or female, the wisest thing you can do is NOT ESCALATE IT. What's more, a lot of us tend to not know our own strength when we're numbed by adrenaline in the heat of the moment... which can potentially cause serious injury. There's also the legal side that we need to worry about, and for good reason.

    Men are generally physically stronger than women, so the risk of serious injury is even greater. But if you HAVE TO fend off a woman who's physically bullying you, just get her in a full nelson.

    if you're a reasonably fit (or even average) guy against the average woman, chances are, you'll come out on top.

  • A man should never strike a lady.

    When a female is throwing punches and it's not self-defense, she is not a lady!

    • Thanks for MHO!

Most Helpful Girls

  • If I went violently berserk on my man, he'd definitely have to defend himself.

    I'd expect him to put me on a sleeper hold 'til I'm knocked out.

    I'd later appreciate the method he used to subdue me.

    I'll be glad he didn't hit me.

  • Nah you shouldn't hit anyone unless your defending yourself. If there's a way to make the person stop without having to get violent then try that first. If she won't stop then yes defend yourself and hit.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 26
  • Men should not INITIATE violence with women, but if a woman attacks a man, then he should defend himself, using the minimum amount of violence necessary to do so. Hitting her back may be necessary, especially if she is physically larger and stronger than he is, or if she has a weapon, but he should not use any more violence than is necessary to stop her attack.

  • A man should try to avoid violence- that's what we invented words for, after all. But if it comes down to it, then gender shouldn't be a factor.

  • I certainly think your brother has better conflict resolution tactics than you. Why contribute to the drama? Instead, use your superior male strength to just hold her back like he suggests.

    • That's your opinion How about this? If you're a woman, don't hit a man or anyone for that matter if you can't also take a hit or if you can't fight.

    • @bethany22 No one is going to risk getting injured by some female ex convict or gang member cause she has a pussy. She want to fight like a man, she can go to the ICU like a man. That's called life.

    • @embracethepain Does the military know you think like that? Or do you keep that to yourself. Damn.

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  • Nah. Screw that. Anyone over the age of 15 puts their hands on me, and I'm going full grizzly bear on them. Having a vagina ain't saving you. It's just like what they teach you in gun training: "Don't EVER aim your firearm at anything you don't intend to pull the trigger on." And in real life, don't even put your hands on someone you can't incapacitate.

    I grew up with an abusive parent, so I am 100% serious. I will FUCK UP anyone who puts their hands on me. On some full Ike Turner shit. Gender doesn't matter. Size doesn't matter. Age doesn't matter if they're over 15. And if this is in the street, they'd better hope they're armed with something bigger than mine, cause I have traumas from that shit. Abusive parent, remember?

    Man, woman, senior, cripple; doesn't matter. Keep your hands to yourself and no one has to make it onto the news that night.

    • Oh, and I should also mention I spent years as a bouncer and a bodyguard, so I have a high level of patience and lots of experience in dealing with street fights. I will not severely injure someone just for a love tap. I am talking about an actual street fight here. Some prison dyke who thinks she's hard like a man. Something where actual injury is a possibility. THAT kind of fight. And yes, I will literally knock her into a fucking coma, if need be. Same as any man. Don't let my calm demeanor and vocabulary fool you. I didn't grow up with a pleasant childhood.

    • Here's something for the men saying to "never hit a woman, under any circumstances." Here's 6'2" Gabi Garcia. And yes, that is 100% a woman. She's not trans whatsoever, though you'd be forgiven for assuming such.

      A man should never hit a woman? Do you think my beliefs are wrong?
      A man should never hit a woman? Do you think my beliefs are wrong?
      A man should never hit a woman? Do you think my beliefs are wrong?
      A man should never hit a woman? Do you think my beliefs are wrong?
      A man should never hit a woman? Do you think my beliefs are wrong?

      You guys can piss-off and take that concussion and six week hospital visitation with your chivalrous "I'm a man, so I'm automatically stronger and she's weak and helpless against me" bullsh*t.

  • A man should never hit a women unless it is im defense of himself or someone else.
    A woman should never hit a man unless it is in defense if herself or someone else.
    Easy as that

  • There is no reason to hit anyone you are physically stronger than. The reason to strike is to get the upper hand.

    Defensive blocks is all you would need to restrain them. And those are not strikes.

  • Yeah, and your brother would go home and you would take a trip to jail. Unless it's a deadly force scenario... NEVER.

    • What are you talking about? If my mom is getting attacked, I can fight that person... If a woman hit me, I can hit her Use your head next time brother

    • Let me guess, you got offended by the specific wording or language I used? Change that "spartan" to "pussy" lol

    • Excuse me fuckhead? Read about use of deadly and it's legal ramifications ya dumb fuck. Read this before you run stupid mouth.

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  • back to the classics, I see... lol

  • Lol. Nobody should hit anyone. I would defend myself and those I care about. I am not trying to be mister macho man.

    But. Yeah people like this annoy me. If you bring up hypothetical situations like. What if someone starts beating your girlfriend mom grandma up and it’s a woman. What if she has a knife chasing you. What if what if what if she’s strong and can do damage.

    No. Overall. I wouldn’t hit a woman or anyone really. I would use the amount of force necessary. I’m not gonna just bash someone’s face in unless they’re a serious threat.

    But you get my point.

  • I have two thoughts on this.

    1) Men should never hit women, but
    2) if you’re big enough to hit, you’re big enough to get hit.

  • Anyone who brings violence, gets violence.

  • What would you do if your wife was beating your mom’s ass?
    The “men shouldn’t hit women” didn’t start out such a flat statement. It used to be, “a man should never hit a woman in anger”. Your belief system is more in line with the spirit of the moral. As our society grew more equal in every other way, somehow this trope went the opposite direction. Apparently your brother with it. That’s fine. To each their own, but i definitely agree more with you than with your brother. My rule also doesn’t stop at defending others. If a woman hits me, she’ll get one warning shot meant to remind her i could break her in half if she REALLY wants to get physically violent. I’m no sexist. Come at me like a man and get dealt with like a man.

  • I would use the minimum force necessary to prevent her from injuring someone. I would have someone call 911.

  • And real men don't eat quiche

  • No one is ever justified in hitting another person in anger. However, hitting another person in self-defense, or in defense of another, is justifiable.

  • I don't disagree with your thinking in terms of hitting women.. I as a male who vigorously lifts heavy weights all the time probably wouldn't... In most situations.. But I don't fault you for doing what you feel you gotta do.

  • so you’re bragging about hitting someone you could easily overpower…?

    • Did you read what I wrote?

    • I did and it makes absolutely no sense. you’re a man, you exercise, I believe you are strong, so why would you go as far as attacking an older lady when all you need to do is restrain her?

    • I'm just confused on how you read all of what I wrote and thought I was bragging. I get disagreeing with me, but how did you get "bragging" from all of that.

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  • A man should never hit a woman?

    I've lived life enough and seen and experienced enough to know that belief is kinda BS. There are definitely situations and circumstances where hitting a woman is applicable even if they are uncommon.

    Now don't get me wrong in general you should never put your hands on anyone but if someone tries to seriously hit me and harm me or worse then man or woman then I will defend myself accordingly depending on the situation and circumstances I find myself in. And that's someone everyone should do.

  • I think your brother is right.. And it doesn't apply to just women.. I've seen many bigger guys refusing to fight smaller or less skilled guys and just restrain them until they realize it's stupid and pointless... No need for too much drama

  • I concur. There are consequences to physical violence. If a woman hits me, it's not my job to honor her. Somebody strikes me in anyway, they're getting it back. I'll defend myself by striking back rather than trying to 'hold someone back'. Holding someone isn't an optimal defense tactic. I agree with you in regard to defending your wife as well. I've almost been in that situation. Someone touches my wife, I'm killing them. Not holding them down lol

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