Are breasts sexual organs or just oversexualised?

this also relates to the #freethenipple campaign what are your views?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I mean, they're kind of sensitive so in a sense you can play with them sexually. But that goes for any body part to be honest. People have foot fetishes yet there's no law that says you're not allowed to wear sandals or walk around barefoot. I do think they're oversexualized. The primary reason why women have them is to feed babies. Any other reasons are almost irrelevant in comparison to that. I think it should be legal for women to walk around topless, or to swim topless at public beaches and pools. I'm not entirely sure if most women would feel comfortable with that, but at least it would be nice to have the option. And over the years people would become desensitized to it, and it would no longer be special to see a topless woman.

    Actually not too long ago it was also frowned upon for men to be topless.

    • Click on the picture to read the text, it's a shame that GaG resized it.

  • Well I don't believe the breast is sexual we make it sexual but yeah you can use it sexually but the organ its self is not sexual. But the problem I have with free the nipple campaign is that we have to respect people wishes not everyone wants to see your boob you know? what's next we going to say showing off your dick in public is ok? I think at nude sites (like nude beaches etc) that's where you can free it off not in everyday situations.

  • Well if you want to get me aroused quickly go for the breasts because that is my pleasure part. There are plenty of nerve endings located in the breasts and some girls are born with plenty of them there. Personally I don't want guys looking at my breasts unless they are in my bed pleasuring them

Most Helpful Guys

  • Ahahaha. Free the nipple? It's an armchair campaign over a non-issue.

    If you make women dress decently, they'll complain they're oppressed.

    If you let women dress like hot sluts, they'll complain that unworthy "creepy" men are deriving sexual enjoyment from their exposed bodies.

  • fewer acts make things more desirable than prohibiting them. I suspect that if it suddenly became a legal trend for women to walk around topless, in ~5 years or so, no one would really notice (constant influx of teenage boys notwithstanding).

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  • I don't think they are sexual organs per say but I've been conditioned to view them as private parts and wouldn't want to show them in public for just anyone no matter what a campaign says.

    • I think that's something a lot of these advocates forget. Some women just plain old don't want other people viewing their breasts publicly and it's ridiculous to me that these people act like they're doing all women a favour without taking the consideration of the women who DON'T like the idea of it into account.

    • @RexCatholicissimus I don't think the free the nipple people want to force women to walk around toppless they just want to make it a choice... And I think all women would benefit from having their bodies de-sexualized. I think free the nipple is focusing on a symptom rather than an issue as most liberal campaigns though.

  • i think they can be both.
    interesting. never really thoughta bout it.
    having my tits played with is a super super turn on. the way it feels, not the act. so i think its both. some women dont care either way, they just let the guys play cuz they know the boys like it.
    for me tho, its a necessity.

    • sounds like a good answer to me

  • I wouldn't trust a human who didn't find them stimulating. Man or woman.

    I would consider them liars, or broken.

  • Breasts and sexual organs are meant to be sexual but 'over sexualized' YES I'll agree with you. In the current era they are very much so. The initial stages of 'modern' civilization it was meant to bring 'order' but like anything that man has created even this is growing malignant like a cancer :)

  • A woman's wish to go topless doesn't change the fact that men find breasts sexy or that they are sexual organs.