Are women more attracted to men who are in relationships?

There's Actual Research Proving Guys With Girlfriends Seem Hotter. The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found it is absolutely common for single women to be interested in attached men more than single men. When offered a taken man, 90 percent of the studied women were "up for the chase."
Are women more attracted to men who are in relationships?

What is wrong with women? What is the reason for this phenomenon? Like a moth to a flame, single women are drawn to a man in a relationship. Are men just morally superior to women since most guys get dissuaded by the fact that a girl is taken?
Yes, women are subconsciously attracted to men who are taken.
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What Girls & Guys Said

21 14
  • Man ! Those women are sick

  • Yes in today's society yes

  • Yes, women are subconsciously attracted to men who are taken.

  • Because man already in relation has experience and is gentle both attitude wise and physically and is normally more sustainable

  • it doesn't have an effect, i got hit on when i'm single and when i'm not single just as much

  • Yup. Women want what they can't have. It's actually rooted in biology-- if there is a man that's taken, that means there must be something "right" about his genes, and so women are more likely to want to reproduce with men with better genes. Of course now-a-days this isn't really the case anymore as we've evolved more, but there is still some of that deep-rooted biology drawing women to taken men. I've definitely experienced it unwillingly.

  • It highers our self esteem when he chooses us, by cheating on his girlfriend.. That's why.. We aren't really interested in him and who he is but need to better our esteem.

    • Women have massive self esteem issues wow

  • Based on my experience, absolutely they are.

  • A man who is taken must have some qualities or that women would dump him.
    A man who is not taken may lack some qualities or a woman would be with him.