Do you find vulnerable women attractive?

Sounds distasteful, but I think it’s a natural ‘go’ signal for a guy to step in if a woman seems, sad, lost, lonely, drunk... more so than when’s she’s happy , confident, social and sober.
0 3

Most Helpful Guys

  • showing vulnerability in itself to someone you like is a very good sign but being overall vulnerable or the wrong kind of vulnerable to you is a bad thing.

    a woman who's about the same kind of strong as I am is a woman who doesn't need my protection or nurture, she can handle herself when I am there and when I'm not and I find it really attractive. I also believe that a strong minded woman who likes me will less likely cheat instead of a woman who can be broken easily.

    and what you mentioned with a woman in need will get more attention..

    yes she will and a guy would too but overall it comes with a bitter taste. drunk crying girl will be emp/symphatized but she doesn't show any more value rather she devalues in the social market as an unstable thing same as a guy who does this. also being fat is considered unattractive because it can mean some person is at a low point in it's life and it's gotten so far it can be physically seen (same as with anorexia which is only attractive to people with that fetish)

    • A lot of slutty women are quite strong minded, so I don't be so sure about that. :)

    • @Berethor I know about that dude they are social semen demons you have to shittest their values.

    • I believe there my be a typo here☝️

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  • Actually dear Witty Milf, I would say it depends on the fact that we have "Predators" who actually seek people in this state of emotions.
    A predator is a strong word, but what I mean is there are men/women who seek people vulnerable for many reasons.
    Some just want to help.
    Others just want to take advantage of the situation and do what they want.
    Usually, men are the ones seeking vulnerable people.
    Personally, seeing a vulnerable woman encourage me to approach her to offer my help like talking, listening, etc... rather than taking anything from her.
    A wise person will know they will get nothing from a vulnerable woman because it would be a rebound relationship rather than a healthy relationship.

    My answer:
    No, I don't find a woman attractive because she is vulnerable or not, I find her attractive for her intelligence, smart brain, interesting and intriguing conversation, good manners, etc... so basically am a bit old fashioned when it comes to relationships.

Most Helpful Girls

  • It depends on the woman in need, a man also mocks and embarrasses a woman in need, I have seen much of that. Especially if he thinks it is a girl he would not get attention from otherwise, he will use your weakness against you instead of helping.

  • I always found it was the opposite. I don't get the sex appeal of being weak or pathetic.

    • Being weak considered to be an feminine trait, while strong women are amazon-like.

  • I don't like being taken advantage of when I'm vulnerable.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 36
  • It's more about us guys feeling like the protectors or problem solvers. The ones to make the down trodden feel better.

  • Women tend to be naturally more vulnerable, a woman being drunk is an overkill.

  • Physically, yes. Emotionally, not at all.
    I prefer authoritarian, strict, judgy, perhaps even demanding personalities.
    The stronger someone is, the more special it feels to earn their affection.

  • There's a difference between being vulnerable and just a fucking mess.

    I would most likely be attracted to a girl who had a few insecurities and allowed herself to be vulnerable about them, but was otherwise mentally healthy and had her life together--yes.

    I would most likely not be attracted to a girl who was alone in a night club, dressed like a hooker, drunk off her ass, with a pound of mascara running down her face--no.

  • Nope it adds too much stress to my life

  • The whole damsel in distress thing is not attractive to me.

  • If I saw a woman who was sad losr lonely drunk then of course I would step in and help her

  • I would help a vulnerable woman and ensure she is safe etc but I wouldn't chat her up.

    A confident woman though I would. No bigger turn on for a me than a woman that knows her mind and isn't afraid to use it

  • Duh, men are predators. You can interpret that sentence any way you like and it'll still be accurate.

    • That's not very nice yo.

    • @miss_chanandlerbong the world isn't nice and neither is anyone in it.

    • Mmmm I don't believe in essentialism. Everything is not black and white. No one is completely bad and no one is completely good.

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  • No. Confidence is key for me.

  • That's the type of girl that I always end up dating. I like girls who are mysterious and have problems that I can help her get through.

  • It's not so much I find vulnerability in and of itself attractive, but I would want to help her be happier however I could

  • I don't know that I would say I necessarily find them attractive. For me it's more like I find vulnerable girls vulnerable. That's when I go into sheepdog mode and protect the flock. Wether I'm attracted to her or not, at this point, is irrelevant, because I don't think that way about the members of my flock.

  • Noup.

  • Attractive is not the right word, taking advantage of women is a really bad thing to do. I might try and help them though.

  • Sad, lost, lonely - yes
    Drunk - no
    Vulnerable - yes
    Insecure - no

  • I do go to talk to them and see what's going on. It depends on what's going on though, if I continue talking or not though.

  • Women are alweas atractive and non some guys find that cute

  • Not really, i never go near any drunk person, whether its a woman or a man
    but im more attracted to women who are broken, lost, depressed because i like broken people

  • Yes, why, are you in trouble?

    • Hahahaha, nope I’m way to independent for that :)

    • Anyone can be in trouble and need help. Except me 😁

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