Do you think homosexuality is "normal?"

Not ancillary...

do you think its truly normal? not saying whether or not you think its wrong or not but do you think its natural? I do not believe so, I think it is not because its against evolution, if you are homosexual you can't reproduce... period end of lifei don't think anyone is born gay, rather I think some people may be born with a disposition for it ie less testosterone etc, however I do not think they are born gay.

any way yall's opinions?


idk why but had to post it
I think its unnatural
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when I say normal I mean natural as in are they born with it sort of thing
+1 y
people here seem to be struggling with the difference between Homosexual, and BIsexual... yes bisexual is normal, this is viewed in nature, but Homosexuality is never (or extremely seldomly) viewed in nature, for instance male chimp may f*** another male chimp, but that male chimp is still going to procreate with a female (unless it simply can't because its too weak or dies before or whatever) many of these instances are of that of dominance ie chimps resolve conflicts with sex...
+1 y
Despite the "homosexual" appearances of some animal behavior, this behavior does not stem from a "homosexual" instinct that is part of animal nature. Dr. Antonio Pardo, Professor of Bioethics at the University of Navarre, Spain, explains: Properly speaking, homosexuality does not exist among animals... For reasons of survival, the reproductive instinct among animals is always directed towards an individual of the opposite sex. Therefore, an animal can never be homosexual as such. Nevertheless
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It depends on your definition of "normal":

    1. usual: conforming to the usual standard, type, or custom

    Heterosexuality is more common that homosexuality, so by this definition homosexuality is not normal. But then red-headed people are not normal either. People with blue eyes are also not normal. And so on...

    2. healthy: physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy

    I know many homosexual people who are smart, happy, and in good physical shape so by this definition it is normal. You can argue that an entire population of homosexuals would not be "healthy", and that is true. But there is no evidence that a subset of individuals who are homosexual negatively affect the physical, mental, and emotional state of the others (except those people who can't accept other people being different).

    3. occurring naturally: maintained or occurring in a natural state

    Some animals engage in homosexual behavior--that's about as natural as it gets. If you ask gay people why they are gay, they may say they don't know. Apparently children who have not been exposed to any homosexual influences can be gay. Therefore, I have to conclude that it is natural and by this definition normal.

    I think what you really want to discuss is not "normality" but "morality", which is a different topic. Personally, I have no problem with people who are gay and I don't particularly care if they were born that way or it is their personal choice. As far as I am concerned it is their business...

    • I don't think its amoral... I don't really care I'm talking about whether its natural and still believe its not... 3 is the closest to what I was discussing and theyre are some bisexual animals but no purely homosexual animals as they would be extinct...

    • The lowest life forms are biological machines, only responding to chemical signals. There is probably no homosexuality at this level. Only with higher life forms does it appear--when the abstract mind is capable of a non-chemical sexual drive. In fact, I might argue that homosexuality is more "normal" (likely) as the ability for abstract reasoning increases. Only a reasoning being is capable of loving the mind of another being without regard to gender...

    • exactly, dogs are sent into a frenzy when they smell a female in heat, they've even been known to mistake a male dog for a female because that dog had just been with a female, etc

  • I have mixed views. I can understand being born bisexual but being born gay. Being born gay is equivalent to being born sterile so people wouldn't have children and pass on the genes that made the person a homosexual. It seems like being homosexual should be more rare than it is so I don't think it is normal to be gay.

    I don't think homosexuality is normal in one sense, but I don't feel it is some sort of crime against nature either. I think we have such a high number of homosexuals for a number of unnatural reasons, such as all of the chemicals we eat that throws of a persons natural hormone levels.

    • kk thanks

Most Helpful Girls

  • I find it interesting how many people are being thumbed down for thinking its normal and vice versa.

    To answer your question, I would go so far as to say it is "natural," because of the fact that it is seen in other species, even if it isn't as blatant as it is in humans. The reason it may not be as blatant is because animals don't have the higher thinking that we do.

    They obviously care of their mates and offspring and such, but I doubt they feel the extent of love that we do. In the same way, they have sex with the same gender, but may not be able to tie the same feelings to it as homosexual humans do.

    Moreover, and this is just a theory so I have no idea whether it is true or not, but maybe it just evolved as nature's way of population control? Even though homosexuality exists in society, we are still overpopulating the earth; imagine how it would be if it didn't exist. So yes, I would say it is natural.

    • first because they have sex with same sex partners doesn't make them gay... since they are still with opposite sex for procreation they are bisexual. also, strict homosexuality is against nature in that sexual reproduction is one of the necessary qualifications for an organism to be considered alive

  • I think this is pretty normal more normal than people who want to have sex with kids or children. If say, everyone on the planet wants to have babies and so they do. Some countries will make it a business to keep breeding more children until there is no more resources to keep them alive. What do they do? leave and sit on a boat and sail to some country like Australia or NZ illegally hoping the officials will take them in, whilst, unemployment and crime figures are slowly climbing and homelessness is becoming apparent.

    humans are not animals. Stop comparing humans to animals.

    I wouldn't buy into that just because a person with a title like "PROFESSOR" says that. That's Bull.

    • how are humans not animals...

    • they can't talk and do lot of things like humans can - like cook, drive a car and clean

    • that means that most animals are not humans, not that humans aren't animals... that's like saying all rectangles are squares, but not all squares are rectangles... same concept

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  • I've read a theory (that makes sense) that it's a recessive gene made to help create additional adults to take care of a collective group's children. Homosexuals would likely have fewer children, therefore, there is a bigger adult to children ratio Considering that humans have one of the longest childhood periods of any creature (maybe the longest ... I'm not sure) ... this theory makes a lot of sense to me.

    • that doesn't really make that much sense though because humans are against homosexuals that wouldn't make sense if its natural... (obviously the whole religion thing but yeah)

    • Humans are socially against homosexuals. People also used to be socially against left handed people. That doesn't make any sense, either. Humans fear something that goes against the norm and adore conformity. But that doesn't mean that we NEED conformity, just that the lack of it makes us uncomfortable. What is comforting to us and what is good for us don't always match up.

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  • Its normal, speaking from a natural view. But As primitive as society is, natural things are views as "Bad".

    Examples being..

    Naked bodies=Bad

    Female sexuality=Bad

    Casual sex=Bad


    All of these things are normal in the natural sense. But society deems them as wrong, or shameful because of culture and religion. In 2013 people need to grow up and mind their own business.

    • just because its not wrong doesn't make it natural

    • It is natural because it happens with many other species, Male and female. If we can observe these behaviors in other species, its safe to say that its a natural biological behavior.

    • bisexual...

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  • normal-Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected

    no,it's not normal,gays are a minority,but,it is natural. ''normal'' isn't really a thing though when it comes to sexuality when you consider bisexuality,bi-curiosity,''phases'',asexuality,pansexuality,one night stands,birth control,preservatives,and then you have every type of fetish-normal doesn't really exist,we all deviate from ''man-woman-missionary with no purpose of sexual pleasure,only for reproduction.''

    • that doesn't make it natural at all... basically all you did was say that our view of normal is skewed... bisexuality id say is normal but homosexuality simply serves no purpose...

    • what makes it natural is that it's always been there,it hasn't been removed through natural selection. homosexuals do breed,they've just done it through beards,donations or surrogates-how is that different from couples using condoms? should we only have sex when we want kids?gays have ma/paternal instincts too,they have kids-and they have sex in a way that doesn't lead to kids-just like all couples,just like single people masturbate.sexual attraction plays no role in the instinct to reproduce

    • bisexuals have kids, homosexuals can't unless they go against there "natural instincts"

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  • When I think about something being "normal," I think about something be common. Homosexuality is nothing new, its been around a very long time. However it's just been hidden. People back then weren't out and proud like they are now. So do I think it's normal, yes.

    • ehh whatever I'm tired of saying this...

    • I know what you meant, I'm just talking about word "normal." I don't look at from a science point of view.

    • this isn't about right or wrong... this is based on science that's why I thought it'd be stupid for me to ask because people weren't gonna answer the question they were gonna answer based off of whether or not they think its right

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  • I don't understand what is at the root of it. There are those who practice homosexuality simply to add to their deviant options, but I can't reach any conclusion as to whether such a thing exists as a true homophile. Oh, and read up on the Nephilim, and then give evolution another go 'round..

    • The majority of ancient biblical versions, including the Septuagint, Theodotion, Latin Vulgate, Samaritan Targum, Targum Onkelos and Targum Neofiti, interpret the word to mean "giants." Symmachus translates it as "the violent ones" and Aquila's translation has been interpreted to mean either "the fallen ones" or "the ones falling [upon their enemies]."

    • The KJV alludes to them as the offpring of the daughters of man and sons of God, and most theologians acknowledge this as demonic beings mating with human women. But you can read any credible version of the Bible and see that they are the last thing mentioned before God destroyed the populace via flood due to the wickedness of man. Despite this remnants remained. Check out the pics of their skeletal remains.

    • interesting stuff

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  • Normal, no. Natural, yes.

    • Albeit where are the "What is Normal anyway?" people and explanations? The only thing that allows me to say such a thing would be to propose that it is indeed a minority of the human population. It is no more abnormal than being born with red hair. All people are people regardless of these traits.

    • I didn't say they were less of people but I don't see how you view it as natural in that its in nature... its unnatural aberrant a mistake if anything (not that its wrong idc but I'm saying its against evolution in that they can't procreate)

    • There are a lot of common misconceptions about what "Evolution" has in store for humans as well as what the purpose of humans are and the purpose of sex itself. Without going into that it is a natural occurrence, it isn't artificial, we didn't "Invent" homosexuality. I wouldn't be able to call it a mistake because if it were it would have been rectified by now; humans have gotten rid of many genetic illnesses through natural selection and their own euthanasia programs.

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  • I'm not sure how anything is 'unnatural' as everything is a part of nature. We don't blindly follow our biological impulses and we are not obligated to carry them out either. I don't like talking about homosexuality being innate because I doubt most people have actually looked at the science(personal opinion is irrelevant), but still attraction isn't something you can really choose.

    • sure, but I think its affected by people during early childhood...

    • I think it happens during puberty just like other straight people. There was a time when I was younger that I never thought of sex and girls in that way and then it changed suddenly.

    • I think there's a genetic component but it only gets realized at puberty(again I'm no expert on the science)

  • It's natural and any idiot who thinks it isn't unnatural has spent no time looking up proof of homosexual behavior in the wild.

    • not homosexual, mostly bisexual, people just like to pretend that theyre strictly homosexual... which theyre not

    • link

      And I said homosexual behavior, not necessarily purely pairing up, but love is very much a human thing as well. So love is not natural then.

    • "applying the term homosexuality to all sexual behavior (copulation, genital stimulation, mating games and sexual display behavior) between animals of the same sex. In most instances, it is presumed that the homosexual behavior is but part of the animal's overall sexual behavioral repertoire, making the animal "bisexual" rather than "homosexual" as the terms are commonly understood in humans" that's what your link says by the way and love isn't natural (at least how we pretend it to be) affection is...

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  • Unsure, I do think it's a choice in many circumstances.

  • Being gay is as natural as someone being a hermaphrodite or someone intersexed.

    If every one was heterosexual reproducing too heaps of children without taking any personal responsibilities, this planet would be decimated.

    Sex is not about reproduction but exchange of life force energy to keep others alive, balanced and healthy.

    • life force energy? I think you have a skewed view then on what is natural sorry

    • you can't see it. you only see the physical stuff but not the emotional side of it. that's okay, at least you're being honest.

    • Homosexuality isn't effecting our population. And sex doesn't exchange "life force" energy. Only chemicals in the brain and an emotional feeling, has nothing to to with some metaphysical "life force".

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  • i think its another one of natures natural ways of population control. face it this world has a population crisis. we could use more homosexuals. but of course there's always artificial insemination and surrogate mothers, which I deem highly unnaturally. in order for humans to develop to the best of their abilities I believe only the strongest sperm should make it to the egg, through natural coitus, not indiscriminately chosen and forcefully injected into an egg.

    • mk I could see it being natural in that sense as they are meant to die off but it isn't to the benefit of our species (As our species is dying off because of it) obviously not enough are going to be homosexual for it to really matter but anyway. What do you think of biodomes? I think its a really simple answer to a complex problem (ie over population) build biodomes under water, out is space etc

    • its a good idea be we don't have the technology nor the money to do something like that. don't think it'd be possible to build and maintain underwater settlements but it could be possible to build cities on top of the water. eventually that's whatll have to happen. land only covers maybe 30% of the world. as for the space thing, not nearly enough money. governments not interested in that at all as they can't profit from it. theyre too busy trying to enslave us all into debt

  • i think it's normal its present in nature with wild animals of varying species.

    • strict homosexuality is not, bisexuality is common, but strict homosexuality is aberrant, might as well be born infertile... that's not natural, its not bad, but not natural

    • so you're saying bisexuality is normal, but being homosexual isn't? in ancient rome, if I'm not mistaken, men married women to have children with, but had male sex partners for "play". in their society that was normal. although it's irrelevant, I thought I should share it.

    • still not strictly homosexual, I said homosexuality is unnatural because if they were to be true homosexuals like the homosexuals that we have now (don't do women) then they couldn't procreate

  • well I think its normal because people have been doing it for a long time for as long as history has been recorded. I think its a genetic thing, probably happens because of crossing over during gamete formation. like I didn't choose to be straight and I doubt people choose to be gay. maybe they do so they get all the perks of being shunned and f***ed with.

    • im not saying that, I think it happens during their formative years based off of some of their influences or due to their predisposition to it. but to me it seems that any behavior which would wipe out your species is unnatural... and most od the original peoples were bi not homo

  • Well modern science is showing us more and more that these things do occur in the womb. It pertains to epigenetic studies and if you want to learn more about it look it up. There are also animals that mate exclusively with the same sex. 10% of rams for instance straight up refuse to mate with the opposite sex and regularly prefer the same sex exclusively. I highly doubt they're doing it just to be dominant their entire lives. There are many animal species like the ram.

  • i don't believe they were born like that.

  • No, hands down. But it's something somebody decides to become, not because he or she was born that way

    • agreed I don't see a problem with it just think scientifically speaking it's not really possible to have it naturally

  • everyone is different I mean I'm bisexual I'm attracted to guys more but I'm also attracted to women you can't help who you are attracted too I've tried not to be attracted to girls because my family and friends didn't like it but I couldn't its who I am that's like you trying not to be attracted to girls it be hard for you because that's what your attracted to and I've had friends who said they wish they can not be gay because they think its not right some even tried to commit suicide because there trying really hard it deny it but I tihnk people should just be who they are and forget the people who don't approve of it

    • not really the same at all... I'm attracted to women, because its "natural" its a primal need for me to produce children, same applies to women they "need" a man to have children which is pretty much the point of existence... homosexuality is aberrant its more of a mistake than anything because they can't reproduce

    • well yeah a to have children yes but women don't need a MAN exactly it is possible for a women to get pregnant without having any sexual contact with a man there are sperm donors etc. and I'm pretty sure if a man looks at a women he's most likely not thinking oh I want to have sex with her just so I can have kids with her I'm pretty that's the last thing on a mans mind at the time he is sexually aroused from a woman but like I said everybody is different you can only speak for yourself

    • and if what you say is true then why are there GAY men one of my best friends was born gay and he has never in his life been with a GIRL girls have liked him yes but he's not once been attarcted like that to girls everyone is different

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  • Bi and homo happen so much I feel it normal.

    • bi sure, homo no

  • Here's how homosexuality can be passed down genetically:

    Let's say there is a gene that makes women much more attracted to men than normal. The woman gets this gene and ends up breeding more than normal => It's a genetic advantage. So what happens if this gene gets passed on and accidentally (due to mutation) gets turned on in a male? Suddenly you have a gay male. Of course, HE doesn't pass on the gene... BUT HIS SISTER DOES! And so the cycle continues. Every now and then families with this gene have it accidentally turned on in a male and PRESTO! Gay dude.

    The point of this post (and this is actually one of the scientific theories regarding homosexuality as a natural thing), is to show that LACK OF IMAGINATION is not a form of evidence. Just because YOU PERSONALLY cannot imagine a way something could happen DOES NOT mean that it can't. This is called the logical fallacy of personal incredulity.

    • what gene if this is fact? wait its not... animals don't display strictly homosexual behavior, and it would be unadvantagous to do so, the only creatures who really have the higher order brain capacity for homosexuality (strict homosexuality, not bi) are humans... not saying its wrong but it is not natural... I could say there's a gene that makes people CEO's of companies doesn't make it true...

  • Dr. Antonio Pardo is a bigot. You should know that the University of Navarre was founded and it is still controlled by Opus Dei, an extremist catholic sect, so every statement regarding these topics that comes from that place should be taken as it is: an ultra catholic statement, not a scientific one.

    Homosexuality, strictly speaking (as mating only with same sex individuals), has been observed many times in every superior animal species that has been observed for long enough. This includes every great ape species (bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans), close relatives to us. So yeah, it is as natural as it can be.

  • i think it is normal

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