Does receiving pain give you pleasure?

I once wanted to know if it would work for me as they show in erotica. I was very curious to know so I experimented it by getting slapped, groped, and getting whacked and spanked extremely hard on my butt with my hands tied. It almost made me cry. All I received was pain on my cheeks, some painful red marks on my bottoms, and not pleasure. I realized it wasn't my thing. I still do like getting spanked but not in an aggressive manner, and I would never try it again.

Although it's not my thing, I've seen people talk about how they like it. I don't understand though. Do acts like being slapped, groped and getting aggressively spanked give you pleasure?
Does receiving pain give you pleasure?
+1 y
When I say pain, I'm talking about getting slapped, choked, whacked etc. Not about pain received from anal or fingering.
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18 46
  • No! I hated pain, I remember breaking my lip, and getting a black eye in middle school once it wasn't fun at all.

  • I’ve found a lot of girls like the sedation of being submissive, but not real pain.

    Some girls do legitimately enjoy the pain though, but they’re often quite vulnerable / damaged

  • Not that i've ever experienced

  • Kind of? I like poking my bruises.

  • Some people may have psychical problems and enjoy pain and humilitation in this case.

    Some have fatishes and enjoy nkt fell. ut situation.

    People are different.

  • No and I don't giving pain to girl especially if she is not getting pleasure. I might give a little but gentle slap on the butt but that's it.

  • Not my thing.. but if it's desired by the person I am with Ill give it a try.

  • anal sex pain gives me pleasure.

    • I like anal too, but here I'm talking about the pain from being whipped, slapped, choked etc.

  • yes it does

  • I'm not a masochist

  • Yes! I've been beaten until my skin bruised, cracked and bled. You went about it wrong though if you began your sessions that hard. Have somone warm you up with a nicer tool like a flogger. It should still hurt but not as much. Eventually your body will start releasing endorphines to counter the pain and instead you'll experiance a dull impact as you enter a state of being high on your own bodys drugs.

  • Some pain is good for me, but it has to be the right mood and right relationship and setting the correct mental tone

    • @crispycookie thanks for the like

  • Yes, definitely it can add to the pleasure!

  • Small bit. more in to pleasure than pain

  • I know where u are at this point. I would like to answer ur question as a PM tho without all those inputs from those who actually don't know , if you wish that is.

  • Not me. I prefer my pleasure painless.

  • I like getting a few slaps. One dominant girlfriend liked to hold me down and bite me. I always give girls I do doggie with some hard slaps, and tell them they are bad girls, and they agree.

  • PAin inflicted on my penis definitely does...

  • yes a bit

  • I don't like pain

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