Does the opposite sex get on your nerves?

Some days they make me wanna turn lesbian 😭😭
1 4

Most Helpful Guys

  • LOL I don't know if women have ever made me want to suck a dick but I totally understand why y'all feel that way. We are wired differently we can compartmentalize things and not stress while a woman's brain has to get everything cleared off before they can relax. In this manner we frustrate the hell out of y'all coming off as lazy and unmotivated when usually we're just not worried about this stuff you're worried about. I'm not saying I haven't ever tried it just saying it's not for me. I always told my wife if she went lesbian we would just f*** chicks together forever.

    Side note. I've never in my life met a lesbian that didn't want a dick every now and then. A lot of times they just don't want the man attached to it

  • yeah definitely :D sometimes i can't stand all that emotional irrational drama nonsense anymore xD i need to catch a break from that from time to time.

    • Lmao.😂😂

Most Helpful Girls

  • 🤣🤣🤣 people period can get on the nerves, but never to that point that I would become a lesbian, cuz now you'd just have someone getting on your nerves without at least getting some dick to make up for it 🤣🤣

    • ... ahmm... stop that mom😭😭😭

    • You started it 🤣🤣🤣

    • No i didn't 😭😭😭 @joygirl tell mom 2 stop🥺

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  • Do they? More like “Is there a time where the opposite sex doesn’t get on your nerves?” Lolll but yes most definitely. Talking about “Wyd, hey sexy, hi baby” LIKE WHO tf are YOU?

    • Lmfao. Itz like y u talking 2 me?👀

    • I showed one of the guys a random dick pic and he was like yoooo you a trap? I almost DIED that night 🤣💀

    • Lmfao. 😂😂😂

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What Girls & Guys Said

10 35
  • Yes, all the time. That is why it is good to be bisexual. You can take a break from guys when they really get on your nerves. LoL

  • No more than any other human. Assholishness is not gendered - it afflicts humans regardless of sex or sexuality.

  • Of course... these nerves are called Chemistry... and they are same like Magnets, either they get close either they bounce off eachother! 🤣🤣

  • Yes. But so do the same sex, as well. Women are just better experts at it.

  • When I hear or read about the violence & terrorism they unleash, they do. However, my own gender gets me annoyed more often. Females can be so shallow.