Gave my boss a blowjob. It saved us but I feel terrible.

My husband and I (married for 1 year) work at the same place for the same boss. Totally different functions though, so we don't have any influence on each other's job. Our boss had to let 6 people go and my husband was one of them. We did not see that coming and it totally ruined us. We had to sell our car and were in serious dept. We just needed some extra income so he could get a new job, for which he needed a car and extra schooling. I asked my boss so many times for a promotion, did all the extra work I could but he wouldn't give it. He did always flirt with me and checked me out. I got desperate and thought I could use his interest in me as an advantage and I got on my knees for him. Now my husband has always hated this guy's guts. They went to school together and kind of bullied my husband, so he was not happy when he became the new boss of the company. I did get the promotion and it saved our lives tbh. My husband got his new job, got out of his depression and we payed our dept. But I of course am living with a terrible mixed feeling for saving us and living with a horrible secret. I keep thinking of how I was doing my very best to give the guy who almost ruined our lives the time of his life. I even acted like I was more enthusiastic than he was. I even told him I liked pleasing him better than my husband to get him off. I did a terrible thing yet do not know if it was the worst option. I also am shocked of how one asshole can play with peoples lives for a blowjob. Please give me some opinions cause I don't know what to think.
+1 y
I went to a therapist. She said these things happen a lot more than most think. She said it was a terrible mistake but that I shouldn't keep it on my mind and that guilt doesn't help. Also said that telling my husband might not be the best choice.
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  • Wow that honestly fucking sucks. That boss is an absolute asshole but I got to admit he's some skilled fiberless psycho. He scored a bj out of the wife of the person he bullied. It's hard to get less fair than that. I don't know if I should hate that guys guts or give a little applause to his feat. Frankly I feel a little of both inside me. I think you should not tell your husband but as for your own feelings of guilt I'm not sure. You may just have to let it gnaw on your mind wow that sly sick bastard of a boss

    • I think at the least you should make up to your husband. Even though you helped his job this is just kind of mean to him. I would try to make it up to him for like the rest of your life.

  • That’s pretty much how I got the job I’m in now. I’ve been here a little over 2 years and I’m still disgusted by it. If you want to keep your marriage and your husband I would say never tell him and keep it to yourself. I have been looking for a new job lately so that I won’t have to be reminded every time I see my boss for what I did. He makes sure to show me he remembers by either winking at me, touching my shoulder as he walks by, etc.

  • Sorry but you didn't save anything, all you did was make matters worse for your marriage. This will always be with you and you will never be able to look at your husband the same again and you have to tell him because living with that guilt will tear you up inside so he won't be able to look at you the same either. I know you were trying to do the "right" thing by saving your financial situation but there was much better alternatives then that. You did wrong, you made a mistake that will stick with you. Now, we all make mistakes, but ones that effect others, the ones we love hurt the most. Hopefully you learned from this and have the courage to tell him and he forgives you, but even if he does. He will never forget and nor will you and that barrier is something you'll have to overcome as a couple. All I can say is have empathy, put yourself in his situation. If you found out reverse rolls and how you would feel if he did that to you?

  • If it had just been your boss you gave head to, I could understand being desperate. Him firing your husband, him bullying your husband in school, him basically being your husbands worst enemy, changes the story. You are the worst kind of woman. Not only did you let him use your husbands wife, but you belittled your husband while doing it. Telling the guy you like pleasing him more than the husband. You can always find another job. What you did is inexcusable. You should tell your husband, and divorce him, because he deserves better than you.

  • I am not sure by telling your husband would be a good choice as it would be a double edge sword. 1) Honesty is a virtue, and being honest with anyone that we meet be it either friends or family is key. I would feel guilty for lying to people unless it is a white lie. It might help to cushion shock alittle if one day the boss decide to use it against your husband.

    2) your husband would be heartbroken that you did that especially with someone he dislike/hate and it would definitely make him angry and bad. He would blame himself for putting his wife through it and might think that he is not capable of taking care of you...

    I wouldn't want to scold you for doing this or blame you, as I believe right now, you must be feeling guilty which is enough to bring a person down into even depression and you must also be feeling sad for the entire matter.

    Please make this the first and last thing you gave in to a bad person who manipulate people's lives. We do need money to pay bills, but a line must be drawn.

    The only suggestion I would think you should make is to leave your current job even if your family need your salary to pay for the bills. It is not going to be healthy and don't work for such bad person anymore. After you leave your current job, when your mind is clearer and as time passes by, you may know what to do.

    sorry i didn't give you a very direct advice..

  • What a horrible disgusting boss. Sorry you had to go through that.

    If there is a way you can find another job that pays the same or better then go for it but I am sure you have already tried.

    I got an idea but i am not sure if it would work. What if you told your bosses boss that you had to give him a bj in order to get out of debt and get your husband's job back. Maybe your boss will get fired. Also maybe you could black mail your boss and threaten to tell people about what happened. But off course things may not go in your favor if you do that. I am just throwing out ideas.

    • That's a Good Idea though, Might work. Possibly the HR department can help with it

    • ''What a horrible disgusting boss. SORRY YOU HAD TO GO THROUGH THAT.''.. o. O? Slap yourself fool you're sounding like a white knight...

    • Wait so you don't think she has a bad boss? YOUR the biggest douche bag on the planet if you don't think that. I feel bad for any girl who has to put up with your shit.

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  • I think your husband deserves to know, and if I was him I would divorce you instantly

  • Wow, ummmmm ok, goid luck

  • You didn't have to suck his dick and what makes it even worse was this guy used to bully your husband and you know he hated his guts there are always other ways to get around I am sure talking to one of your relatives could have helped him getting a job or something. And tbh this sounds like a p*rno.

  • I'm actually disgusted and feel terrible for your husband. I mean this man bullied your husband in school and then when they get to the real world your husband has a bully for a boss, which is emasculating. Then its like you give the bully the one thing your husband had that he didn't. I mean just take your husbands balls and stomp on them why don't you.

    • I couldn't have said it better myself.

    • +1 my heart really goes out to her husband. I can't believe he vowed to take care of this "woman" in sickness and health and this is how she takes care of his heart : / so not cool.

  • Just out of curiosity, did u tell him you would give him head? Or did he offer the idea? What was that conversation like I really wanna know

    • I don't remember every detail myself. First I went to ask him (after all the extra work I did the past weeks) for the promotion. He needed to promote someone and honestly, I deserved it. He still said no after all I told him. Then I went out to the bathroom and got a breakdown and cried. At the end of the day, I went back to him. He was flirting again and this time I lost it and offered him a blowjob, acting like it was fun. His seducing mixed with my desperation probably lead me to make this stupid decision.

    • I don't think it was a stupid decision

    • It was the dumbest decision. That is disrespect in uncharted territories. This prick used to bully her husband, now her husband has to depend on this prick to provide for himself and his wife, now she has emasculated her husband even farther by sucking the cock of the man who torments him. How is that a smart decision?

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  • but don't you think your husband deserves to have the truth. I would want to know. That is infedelity

    • it is women such as yourself that give other women grief. As a woman and a wife your are a complete zero and a whore

  • honestly your husband diverse better that cheating and nothing change that your job not worth your marriage and you could have sewed for him in applying that but you didn't

  • If it was worthy for your job then you did the job that you destined to do. You wouldn't have BLOWN your BOSS if you hadn't felt it was necessary , but you only do what one feels is the best thing possible right

  • I personally think you really screwed up. You shouldn't be married if you behave like that. . Most men would rather be in financial drama than have their wives enthusiasticly suck their douchbag boss dry. . Tho you sound really sexy and slutty like a dancing bear p*rno . . Real life would not reward that. . Tell him or not hell find out eventually. . Keep us posted

  • Kill yourself and leave your husband a note explaining what you fid

  • This story made me hard. Can i ask if you swallowed his cum or took in on the face baby hmmm

  • My heart has been racing and I have been shaking since I started reading this story. You HAVE to tell your husband. I would do it with the bags packed and a ride waiting outside. I think if my wife cheated on me, I might just kill her. Add in a high school bully, that recently fired me? Hard to predict. Tell your husbans and get a divorce. To even consider doing this shows you never should have married him in the first place.

    • NO YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TELL YOUR HUSBAND it was that or something terrible huh? you did the right thing , BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY

  • You are whore, you dont need therapy but rather few slaps

  • Pretty cool of you to do that for your man. I have to ask though how did you avoid not having to keep doing it? Most would have taken full advantage of a girl in distress like that and made them do it more.

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