Unquestionably it does. I see a lot of men making excuses when they ask a question like this and a lot of women totally ignorant of the history and practises of feminism. Erin Pizzey, the woman who started the first women#s shelter in chisick UK has labelled it "an evil empire". It is a victim industry which at best allows women to benefit from legal protections no man is privy to, at any time in her life. It undermines trust between men and women and extends into government, medicine and the media. I know to many that sounds melodramatic however I#ve studied the subject from both perspectives for years now as a human rights advocate and I can say unequivically that there is no "patriarchy" and that women in general try to defend the actions of their entire sex, whereas men do not. Examples of this include no concern for male rape in prisons, no concern for excessive male homelessness, suicide, workplace deaths nor violence towards men, which is excessively high in every country except Japan. To say that "Only radical feminists are like that" is a falsity because while "Not all women are like that - NAWALT" does nothing to resolve laws which take away a man#s children, home and future in divorce and family courts. Other examples of sexual bias include that in 1985 the incidence of false rape reporting in the UK - according to the police - was 45%, until the home office refused the police to report on any incident where the woman did not explicity admit to lying, which is the same as saying you can only arrest a rapist who admits they did it. The myth that women only earn 77 cents in the dollar has also been repeatedly disproven, as has the myth of domestic violence not being at best equal between men and women. All of this affects my own personal attitude towards women, howvever telling a woman this more often than not results in a man being attacked by groups of women claiming that he is a misogynist, has mommy issues, is scared of her success, is a loser, or does not want to "committ". It is the reason I never want to marry - I've had too many friends whose lives have been destroyed watching another man raise their kids in the house they paid for while they pay 18 years of child support and can never afford another family of their own. Feminism is not about womens rights, it is a victim industry designed to keep men and women apart and has been so right from its inception. Just youtube "Erin Pizzey" and listen to what she has to say and her life story.
0 0 0 0Yes it has made it much more difficult. Guys get a lot of bad and often conflicting advice, in out attempt to make a guy hitting on a woman less offensive.
No matter what a guy does, there is a different type of feminist with different ideas about how a man should behave and will take issue with anything men do. If we ask a girl out we just met then we can be called shallow for not getting to know her first, and if we try to get to know her and then ask her out we are accused of pretending to be her friend to trick her into bed. This makes it far too easy to offend modern women.
Personally I think it is best to be blunt and just ask the girl out right away. If she has a problem with it, then she isn't worth having in my life anyway. The women that aren't sexist won't be offended even if they turn the guy down. Then we need to stop pretending like the women that get offended by guys asking them out or even saying hello are being harassed, and instead hold them accountable for being the sexist pieces of crap that they are.
There is a lot of different types of feminists and some think any approach outside of a place designed for meeting people such as a bar or club is harassment. Then there are feminists that think if the woman has drank ANY alcohol that hooking up with her is a crime. Which of course if you are meeting women in a bar or club she will have drank something already. This means no matter what we do, that someone has a problem with it. Heck, they are even calling staring at a girl physiological rape now.
Every single aspect of male sexuality is being demonized. Small wonder why there are so many anti feminist guys right now, since even the "real feminists" are nowhere to be seen when guys are being treated like perverts for our natural sexuality. They have made it clear that modern day feminism isn't about equality. Instead they complain about slut shaming in one sentence, then pervert shame a man in the next. Dating won't get any easier for guys until men are allowed to ask women out, without being treated like he is violating her space.0 3 0 0
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Modern feminism is defacing the real feminism. Stuck up, jealous, hateful, bitter, lonely. etc woman are using feminism as an excuse to get the upper hand against men and other women they are envious or hateful of. They want to use what they can against men if something happens like claiming that he tried to come onto her or touch her and she knows people will take her part because she is a woman. (e. g. Chris Brown hitting Rihanna was a big deal to everyone and they felt bad for her and said Chris wasn't a man. But when Solange hit Jay-Z in the elevator, everyone just laughed. This is clearly about gender). Or they have been hurt in the past by a man so they have trust issues so they claim all men are lying pigs. Or they are jealous of another woman who men find attractive and they are insecure about themselves so they tent to go around calling a girl who gets more attention a slut or something. I understand in situations where a man comes on too strong and it might send out the wrong message, but for her to blame all men and call them all sexist because she couldn't tell one man to back off a bit isn't right. Men shouldn't be demonised from trying to have a conversation with a woman because women flirt with men as well. Just because a man is trying to talk to you doesn't necessarily mean he is after something and so are all men. Like I said, women with insecurities or some other reason to be hateful towards men and some other women have made it seem like all men are just pigs who belittle us. The true feminism lies in equality between the two genders. I practice the real, equal feminism. I have a father and brothers. There is no reason for me to hate on men. To make new life, we need both a man and a woman. We cannot survive without each other.
I hope this helped give you some insight about fake and real feminism :)6 8 0 0Give this woman a greek Island.. *insert putin pic here*
Hehe why?
That was very well written and seemed genuine, I hope you are influential in your community
I think males are shamed just as much as women are shamed and it's all equally as stupid.
The thing is though, women do need to be careful, actually everyone does when it comes to meeting new people but especially women, your personal safety is far more important than offending someone. I don't go around thinking all men are bad but I think a lot of people are bad in general and I always keep my eyes open to people like that. And that's not because of feminism and it's not because we all hate men and think they're all rapist. It's because it's how the world is right now. And you would be a naive fool to think otherwise.
And I also think you're being a little paranoid, as far as bumping into someone and them freaking out, that could happen but that's probably because the woman is a wack job drama queen, it doesn't necessarily mean she's a feminist or feminist influenced, she could just be crazy as fuck lol
The definition of feminism is not man hating and overreacting towards men lol. I'm not sure why it's so difficult for so many people to differentiate feminism with extremist.
Also as far as rape stats being accurate, you do realize that feminism doesn't only refer to western culture, right? and rapes are very common and very accepted in other places of the world and there's often no point in even reporting them in those places, it's very out of hand, so is genital manipulation, forced arrange marriages etc. My point is it's an issue for women around the world and it should be treated as such, not just as a way to make men look bad, men should be equally as concerned about it as well, especially if they have women in their lives that they love.2 1 1 2when I ask this question, I'm not attacking you or anything like that, just asking an honest question in the hopes to get an answer and spur discussion. When it comes to the whole rape statistic, IF that is true, what you are saying is feminism in the west uses rape statistics from other countries where that statistic would actually be true, to push the idea that 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 or whatever it is number of women is raped over in the west (particularly america)? I mean I never hear those statistics refer to women in india, or Afghanistan or china, it's always women on college campuses in the US or such.. and if feminism were REALLY... REALLY serious about seeing those numbers drop, why aren't the major feminist programs doing anything to help those women in countries where they truly need the help, like india, china etc etc can you point me to some honest transparent feminist organizations that are doing so (and dont focus on women in america) please by all means let me know.
also thank you for your answer, I appreciate it :)
It's ok to ask me questions lol i'm not offended by your question, I don't think it was an offensive question to begin with. I'm also not arguing the rape stats or the accuracy of them, i'm arguing that rape is still very present in the real world and especially present in other countries where women have no rights and it's commonly accepted. I don't think it should be used to bash all men by any means but women do need to be careful and you can't really hold that against us or treat it like it's offensive for us to have our guards up at first when most people should. And I completely agree with you, those groups should be focusing more on other countries but it doesn't change the fact that rape still goes on everywhere. I also don't follow feminist groups, i'm not active in one and I probably never will be, because the majority of them are extremist who do bash men and make very unnecessary comments towards men and I would never support that.
I completely agree with you.
It's really important to understand that your average modern day "feminist" doesn't truly possess the emotional intelligence, refined effectiveness, and communication skills to be a real feminist. Real feminists are for the EQUALITY OF BOTH GENDERS, not for the complete and utter bashing, degradation, and dedignification of men. Your average aggressive, combative, hostile "feminist" is really just a poser. There are many women who don't even like having certain types of dialogues with these posers who call themselves feminists because they have no clue how to have a productive dialogue rather than barking at others. These feminist-posers tend to be completely self-focused and lack empathy or understanding for the male perspective and experience, only wanting to voice their thoughts, their feelings, their desires, their concerns, them , them, THEM! -_-
It's actually pretty interesting when you really pause and explore modern feminism. For example, I lose count of how many feminists, who are all for "equal rights and changing double standards", are outraged when a female is raped by one man at a frat party. Yet have nothing to say, no protests, no political message to send when INNOCENT MEN go to jail and are GANG-RAPED FOR YEARS by other men. I especially found it fascinating when all these feminists had nothing to say about that young black girl being assaulted by a grown man. Like I said: Posers.2 12 3 0THIS... THIS is what I was hoping to hear from at least ONE female. THANK YOU so very much. can I ask you an honest question? if you want equality for both genders, why not call ones self with egalitarian? I mean it wouldn't take anything away from your stance and it would distance yourself from "those" feminist. I mean those types of feminist seem to have the loudest voice and most control over policies being made and such. I mean don't get me wrong feminism was I feel once a word to be proud of, but now seeing how A LOT of feminist (not all) act... if I were a woman I don't know.. I feel like I'd want to distance myself from that.. err I hope. once again, just asking an honest question, hoping to spur discussion.
errrr sorry if that sounded like bashing, I wasn't trying to bash to be honest.
Lol, you're welcome :)
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27 42I don't think feminism has had any more affect on men when it comes to dating than it did when we lived in caves. Men have forever found it nerve-wracking to approach a woman and try and do the right thing before and after feminism even started.
I don't care if it was two thousand years ago and a Chinese rice-paddy farmer fell in love with a peasant girl, or if it was a hundred years ago and a farm-hand fell in love with the master-keeper's daughter. Men approaching women and trying to impress has been an age-old charming issue that has existed throughout the ages. Today, with the hub-bub of feminism, it's just one more hurdle that men jump over to find out if the woman they are courting will find them attractive to reciprocate their efforts and start a relationship.2 2 1 9I'm a feminist, and I can't think of any real way that feminism makes it difficult to talk to or date women. How would that work out?
Some women may not be comfortable having random strangers who know nothing about them trying to talk to them. Feminism didn't create that. feminism tells women that they aren't being "oversensitive" and that, yeah, it's okay to not want to be approached by rando over there staring at your tits. In that sense, maybe you're right.
I've never "accidentally bumped into someone" in a way that would even suggest inappropriate touching, even if I were a guy. That seems like something that would be incredibly rare in one's own life. I don't think most guys I know find themselves "accidentally touching" women in ways that would be inappropriate. And how would that have to do with dating? (You mentioned "customers"?) I'm really confused. You shouldn't be touching your date in an inappropriate way at all.
To be honest, you sound like you have major issues if awareness about rape and rape culture threaten your dating prospects. Thats alarming on a few levels, and I kind of want to suggest that you seek counseling to work through your feelings and what you think is "okay behavior" that is somehow threatened by feminists talking about rape.0 0 0 2Did you just misinterpret his post so you could tell him he has issues and should seek counseling? The fact that feminists think stare rape is a thing makes me believe he is in his total right mind to feel intimidated by the potential false accusations of women when he's just trying to do his job. You're perpetuating exactly what he's talking about referring to people as random strangers who know nothing about you and staring at your tits? Men have historically found a woman attractive, talked to her, and if she liked him they consider a relationship. I think you're demonizing men as many feminists are stereotyped of doing and you seem to be filling that stereotype. I wouldn't have said anything but telling him to get counseling because you assume he differs in opinion from you about the existence of a rape culture was uncalled for.
@PhoenixItalian I responded with my opinion, like everyone else. If you don't agree with my opinion, I can't really do anything about that. You can think whatever you want, and let that guide your life in whatever direction you please. This is your decision. You seem to be trying to invalidate the feelings that many (certainly not all) women have. If a woman doesn't want to respond positively to a complete stranger asking her out, or a stranger staring at her like a piece of meat, she doesn't fucking have to. I give zero fucks about "what has been done historically" in this situation. First of all, thats a horrible premise to base your argument on, seeing as plenty of things "have been done historically" that you (hopefully) don't agree with.
Secondly, there's no exclusive historical reality of the nature of relationships. Families have orchestrated marriages between people who barely know one another in some times/cultures. Likewise, history has also included people who actually know each other building substantial relationships, friendships, and then moving forward to the sexual/dating phase. And to the main point, none of that matters. If a woman doesn’t want to receive certain attention from strangers (or anyone) she has every right to her own feelings, period.
Let me start by saying I'm incredibly awkward andhave a terrible time approaching gals...
So when she came up to me, told me she thought I was cute and started talking to me... It was amazing.
Then on our first date I had half assed plans to meet for dinner. Sge called me up the day of, told me,! its a beautiful day, I think I'd really like to walk around and see the city with you instead, and then afterwards we can grab a bite to eat.
And so we did and as the night went on we eventually went to the restaurant.
She walks up to the counter, before I can and she says, table for 2. I felt this huge rush of relief. I had never asked a girl out before and definitely never asked for a table for two... I wasn't even aware it was making me stress out.
Then we sat at the table we decide our order then when the guy comes to take it, she makes it, while I'm freaking out a little thinking about what if I say that wrong.
Then she looks at me and apologizes because she knows it's probably annoying since I had offered to pay.
I laughed and thanked the hell out of her and told her I was nervous...
Then she told me she wouldn't mind taking charge whenever, and that shewanred me to be comfortable...
THAT is feminism in it's truest form.3 0 0 0I don't feel guilty for being a guy because some guys are shitty. As men, we see rapists the same way as women do. They're disgusting less-than-people. I'm not worried about a girl being worried about my actions because they're never inappropriate. If I bump into a girl and we end up in a compromising position, I just apologize and go on my way.
However, Feminism has made it harder to talk to women for me because it limits the amount of women I will associate with. I equate feminism to misandry and, when a girl says she's a feminist, I often turn and walk away.0 5 2 1good comment. I try not to feel guilty by association but I just feel like if I were a woman, I would see a lot of guys as potential threats if I believed the whole 1 in 4- 1 in 5, 1 in whatever number statistics of rape, domestic violence and such. I mean why would a woman even WANT to talk to a man with those kind of numbers being thrown at her? you and I obviously know not all men are rapist and rapist are infact not just male and are in the very small minority of society, but does SHE know that. she is constantly told other wise. err I hope I'm making sense.
It may make it harder to date some girls if they blindly listen to inaccurate stats about sexual assault however this fear is always in the back of their mind. I vaguely recall someone saying that a woman's worst nightmare when meeting a new guy is that he's a murder or rapist and a guy's worse nightmare is that she's fat. Perhaps that's why women don't often approach men because they have that potential danger factor. I guess it's the woes of being part of a sexually dimorphic species.
see thats just sad though that a lot of women have to fear that of nearly the entire male population. that doesn't seem fair in the slightest to guys like you or I or the majority of men who would NEVER do such things, but because someone tells them bogus stats (that if are refuted by people tends to lead to social criticism) they have this fear for potentially the rest of their lives. that doesn't seem fair to men OR women.
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