Has feminism made attempting to talk to/date a woman harder for men?

First disclamer: I mean post-modern feminism, not 1960's-70's feminism. Second disclamer: I'm NOT posting this to HATE or belittle womens rights or equality so PLEASE I ask that you do the same and respect others opinions. I hope we can have a meaningful DISCUSSION about this and not an argument about how stupid someone or one side or whatever is. I ask this question because I as a male sometimes feel as though men in general have to walk through a minefield when talking to women, at least initially. Thats not to say I don't feel confident in my ability to talk to women or ask them out. As a man even though I know I am a good person and I know I'm not some horrible monster, I feel as if men are far far too often demonized by feminism and its inaccurate statistics about rape and such. Maybe this is just me but when I walk around the store I work in, I honestly get a little worried that if I happen to accidently bump into a woman the wrong way while trying to ween my way through customers, she could claim I touched her innapropriately and get me fired with little to no chance of being able to defend myself. IDKY but I feel like this carries over to initiating a conversation with a girl you find attractive, that they could see it as, why is this stranger talking to me? is he going to rape me? kinda deal. NOW that being said I don't know what women think lol. I just feel like I can't be the only one who has this feeling. I mean I'm sure I'm probably not even explaining this correctly and some people will take it the wrong way. what I'm trying to get at is, has feminism demonized men to the point where it has made it more difficult for guys to initiate conversation with a girl they find as a potential mate? (err I think thats what I'm getting at). I mean just take a second and really really think about it, the way the media seems to demonize men, men do this and that and this bad thing, has male shaming gone too far? (more to come in an update).
+1 y
once again I know this sounds like another one of those "why feminism is bad" questions but I don't intend it that way. what I'm try to get at is I feel as a male that feminism makes me feel bad for rape even though I have and never will rape someone. that carries over to dating. What if she thinks I'm going to rape her or something? if she does and she tells someone, socially if not legally (?) I'm screwed. Once again I might not be explaining correctly what I'm trying to get at.
+1 y
Also YES I know that initiating conversation with someone you find attractive is nerve racking for anyone, and would make anyone nervous etc etc... I was just leaving that out because it seems like a given.
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  • I think feminism has to some extent demonized men in its efforts to highlight their reasons for wanted "equality". The rape culture is the biggest example of this. Whether it was intentionally done or not.

    But I also think that there's a reason it's stuck around and has had such a huge effect on the way women conceive men (strangers) to be exact. It's because the fear is real and has always been. Personally, I'm always cautious when I go out alone or am walking somewhere alone. But that doesn't mean that if a guy came up to me to ask me something, I'd yell rapist.

    "I ask this question because I as a male sometimes feel as though men in general have to walk through a minefield when talking to women, at least initially"

    This true. But I don’t think it's because of feminism, but this sense of entitlement that some women have.

    • Perceive men*

    • good answer, thank you for it!

    • MHO material right here

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  • No most feminists still date men unless they are lesbians. Maybe you are just kind of a creep , or just don't know how to talk to women. And no feminsts don't spend all of their time demonizing men, only a few of them hate men with such a passion

    • I wasn't aware that not knowing how to talk to women made you a creep. FYI most girls don't have a clue.

    • Most women result in trying to attack you in some form if they can't accept a negative criticism, they think as a whole. So, she probably "felt" you were insulting her.

    • not really. I'm just stating most feminists are straight and it takes two to tango. And well a lot of girls dont know how to flirt but thats younger girls.

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  • I understand what you're saying.

    Wrt what you've said, I think feminism has just focused attention on things that always concerned women but not really men. What really makes things awkward is the actual rapists and the (small amount of) people who make false rape claims (they do exist).

    I do think that feminism has made it harder in that it has deliberately destroyed the 'normal' way of courting. Men still are expected to take the initiative during dating because of womens natural preference for confidence and dominant men but are uncertain what to do. If we open a door for a woman, she may smile or slap us across the face. If we insist on paying, we could be called a gent or a condescending pig. Before, dating was almost standardised. Now there's a lot of confusion. My issue with feminism is that it keeps telling men what they SHOULD'NT DO as opposed to what they SHOULD DO.

  • No. It's only hard if you're trying to talk to a feminist.

  • I don't know if the quantities of false rape claims are as common in the West as people make it seem, but that part certainly is pretty bad. If people were a slight bit more mature about the situation, this could be potential for social development - people primarily getting to know each other as people, and naturally develop to want to have sex with each other, rather than getting together with the intention of somehow having sex in the end! The order of the goal is different. But considering physical attraction is a driving force in interest towards getting to know someone, this is more a guideline than an actual thing.

    Anyways, I actually do agree; feminazis (the rabid "feminists" who think if you actually bump into them then you are trying to rape them) are fascinating in the sense that they are more sexist than the `men` whom they are trying to fight. Luckily, I don't *think* they are the majority, and the people that are like that are pretty damn broken from the core. That's why they lack social awareness and live in a conceptual world that tells them everyone with a penis is "bad". These people are immature, and do not deserve the power they have with false claims.

    • good answer!

    • *opinion*

  • Sure it has. It has told women that traditional relationships are a sign of an old fashioned and weak woman. Gone are the days when women and men work toward a life together. Yep. Feminism in its current incarnation isn't really in a woman or a mans best interests.

  • Feminism has convinced all the 5's and 6's that they're 9's and 10's.

  • No online dating has turned men into wimps.. hiding behind their computer screens..

    • and some would say it has made women incredibly picky... doesn't mean its true for everyone.

    • women are always picky, they must select the best genes in men..

    • How has it turned them into wimps?

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  • Not in Sweden, the forerunner of feminism.
    "Girls, don’t read anything into it if the guy doesn’t pay, you’re expected to split the bill in the name of equality."

    • Sweden has the highest false rape accusation count in the world. I think it's ironic that the forerunner country for feminism has this problem

    • @thatkaruguy I'm curious. How do you know for a fact that those were indeed false rape accusations? Were you there to witness them all?

    • You mean or can't trust government agencies that deal with domestic affairs as their job?

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  • Not really. You must be talking about the extreme Tumblr feminist

  • I just announce that I am a straight white Christian male and all the feminists come talk to me. They never have anything nice to say though.

  • Hayles, N. Katherine. Gender Encoding in Fluid Mechanics: Masculine Channels and Feminine Flows. 1992. Print.

    • not to be lazy but.. quick synopsis?

    • Read the title.

  • No not really

  • Only if the guy's intending on treating her like second grade poop

  • i say it has as nowadays women do expect too much from the men they date and of course who else is a fault for this except feminism? or i could be wrong, it might just be the social media

  • i think feminism is part of the reason why men are approaching women less today, because the dynamics men are use to between the sexes are changing. There's also a hyper-sensitivity towards approaching women, because everything is seen as street harassment these days, so instead of dealing with all that, some men just choose to not take the risk.

  • Umm i think so

  • Nah i'm a feminist and honestly it shouldn't get in the way of your relationships. If you're a feminist, fine. But don't be an annoying bitch about it. Im sure your partner doesn't like being called all the names under the sun just because he's a man. You're likely to lose him.

  • The thing that makes it hard for guys is the creepy dudes who don't know any better messing it up for other dudes.

  • Have posted this article before , definitely relevant for this post. I think because men are painted as sexual deviant predators by " society " , this has been the male reaction. Apologies in advance , ladies , there are quite a few comments sniping at women , but nothing approaching the thermonuclear hatred the feminazis spew at men... most want all male humans exterminated.


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