How would you react if you found out your teenage son or daughter was sexually active?

Would you advice to be on birth control and give them the sex talk? Would you be upset and disappointed or not really? Would you ground them and talk to them about abstinence or would you be open minded?

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  • I would encourage them to not focus on that so much and instead on school and hanging with friends.

    however since i know how stubborn teenagers can be and will still do things against the parents advice i would then also tell them to be safe and responsible about it. show them the risks associated with having sex. maybe even hand them a free pack of condoms so they have them. so basically don't do it, but if you do, then be safe about it.

    mitigate as much possible the room for error as you can with them.

  • It would be my plan to have age-appropriate sex talks as they are growing up, especially when they ask questions. Hopefully by the time time they become sexually active they will have a reasonable idea what they are getting themselves into and the risks. My reaction would depend on a few things including their age, maturity, and who they were sexually active with.

    • Let's say they were 13-15 years old and it's with their boyfriend/girlfriend that they've been dating for 4-6 months

    • The risk in forbidding someone from doing something often only makes them want it more. I would prefer my child not start having sex at that age and would advise them to limit themselves to non-sexual forms of intimacy such as kissing and holding hands. I would reiterate the risks they are taking if they have sex plus to be smart and safe about it regardless of their age while ensure they never hesitate to ask me questions related to sex.

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  • I don’t have a teenage son or daughter at least I won’t for a long time since they have to get older and I have to have a baby first lol but when I do, I’ll be open minded about it buttt I’m gonna definitely preach safe sex to them for their own good and because I care as a parent and don’t want to see any unplanned pregnancies till their with someone they love and of course stds are out there, I just hope they don’t want to start too young due to peer pressure.

  • I would have ensured they knew all about sex and safety before they were teenagers. I would not be upset if they chose to have sex when they felt mature enough, as I expect that they would have told me they were thinking about it. This was how it was with me and my parents, completely open, honest, caring, supportive. Comparing my experience with friends who had less open parents I know that I was the lucky one.

  • I mean I would hopefully have already had the talk and hopefully we would have open communication on the subject. But if something went wrong I would for sure want to talk to them and find out what I can or need to do for them.

  • We would have long, long ago had the discussion about birth control, safe sex, etc. So I don't think I'd make much of a big deal about it. I might ask whether they remembered protection and let it go after that. For my children, I don't want sex to be something that are ashamed about and that we make a big deal about as if "you did WHAT" sort of thing.

  • I would insist (as far as I could) for him or her to read this book. I did so as a teen. It helped me to understand how human nature works in sex and relationships.

    It's better than any talk I would give.

  • Once the genie is out of the bottle...

  • I would hope i set a good example of what a kind and compassionate partner looks like by the way i am with my partner. I would hope i as the father set a good example of what a man should be like. So that i can feel comfortable that she as my daughter would know how to pick a good Partner, or my son to treat her girl in a good way. I would set up an appointment to the local youth health clinic for them to be educated In safe sex and get a safe environment to ask all the questions they want and to get the condom's and what not they should get.

  • i would long have given them the sex talk at that point. i also would explicitly tell them that i do not condone them being sexually active. at the same time, i would still provide them with birth control tho. because i will have rised my children to act responsibly. acting responsibly doesn't necessarily mean "following exactly what i say".

  • I'd give him/her condoms or birth control, I'd be proud but also worried I'd become a grandfather so I'll warn him over that

  • Wouldn't be upset. Give sex talk. Give the boy condoms or money to buy. Put girl on birth control. Simple. Bc im not going to preach don't do what i did. I'll be a hypocrite.

  • I don’t know 🤷‍♀️, you can be with her all day

  • I would tell him/her that he/she better start buying diapers.

    • Ironic that's actually what my mother told me 😐

  • This would never happen in my household.

  • It would be kind of different for me because I would want to protect my daughter and not want her to have sex till she was 30 lol (not really just kidding) and for my son I might be okay with and understand. I would never be disappointed if they was sexually active it the part of growing up and experience one of life's greatest pleasures. I would want to make sure they was using protection and make sure they know the consequences and being responsible about sex. I probably would be open minded for my son but I wouldn't want to think about it with my daughter or have her mom talk to her about it. It just she would be my little girl. FYI I am not married or a father it just if I was in this scenario this what I would do.

  • Not sure. Haven’t crossed that bridge yet.

  • Encourage safe sex. I remember being horny and trying to do things with my girlfriend at my parents home trying to seek around.

  • I would give them advice on condoms, birthday control. Having safe protected sex. If my daughter asked I would even get her a toy so she is safe. My son also.

  • I would offer advice and birth control if needed, otherwise so what?

  • I'd educate them about the precautions... but i won't try to stop them... its just a natural phenomenon nd we all did it at our time so its ok for them...

  • I would be disappointed and talk to them about the risks and the value of saving themselves for that one person.

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