I accidentally cheated on my girlfriend. What should I do?

Saturday night I had sex with a hot chick I met at a bar. She had asked to come to my hotel with me to use my toilet because she was stayng with a male friend and didn't want to crap in his toilet and get embarassed. So she came with me and dropped a sewer trout. When she got out she asked if I would mind if she showered. I said fine. We were both drunk and she stripped down in front of me and then got in the shower. After about 2 minutes she called to me and asked if I would bring her the soap from the sink. I told her there was some in the shower. She said she was dizzy and didn't want to bend down to get it. So I got it and when I went in the bathroom she threw open the shower curtain. It startled me because I was handing the soap to her through the curtain. I dropped the soap and she said something like "now I have to bend over." She bent over right in front of me and gave me the full reveal. Anyway she then saw me looking at her and said I was dirty. She said I needed to get in the shower with her since I was dirty. I was way drunk and not thinking straight and disrobed and got in. One thing led to another and we did it in the shower. It wasn't really my fault so I am wondering if I should even make an issue of it. I mean it meant nothing. I am debating whether to tell my girlfriend mainly because I didn't use protection and I unloaded in this little petite thing so I wonder if she had any stds. Afterward she got dressed and left. I don't have her number so it isn't like we are going to hook up again and I am in a city 750 miles from where I'm from so I won't run into her. So why bother telling my girlfriend. Obviously every guy would have done the same thing out of animal instinct. It won't happen again so should I just pretend like it was a dream?
+1 y
So I went with the dream thing. That way if I ever slip and talk about it I can say it is what happened in a dream. Now I need to pick MHO. Did anyone here suggest the dream? If not someone should suggest something decent so I can hand out the MHO.
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What Girls Said

  • Sorry, there is no such thing as an accident when it comes to cheating. You shouldn't have put yourself in a compromising situation to begin with...

    • And no not every guy would've done he same thing. First off, any RESPECTABLE man would've have even been drunk to begin with, let a girl into his room, or debate about whether his girlfriend has a right to know. She does, but since your not a respectable man she probably never will. Too bad you can't delete this question...

    • ***Would NOT have***

    • And if you already knew that you wouldn't tell her why did you even post this question? To ease your guilt somehow? I'm sorry but until you come clean that will never happen. It's not too late to man up and do the right thing...

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  • an accident? really?

    • No, an accident.

  • I don't get how you can accidentally cheat?

    • The same way you get in a car accident when you are drunk.

    • So how did it happen she stopped short you tripped & impaled her on your dick? As for the drunk part that doesn't cut it in my book.

    • Yes it does. Drunkeness vitiates intent.

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  • To be honest I don't get the concept of accidental cheating

    • Okay. You could try and expand your mind but I guess that would be too much trouble.

    • So you actually mean your penis penetrated BY HIMSELF the girl's vagina? No matter how hard you try to believe it, you never have sex by accident.

    • Easy for you to say because you want to say that. Only one person can know if it was an accident and that person is me. I am not asking if it was an accident, I am telling you it was. The question is whether I should tell my girlfriend that it was a dream.

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  • you didn't accidently put your dick in her, so its really not an accident. & yes i think you should tell her.

    • It was an accident truthfully. I didn't go after her at the bar. Didn't pursue her at all. I wasn't out to cheat on my girlfriend if you can even call this cheating?

    • it is cheating -_- but if you feel guilty might as well tell her.

    • I just old you that I didn't cheat. You are not listening.

  • You cannot have accidental sex. It doesn't matter if you were drunk or if you wouldn't do it while sober. You didn't magically fall into her vagina over and over again and do god knows what else with her because some force beyond your control was making you. Your girlfriend deserves to know and if she's a self respecting woman she would leave.

    • Can you accidentally do anything? This was a pure accident. Open your mind and don't be so narrow-minded. People have accidents you know.

    • Tripping down the stairs would be an accident. Spilling my drink on the floor would be an accident. Having sex is not an accident. And quiet frankly based on the fact that you even asked that question and how adamantly you are trying to defend yourself you already know that what you did was wrong. You feel guilty and you came here seeking comfort and for someone to tell you that you did nothing wrong. That anyone would have done what you do. And I'll tell you now that no one will. You were wrong and you will have to live with it.

  • Just tell her the truth and promise it will NOT happen again. Would you want to be in a relationship without honesty? Think about it... just saying.

    • What is it with you people? It was an accident. I say that and you people gripe. Should I be honest or not?

    • Be honest

  • Personally, I think you should face the consequences of your actions and just tel her the truth. It's better to be honest than lie to her.

  • Im sorry but you never "accidentally" have sex with anyone!!

    • Well I did.

    • Exactly. "Accidently" my ass.

    • Haters gonna hate. So what? It was an accident. Oh well.

  • Well even though you're using the "I was drunk excuse" I'm sure if the reverse had happened to you and your girlfriend cheated on you, that you'd feel betrayed and hurt. The best thing to do is to be honest with her. If she leaves you after that you kind of deserved it. Obviously it was a mistake, but if you really cared about your girlfriends feelings you would have never even brought that girl back to your hotel room. And honestly, I kind of hope that slut gave you a STD.

    • Well I will disregard your comment since you are wishing a disease on me. So no response.

    • You're the one who typed a response... LOL

    • apparently you're stupid. my intent was no SUBSTANTIVE response. think outside the box for once, christ.

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