I would tell them that if they have an issue with your cum, that it'll only be a temporary one and that so long as they just go ahead and swallow it each time you cum, they'll quickly get used to it and acquire a taste for it. It'll certainly be worth their effort. In my opinion it does not taste bad, but it can probably take a little getting used to for some women. In my case I never minded the taste at all, but had a little initial difficulty with the texture. My husband has thick cum. I gagged the first three times I swallowed. It was embarrassing. After that I never gagged again and had no trouble at all swallowing. And the funny thing about that is that I soon discovered that I really like thick cum. On the odd occasion when it's watery, it's like wtf.
0 0 0 0yea, that argument does not work. unfortunately.
Usually happens when the man is highly aroused, usually a few squeezes after being down on him for 10 minutes, and yes, you can taste it.
0 0 0 0
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(12)The reason I don't want my hub to cum in my mouth is in case it makes me gag, I don't want to ruin the moment. I do like the taste of his precum though. Tastes a little salty.
0 0 0 01. yes
2. sometimes
3. yes
I don't like precum but I'll let my husband cum in my mouth. He doesn't precum at all. My first boyfriend before him did and I hated giving him oral. My husband says I taste like nothing and when he kisses me after I don't taste anything. So it seems fair to me that a girl can be grossed out by precum. no cum would taste good, unless you get the rare girl that likes it. At least with my husband it's at the end only and I'm not constantly tasting it. The taste makes it hard not to gag. So the taste and a dick down your throat would be hitting a new level of gag reflex. I enjoy giving my husband head it turns me on, but if he precame I'd not like it.0 0 0 0I think it taste sweeter than cum but it's such a small amount it just mixes w/my saliva. i always swallow at the end too.
0 4 0 0Yummy
0 0 0 0If I had an issue with it I wouldn't be sucking his cock.
1 0 0 0
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