Most Helpful Guys

  • I'll be the contrarian; sex is as important in a relationship as enjoying football or disliking rainstorms. That being, if both people are happy together with little to no sex, then it's perfectly fine. The only thing that truly matters is that the people involved are happy together. Sex is an issue if one person wants more or less of it than the other, or they want it with others- but ultimately, it's an issue when it deviates from what their partner agreed to or desires, reinforcing my point that sex is dictated by the norms of the relationship itself, independent of societal expectations.

  • In my opinion yes I believe it's also healthy for a relationship. It's one of the best ways to show how much you love someone your willing to be vulnerable to that person. Also it help with the pressure and stress of life and being a relationship makes it go all away for that moment I'm time.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Yes. If sex is the only thing that binds you then it’s not enough to keep a relationship going. Likewise if there’s no sex or bad sex then it can drive the two of you apart and you might seek the intimacy you desire with others. In addition if the bonding of sex isn’t there then it just makes it harder to have a relationship. Relationships are hard and sex is just one element that helps strengthen the relationship.

  • Yes, same drive preferred so we are both left satisfied.

    • Smart answer.

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What Girls & Guys Said

12 50
  • Depends on the people involved I suppose

  • yes, sex is very important, not the end of all but there, and the better the sex the better a relationship is, sex can make a relationship stronger, to me, there is nothing better than good sex to cement it,

  • Alone, sex does not make a relationship. It only makes for 15-30 lustful minutes of passion. Combined with love, trust, and respect, it creates a relationship that makes me feel satisfied and fulfilled.

  • Yes very much so...

  • For most couples, it certainly is important. I guess there are some asexual couples out there though. Not sure how common that is.

  • without sex, it might as well be a platonic friendship

  • Not really for me. Like I like sex definitely and if my partner and I were having sex and then they stopped being interested it makes me nervous. But no in terms of enjoyment it doesn’t matter I just like cuddling and talking if I have that I don’t need sex. I just need to feel loved and attractive.

  • Many men see a relationship without sex as being pointless, and I understand those men.

  • Very important. Not the only thing but it's important.

  • Sex is cool and fun and I do see it as kinda important in a relationship but at the same time sex isn't the world!
    You won't die without it!
    Other things like communication, trust, love and etc are way more important than just sex

  • Yes.

  • Yes to a certain point, or at least it should be to a certain point

  • It depends on the person. Both people need to respect each other and hold the others needs as something very important. Talk to them and have a good, honest conversation. People today just hop into bed too quickly. They don't really know anything deep about the other person.

  • To a lot of people yes

  • For many, yes. But not everyone, and everyone values it differently for different reasons.

  • It can be, but everyone is different about how often, when things like that.
    Usually you tend to be busier the longer you are together, so the frequency can deminish as well.

  • Yes, definitely

  • yes, it is,

  • It's not the most important thing but it is still a bit important

  • For me yes it is very important

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