It is said that up to 87% of girls on the street are sex slaves to pimps? Why do people trash the girls and say nothing about the pimps?

Do prostitutes lives matter?

Most prostitutes are run away girls from broken and abusive homes and foster homes, but many every day next door neighbor girls are also tricked into prostitution and stuck in a horrible life before they even realize what is happening to them?

Is there no one that cares about these girls except to call them sluts, hoes, harlots and whores?

If your daughter was forced into prostitution, is that what you would want done to her? ... not for her to be rescued?
It is said that up to 87% of girls on the street are sex slaves to pimps? Why do people trash the girls and say nothing about the pimps?
Most people don't know that these young girls have to meet financial quota's every day which many times requires them to pull up to 20 tricks a day and if they come in without the minimum amount of money they can be beaten, or worse, by these pimps!

Should there be no attempt to arrest these filthy low life scum that force these girls into sex slavery?
It is said that up to 87% of girls on the street are sex slaves to pimps? Why do people trash the girls and say nothing about the pimps?
Do you even care?

What do you think? Please share... PLEASE!

It is said that up to 87% of girls on the street are sex slaves to pimps? Why do people trash the girls and say nothing about the pimps?
It is said that up to 87% of girls on the street are sex slaves to pimps? Why do people trash the girls and say nothing about the pimps?
A. People trash them because it is the girls that are visible and most people don't even know about the pimps who force, threaten and use manipulation on the girls
Vote A
It is said that up to 87% of girls on the street are sex slaves to pimps? Why do people trash the girls and say nothing about the pimps?
B. No, most of the girls like what they are doing. It has nothing to do with the pimps
Vote B
It is said that up to 87% of girls on the street are sex slaves to pimps? Why do people trash the girls and say nothing about the pimps?
C. YES! These pimps should be arrested and never let out of prison to put any girls into slavery again
Vote C
It is said that up to 87% of girls on the street are sex slaves to pimps? Why do people trash the girls and say nothing about the pimps?
D. OTHER, see my comments below, or just open the "Evil Pimps" survey
Vote D
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What Girls & Guys Said

7 52
  • They chose that job

  • and who own the Pimp? :D what do you think own the Mafia or where creaded the bloods and crips? ;))

  • Sadly, these situations occur, because the girls don't have options available to them to get a better life.

  • I think you are saying things to make us feel sentimental to prostitution industry. Thats how they lure in customers.

  • I actually feel sorry for those girls and I think the parents are the ones that can be turned inside out 🤣🤣🤣

  • I hope all prostitutes can be temporarily provided with free accomodation and food and to get an opportunity to get a new profession in order to find a better job

  • Pimps are trash and should be disposed of permanenty. If prostitution was legalized, there would be no jobs for pimps. Prostitution has been around for centuries and will be for many more. Why not make it a legal business and be a productive part of society. There will always be a need for those services and they are not going away. It's time to take away the stigmatism and treat the ladies who work in this industry with the respect they deserve. Everybody has a job and this is the one they have.
    I firmly believe this would help put an end to human trafficking into prostitution as people could go to legal establishments for their services and and the scum would be left out.

  • Actually most prostitutes are NOT working under a pimp. The fantasy of a pimp is made up bullshit these days they use to get pity from cops and judges.

    • That's provably untrue. I have, in fact, encountered pimps, including in my own Bay Area bedroom community (getting breakfast on the way to work, and clearly a pimp with 3 young sexily-dressed girls getting breakfast after a night's work at the same restaurant), and I've literally seen and in a few cases even spoken to pimps many dozens of times. Here in California, they aren't dressed in fur coats and hats, but rather in name-brand athletic clothes and $500 sneakers, or occasionally a sports jacket. But there are plenty of them. As a contractor, I sometimes travel for work, and I stay at budget motels, and at a high percentages of such places, you will have pimps and girls working at night, and they're MORE common in the middle-class cities than in the ghetto cities, because there's more money to be made there. The police may clear them out for a week, but they're back before too long.

  • I'm not sure I believe that 87% figure, but surely at least *some* of them are controlled by pimps. Also not sure what if anything there is to do about it. It's been going on a very long time, and mostly the cops don't care.

  • Pimps need love too.

  • Most of them are only with the pimp and working for them because they are lill sexy and dumb easy to manipulate and con
    They will start by owing pimp a sum of money normally for drugs or cigarettes and alcohol and the dumb little sluts think be quickly payed off by letting a couple guys fuck her,
    And the sexy lill sluts debt will never be paid off and us pimps will never let them go, these girls are easy to trap and trick, plus they are easily forced into doing whatever guys want, also I can pinp out these young dumb cunts for more, and if a virgin then she a prize indeed

  • These pimps should be arrested and never let out of prison to put any girls into slavery again

  • Because they're scared I would tell anyone anything cause you shouldn't hold nothing back

  • yes I honestly did not even know they were forced into u till reading this article, a lot of time I assume they are on drugs.
    But when I worked at the strip club there were many and they were not on the street some of them that had boyfriend which were basically pimps and the rest were just really damaged individuals who only cared about money.

    • Yes, one lady that helped these girls was saying that the "boyfriend" is really the pimp many times who tricks her into thinking that he just wanted to be her boyfriend but planned on drawing her little by little into prostitution right from the beginning.

  • That pimp looks like he would BLM march in a heart beat, well both activities have similar results, "White Slavery".