What you're talking about is called "Rape Culture" and it is very alive and very well, at least here in America.
Through movies, advertisements, jokes, songs, magazines and many more mediums rape is not only being impressed upon us but it is being made to seem okay, funny or acceptable. Whether or not your particular example is a piece of that I'm not sure, seems more like some serious need of concealing and maybe having the child taken away. Not sure about rape or sexual harassment, though.
As to why people are doing it- because we a perpetuating it in our everyday life, what we're exposed to and how we raise our children. Girls are taught how not to get raped, boys are not taught not to rape, in fact they're taught the more conquests they have- the better. We're taught it's a woman's responsibility to protect herself and that men are helpless to the follies of a short skirt, a dark ally or a lone straggler from a party- they can't control themselves. This view is bad for both genders and I don't know why more people don't fight against it.
You have hundreds, if not thousands, of songs about "fucking bitches" and getting sex and women being used a sexual or status objects. And the music videos make them all the worse. You had advertisements like this-
A woman's body and life are being traded for a Pepsi. She might not be breathing or have a pulse but that's okay because her life doesn't matter as much as a Pepsi. The sanctity of her body isn't worth as much as a pepsi. Molestation and sexual harassment are fine because he's getting a Pepsi.
And that's only one of dozens of examples. Our culture upholds, justifies and protects rapists and encourages people to do so from a young age. It's a tough world, but it's not prevalent everywhere, so there is some hope for change.1 1 0 1Indeed women have always been treated very unfairly and they also make men believe us woman shouldn't get that by appealing to their ego, they make them feel if they let women become equal that they will no longer be needed but that isn't true in the slightest. The rape culture is also alive here in the UK, it is every where these days and when i meet people from other cultures i do a bit of reading of their past culture too, even that has changed to influence in bad ways.
That ad is repulsive! Oh my god!
That's mega creepy but it doesn't fall under rape per se.
I don't think sexual harassment is becoming more and more acceptable either because of music videos or what you see from other "artists".
However, I have been hearing talk about rape culture which I guess means its acceptable to rape. I don't think rape is seen as acceptable on a whole but I have noticed people are still questioning or inquiring about "what she was wearing", "was she drinking", or whatever like any of it matters. The point is she was raped. I've noticed a tad bit of that going on but its not on a whole thank god.0 0 0 0
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I don't think it's sexual harassment and I definitely don't think it's rape. Neither are currently or becoming socially acceptable. But I do believe it's child negligence when parents allow their young children to explore that kind of stuff. Most kids are too young to know what twerking or grinding is. But it could definitely affect them later in life because they thing is a perfectly normal thing to do. We can blame the media for oversensationalizing the hip-hop culture. Sex always sells. It's just more prominent now, thanks to big stars such as Miley Cyrus. Unfortunately, it's always going to happen. It's nothing new.
0 0 0 0I feel it is sexual harassment because that baby doesn't know what he's doing as you said so but she just went ahead and did it even when she knows that baby cannot speak for himself and say no to her. Anyone who does that i feel it is harrassment, i've had guys try to touch me without permission and lesbian girls grabbing my boobs while i had to bat them away to stop, i don't take lightly to it at all, i feel people need to see it as sexual harassment because it's against peoples will.
I understand where you're coming from. In my opinion, sexual harassment is when the other person knowingly does something sexual to another person, which is why I said child negligence on the parents part. But I wouldn't be surprised if it fell under the Sexual Harassment if the parents were ever investigated.
I sure hope so but i'm betting she gets away with it while good parents are having their kids taken away for reasons the social services made up because they get money per adoption, a lot of people still don't know but they are selling children to people, worst thing is when they take a child they have been known to kill them too, some single mothers have had their child taken and they get ill because of bad conditions but they don't take them to the hospital and let them die to not spend money
Rape has always existed and was far more prevalent at times in the past than it is now. I wholeheartedly agree with AdamThomas when he says that there is no rape culture. It would be more accurate to say that there is an anti-rape culture in the US today. Yes, rape happens but that doesn't mean there is a culture around it.
I agree with the QA that the behavior in the video she described is disgusting. I think twerking is one of the most foul things a girl can do, but it's a fad that WILL go away and the world will be just fine.0 0 0 0I hope it goes away lol i don't want to have kids one day only for my daughter to practise twerking in her room in secret, parents must be worried sick these days as there is constant temptations all around us to do naughty things, a lot of people have fallen into the wrong crowed but we want sane and responsible people. It's a shame that someone who is responsible doesn't have friend aether because responsible friends are lacking, i put it down to the neglect of parents these days though.
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0 4Yep people are weird and creepy... they'll most likely get reported and investigated, most the time I don't think people even know what they're doing. People only do things like that because they think they'll achieve 'popularity' or 'internet fame', it's completely moronic... people have died doing such stupid fads etc... so it doesn't surprise me that many of them have crossed into illegal activity.
0 2 0 0I just feel there's more to this, whatever comes out of the media comes from whoever is controlling things and what is put into it's made worse every 10 years or so, but right now it's taking a very bad turn rapidly but i feel they want people to be messed up to not see what is really going on around them, but the truth is if things get any worse were going to go through a lot of changes, a lot not very good ones. Indeed they don't know what they are doing because they are made to not understand
There will always be bad people in society, i'd personally rather ignore it... I think trying to stop it is almost futile when you compare the amount of people supporting this kind of thing to the people against it who are the minority. So long as my child doesn't grow up like that i'll be a proud and happy parent.
It's not socially acceptable and it never has been. I disagree with the idea of "rape culture". Rapists are and always have been seen as the lowest of the low, at least second to paedophiles - they often have to be separated from other criminals in prison for a reason.
However, I do agree that young children are being exposed to much more sexual content. Most people find it disgusting too though. It sickens me to see my 9 year old sister copy women such as Miley Cyrus.
I don't think it's anything to do with the government trying to make it social acceptable, it's just people not thinking things through.0 1 0 0I just don't understand why anyone would be silent when it comes to rape though, i've watched videos where someone's friend got raped and her friends didn't help her and just stayed quiet as if acklonoging it is going to make them look bad and effect them, they should of helped her but they are only thinking about themselves all the time.
I've been sexually assaulted more than once when I was younger, and I experienced almost the same. I still don't think there's a "rape culture". I once knew a guy who got killed over a rumour that he'd sexually assaulted a girl for example, when in fact it all started when a 13 year old boy jokingly called him a paedophile...
Damn... that sucks i'm so sorry to hear that i hope the person who sexually assaulted you didn't get away with it. I can't believe he killed someone over a rumor, problem is people also care too much what others think and their "reputation", i would of just ignored anyone who believed that boy, you don't have any friends these days anyway... wouldn't be any different.
I think it's alarmist tripe.
0 1 0 0this world is a beautiful place. human society, however...
0 1 0 0
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