Virgins and incels, why haven't you visited a prostitute?

Simple question, why don't you visit a prostitute? It's guaranteed sex. You won't be judged on looks, status, penis size or anything else you're worried about. Most aren't that expensive and given most insist on wearing a condom there's virtually zero chance you'll pick up an std.

There easily available so why aren't you using them?
1 5

Superb Opinion

  • I live in Reno we have many brothels I have a best friend she's a hooked or prostitute what ever lol any way yah you right but I will never do my friend and a brothel now a days it's going to cost you 500 bucks. For 500 buck s I want her for a week lol when i was 17 the going rate was 20 bucks lol well not really they wanted more but we were kids having fun. Sometimes we could do it for 10 bucks the last time I went to one It was the night before Christmas a friend and I went to one is was snowing like crazy I step out of the car there's about 10 cars all running there motors or heater to stay warm some guy say you have to wait they are opening gifts I said what ever went to the gate push the buzzer the door opens and says Ihi want a come on in but your friend has to say out I said no he's carrying gifts. We had all kinds of cheap crap ,, the maddom said ok come in. We go down stairs and 20 girls say Santa santa all if them want to sit on my lap the maddom says GIRLS SETTLE DOWN 1 AT A TIME IM Smiling yah girls,,, it was hella fun I could have got laid for free that night but they all want my hat. I could nd give it up it match the suit perfect and I belong to a club and would have been in big trouble. But when I was leaving the maddom stoped me said thank you that I made it fun and handed me a 500 dollar VIP CHIP but and way for me I just want something that feels more real and hot and sexy

    • +13052093597 Hmu

Most Helpful Guy

  • While there ARE prostitutes all over the US, the fact that prostitution is illegal almost everywhere here (aside from a few rural counties in Nevada), and the fact that, when caught, they often publish the pictures of john's faces in the media, is enough to keep a lot of guys away. Plus, there are plenty of scams and robberies, using hot girls, or photos of hot girls, as bait, and it's not like you could even report that kind of thing to the police.

    Finally, while there ARE women who quietly see customers at home in virtually every town, they tend to prefer older men as clients rather than young guys, as the older guys have much more to lose, tend to be more mature, and are much less likely to blab things around and get her caught or hassled. Young guys can't help running their mouth and sharing every detail, and so that can mess things up quickly.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Yessss they can book us easily n with no worries no responsibilities n everything will be secret

    • Thanks for MHO honey

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4 34
  • For a number of reasons actually.

    One, they aren't actually common near me

    Two, I wouldn't want to lose my verginity in that way

    Three, I would feel wrong to be paying for sex

    Four, if I ever did pay a prostitute I would most likely end up only doing it to ask for someone to hug me and be with me, maybe even go to lunch with, since I wouldn't want to just use them like a object.

    Five, while there are professional establishments for that stuff, there are more often ones who do it to afford drugs and I don't want to support that kind of thing.

  • read you bible and ask God

  • Because if they did, it would violate some religious thing, or some self-imposed stigma, and they couldn't legitimately complain and whine, any more!!

  • I'm muslim, have to wait till after marriage.

    • do most muslim's do this?

    • I'd say 70-75%

  • Not a virgin, but sex is a sacred, special thing to be had with someone you love. It’s as simple as that. There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin, why would someone want to get rid of that with some random lady they don’t know?

  • You're aware prostitution is illegal, right?

    Also, pimps are more likely to beat the incel and rob them, than give them a girl in a motel.

  • Waiting till I'm 30 I want to see if I can get a girlfriend and have sex before then if I can't I will pay for it.

  • For me unethical to use another person who I care nothing for as an object
    My morals says also that I shouldn't unless I'm married.

  • I’m not a virgin or an incel, but I would imagine it would feel kind of pathetic to have to pay for sex. You feel better knowing a woman WANTS to have sex with you

  • I don't qualify and try not to speak for others but you do present a very interesting argument for those who do qualify. I'd even bet for virgins, many prostitutes offer a virgin discount. And I bet would for a nice tip she would offer a close-up picture right after the virgin's cock has been inserted. Which would be pretty cool when you think about it... every guy has that memory but how many guys have a pic of the first time inserted? Be very unique.

    On the other hand, they may charge a little extra for incels :)

  • I know you're trolling but I'm going to give an honest answer because hey maybe some ignorant f*cker might bump into this answer and decide not to be an asshole. So I studied at University and one of my friends worked for the police and worked with prostitute/street workers... the stories they told me were horrific. These were girls who (through no fault of there own) had fallen into bad times and had been taken advantage by W@nkers... anyone who takes advantage of an innocent girl, whether by having sex with her or making money from her, remember you're the most horrific w@nker in the world.

    • Lately i've been entertaining the thought that purplepoppy is a virgin with an overactive imagination and high sex drive... thoughts? :P

  • What is your experience with a paid sex-worker?
    Me thinks you're beyond naive.

  • You deserve a spanking young lady.

  • that's like asking why you don't just get the finished thing frm the shop instead of doing a diy thing.

    it's not the same.

  • I known a few heroin addicts. There addictions tore them so far down they would sell there bodies to support their habbit. One girl I tried to help. Even let her stay at my place a few times. She wanted to show some gratitude by let me take advantage of her. I would never do that. I loved too much. Anyways she was found dead two years ago this week. I'm still angry over that.

    So know seeing what I have I would never use a prostitute for 5 minutes of pleasure.

  • Prostitution is not legal in almost all areas of the United States.

    • Hey! How're you doing? I really love to know more about you, 3052093597 is my number you can hmu

    • Neither is pornography robots, but that apparently doesn't stop them...

  • No thanks, because i'm searching for love and not sex only like animals!

  • 😅😅😅 they are probably broke too lol

    • Zero chance, guys condoms break.

  • i just feel dirty and to be totally frank... years ago a stripper gave me a hand job and the place was so filthy, my dick got infection after.

  • I have seen Incel men getting rejected even by prostitutes, so you can forget this solution as well.

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