What should a 22 year old girls body count be in your opinion?

I saw a post like this for someone that was 18 and was surprised at the answers lol so I'm curious what people would say for my age
+1 y
For the people asking, mine is 16.
3 10

Superb Opinion

  • Only two or so men before age 18. Then no more than three men a year for each year after the 18th birthday. So a 22 year old should not have been with more than fourteen (14) men in her life by that point.

    So two men before age 18, then three at 19, three at 20, three at 21, and three at 22 and before she turns 23. And even a new man every four months is a lot honestly, so there's wiggle room to "get to know yourself" in there.

    If a 22 year old has been with more than fourteen men in her still young life, then that's pretty slutty in my opinion, yes. Like, damn. Slow down a bit before you get pregnant!

    And most men can't even get half this number by the time they turn 22, so pretty much no rule even applies for men. How many men would have fourteen partners by the time he's 22? Only like the 1% of Chads out there.

    Normally, the unofficial rule is "no number of partners exceeding or equaling your age," but I realize a lot of girls get slutty in their college years. But if you want an actual solid number, then a 22 year old female should not have been with more than 14 fellas.

    • I think that was an okay way of putting it together and I've never heard of that "unofficial rule" before. It's an interesting thought lol

Most Helpful Guy

  • Average for a lifetime is 4-5. A lot of people will deny this, but it's a case that people think "everyone is doing it" when they aren't. People lie and exaggerate their numbers. Especially guys do that.

    People notice who has girlfriends or boyfriends. They notice people who supposedly have a lot of partners. But they tend to ignore the majority who don't have a partner, and have had 0-1 sex partners during their life so far. They notice the "popular" people, and ignore the "faceless" people.

    So the bottom line is that the average number of partners is not nearly as high as many people think. I've read enough of this to believe that 4-5 is a reasonably accurate number. And contrary to what a lot of people think, that number is decreasing for young people, not increasing with the so-called hookup culture. All indications show that the hookup culture doesn't even exist. It's just a new name for something that's been around for many generations - and the number is actually decreasing.

    As far as what "should" a body count be, there is no such thing as "should". People have widely varying opinions about it. But that's all it is, opinion. There is no "should". It's a personal choice how many partners you have yourself. It's also a personal choice what others think of the number. There are hundreds of things combined to make two people compatible. The body count is just one of them. Either someone is OK with it, or they aren't. But there is no "should".

    • I don't know like there's no way that's true. I know people that a virgins but I think I know more people that have been with 5 people than not. I guess I can't like speak for everyone though. Do you really think the number is decreasing? I agree that there should be no set number but I was just wondering like the different opinions of people.

    • I think it's a matter of who you hang around with. Like I said, people don't notice the faceless. For that matter, the less popular people are not even out there where you can see them. Think about it. Who are you most likely to see? The people who are social and out in social settings? Or people who are introverts sitting around playing video games, watching TV or spending the whole day trolling the Internet? This goes for a lot of things besides sex partners and dating. The people who are most visible are not necessarily the norm. And yes, everything I've read about the hookup culture is that it doesn't exist. For example many studies have shown that the number of virgins by HS graduation is increasing. The same debate surrounds my own generation. The so-called sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s. Many people say it didn't really happen. Many say that the only thing that happened was people openly talked about it, but the numbers did not actually increase.

    • Yeah maybe you're right I never really thought about it like that. I'm surprised to hear virgins are increasing I thought people were having like more sex than ever lol

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Most Helpful Girls

  • There's no right answer to that, depends on what you're comfortable with. You could be a virgin or a porn star and both would be completely fine if you've done everything with consent and acceptance of your own choices.

    • Yeah there's no right answers but I was asking to see like what people generally think. I think as long as your happy who cares 🤷‍♀️

    • Exactly my point.

  • There is no 'should'

    It doesn't matter as long as she's happy with her experiences and she can stay by it.
    A long as she doesn't have any diseases and doesn't cheat.

    • Personally, I hear from women that did not fuck much when young, AND later regretted not having the experiences that other women have had.

    • Doesn't mean you have to either. I have a great friend, her first boyfriend is now her husband and she loves him. Don't force yourself to do or not doing something. Don't Shane someone because they've led another life than you have.

    • Good answer 👍

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  • A secret.

    • You think that is should be kept a secret in a relationship?

    • That's complicated and I don't think there's one answer to that. It's an individual choice. Some people go around asking, and giving, numbers. Others want to know, but don't want to tell. Your question is bizarre. There is no "should". Do I think your number of 16 at 22 is high? Yes. But it's your life to do with what you choose. I didn't ask men their numbers and they didn't ask mine. But there's a big difference between just meeting someone, or dating for a bit, and being in a long and committed relationship with them. The latter is a whole other level of intimacy and depth. So I'm not saying always hide it. But also, why always swap numbers? It's gauche.

    • Yeah I know it's choice, I usually only tell if my partner asks. It's okay if you think it's high, everyone is different. I'm with you on that, I don't see the point in doing numbers in the first place.

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  • Whateber the fuck you want it it to be whether its 0 or 364 i dont care. Its not my body, but if you must know my body count is highas well

    • I agree, as long as everyone's happy who cares

    • EXACTLY, I dont see how men get praised for having high BC but when get shamed. If a guy said he slept with 255 women and they expect a girl to say 2 guys? How would guys get 100 or 200 before 23 if girls aren't having sex as well? Stop making people feel bad for having fun.. Whether you are a virgin or not, if you slept with a lot of guys or not. It doesn't determine your worth, at the end of the day YOU choose who you sleep with. So if they aren't worthy of being included into your BC it's your call. Take control over your body, dont let anyone shame you into lying about the number. It shouldn't even matter, but 🤷

    • Yeah I never understood why women have it harder when it comes to that. Also that's true it shouldn't determine worth at all like I've seen people on here say if they met a girl that's perfect and ticks all their boxes, the guys would reject them if they had a high body count. Like that's crazy to me lol. I wouldn't ever lie about the number, I don't really find shame in it.

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  • Too many to count, all buried in my garden. looking for my next victim.

    • Savage 🔥🔥🔥

  • Doesn't matter what we think. It matters to the one you are in a relationship with. It also depends on your age.

    What should a 22 year old girls body count be in your opinion?
    • Yeah that's true but I'm just seeing other people boundaries I guess

  • at least 10 guys.. and a few women so she can know if she likes girls.

    • I've tried things with a girl before but there was nothing for me

    • most do it to satisfy their curiosity..

  • Whowee waw, these have been popular. Saw the one that was 17 yo body count.

    @zaharuhzaharuh, are you sure you're not traveling forward and back in time to ask the body count of these ages and then compiling the answers into responses of amount in partners each should have on average according to the gag community? Someone should do that, maybe you, maybe me. Don't know if I have that much time. May want to draw more. Be easier to search the amount of questions and split it up with someone else. Hey @gagtake! Compile the body count ranges for each of these age groups! That'd be an interesting work of data.

    • Yeah and honestly the answers are like pretty much the same as the other ones except a couple people are saying more than before. Also I'm like really bad with numbers so I will not be working on that project 😂

  • 0-4? Indicative of someone that at least hasn't taken up casual flings as a hedonistic hobby and takes other people seriously, but I don't have a hard rule.

    I'm not falling for the whole, "it's just sex" thing, I think there's more to sex than just pleasure, you form an intimate bond with your partner, and I think repeatedly forming and breaking these relationships makes them both less important and easier to do so - you're forming habits and learning behaviours; I can't imagine that would be good in terms of committing to a relationship, and in my mind that certainly partially explains the abysmal relationship stats we see today.

    • Well yeah it's not just sex and I hope I don't turn out that way 😕

  • Well, mine at that age, like now, was 0 so... ideally? 0.
    And no, I'm far from unnattractive, bad at talking to women or what-have-you, I simply don't understand or grasp the concept of casual sex and just being naked with someone just for one night, that's not only terrifying to me but just strange and unbecoming.
    Frankly, I think physical intimacy is something special that should be reserved for special people but, to each their own.

    • I love this answer and agree. Sex is more than just a causal thing it’s a level of deep intimacy. It’s such a big deal for someone to really see you. Every part of you unclothed. It should be reserved for someone special

    • Does any of it have to do with religious reasons? Also thanks for disagreeing without being rude lol

    • I am indeed an ordained (volunteer, I work as a musician/singer/model) pastor and am religious but don't consider myself overly so (I keep a cross above bed, say nightly and morning prayers, attend mass, etc.). Nothing whatsoever to do with my own personal values regarding physical intimacy and love. At no point when I was a clergy boy did anyone ever come to me and tell me that I had to refrain from sex before marriage nor did I ever adhere to that idea. I've also definitely met Pastors aside myself who have had sexual affairs with members of their flock or even extramarital affairs or visited a prostitute and think that confessing and asking forgiveness for their sins suddenly makes it okay. Everything I believe there is entirely of my own accord, not a clue where it comes from. I don't believe in sex only within the confines of marriage. However, I am also not okay with sexual behaviour that doesn't come from a place of love and I fully hope to only have one woman for my whole life. Having said that, I'm not here to force my beliefs on anyone and I personally have a crush on a woman (who is also my friend) quite older than me who actually spent her youth around my age as a sex worker. Doesn't really alter my opinion of her, nor do I believe it alters God's opinion of her (she's definitely not a religious woman but I believe God loves all his children regardless of whether they love him in turn and while I won't force my beliefs on anyone I'm damn well going to say prayers on their behalf).

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  • I don't have a clue wouldn't it should be and to be honest let's pretend you and I got together and we hit it off and we become girlfriend and boyfriend from that moment on suppose I would be concerned your body count is 1 and that would be me. I would be falling in love with you because of who you are. Not who you have been with

    • I think more people should think this way tbh like I don't feel like it matters as much as some people make it seem

  • zero to 2. ideally 1. y'all are messed up... but it seems normal in our society.

    • Like how am I messed up for that

    • you are 22 and have mated with someone else for almost every year, starting around 14? By body count you mean deep intimacy and/or sex? Am I reading that right?

    • I started when I was 15 and body count means sex, yes. I think you read it right lol

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  • Deciding what a 22 year old adult woman’s body count ‘should be’ is over my pay grade.

    But I CAN say that I would ‘expect’ it to be somewhere between not less than 5, on the low end, and maybe 25 or so on the high end.

    For myself I would be VERY leery of marrying any woman (of any age) with a body count LOWER than 20.

    I wouldn’t be put off by a body count in the 50’s, or more. Significantly *more* than that isn’t an automatic disqualifier, but I would be curious.

    If she’d been a sex worker at some point in her life, for instance, that would adequately explain a noticeably higher body count.

    And, if her experiences as a sex worker did not involve violence or GENUINE criminality, I wouldn’t consider her more numerous sexual partners to be amy sort of red flag

    In ANY marriage, I wouldn’t consider taking a wife who was not willing to take an occasional lover after we married.

    I have no illusions that I could keep a normal woman properly ‘tuned up’ at my age. and -to be frank about it- I would very much enjoy watching her copulating with other men from time to time.

    No quid pro quo (me being free to be with other women) would be desired or required.

    • That's interesting

    • Yes it is find interesting you don't find too many like this one, hmmm.

  • I wouldn't say 16 is an outrageous number by 22. I'd take some of the opinions on the matter with a healthy measure of salt, people tend to think their own experience is the average and some are outrageously mistaken following that.

    • I feel like that's the case for a lot of these people lol, that's good perspective for me

  • Body count? As in how many murders she's committed? ... In case you mean sexual partners, who the fc knows - or cares what the accumulated "total" is? I mean I'd view it on sliding scales of, "a few" "a bunch" or "a lot".

    • I agree I dont think there's a set number

  • In my opinion; 0 to 2. I understand some people are all for casual sex, one-night stands, etc. to each their own. But for me, that was always a deal breaker. I was only interested in girls that were specifically looking for long-term relationships. As such, 0-2 partners at 22 seems reasonable. 16 is not even a number I'd have expected from someone in their 30s.

    There will be guys that will be turned off by your body count, others won't care. You just need to find the one (s) that won't care. Our choices have consequences. The consequences of choosing casual sex is that some guys won't want to date a girl with a high body count, even when you are mostly compatible in everything else.

    • Yeah it's okay to have preferences. I'm just curious like if a girl checked like all of your boxes for someone you'd date but you find maybe their body count is like mine or something, that's just a deal breaker for you? Like even if the girl is looking for a long relationship now?

    • Sorry for the length of this. It would be a deal breaker. This is primarily because in my case, a high body count is a major incompatibility. It implies important differences in personality. It suggests (to me) that; - The person rushes into sex too fast on meeting someone, which in turn suggests she values shallow or short-term thrills over deep or long-term happiness (since many guys just want sex without commitment, there are risks of STDs and pregnancy, etc.), - This person may place sex quality and frequency on a very high level in the relationship (i. e. this is someone that would break up with, or cheat on me if the sex wasn't good or frequent enough, despite me ticking all her other boxes) - My performance will be constantly compared to some of the best she has had in the past. This might build resentment/nostalgia and (again) be used to justify cheating, or requests for polyamory, etc. - Because of the above point, sex with her might start feeling like a competition to outdo all her past partners. This will definitely destroy the intimacy and fun of the whole thing. I don't want to compete with strangers I never expect to meet. - Sex is not seen by this person as an act of intimacy (it is an act of love and intimacy to me). - This person enjoys going to places that I avoid (since she obviously has to be outgoing and social to score so many encounters). I'm not very outgoing, and when I go out, it's not to places people who hook up might go to. Past experience has taught me that I prefer to date a more introverted person. You see, something as seemingly simple as body count can help one deduce all sorts of fundamental personality traits that they may find unattractive, even if they were able to overlook (or didn't even care about) the body count itself. Basically, the high body count may reveal there are important boxes that one or both of you don't check for the other.

    • I appreciate the response, its helping me understand more. What if they were rushing into sex too fast after meeting someone but was looking to change their ways since they are looking for long term relationships now? The sex quality makes sense to me, I feel like I'm not as compatible with less experienced guys. I think even if I haven't loved every guy I've been with I would still say that it has been intimate everytime. You're right about me being social and outgoing lol. You do kind of make a good point.

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  • 0… wait till you’re married. It will save you lots of heartbreak.

    • Why does it save heartbreak?

    • Um a heart break from a marriage is a 1000 times worse lol especially if you already have children with the person so NO dont wait till you're married!

    • Because it will be someone that you are committed to for life. It’s harder to get over someone once you have sex

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  • Society will tell you that casual sex is normal, but you must remember that this society has been corrupted in order to prevent you from ascending, to keep you away from realizing your true power, and to ensure your ability to bond when older is diminished or gone completely. This is because when we acknowledge what we are, and what our soul truly needs, we become too powerful to control.

    Look up soul ties and Oxytocin bonding.

    • I don't understand what you mean by "true power". Also are you saying that I'm going to lose my ability to even get along with people just because I'm having casual sex? I looked into them a bit and do you think I'll lose both of those things?

    • People have told me that I might lose or already have lost the ability to pair bond

    • I wasn't talking about your ability to get on with others in general, I was talking about your ability to bond in a relationship. How many times have you seen something promoted by mainstream media that benefits us? We should be asking ourselves why casual sex is promoted on TV shows, teen flicks and in general so much. Is it for our benefit? What I mean by true power is anything that brings us closer to ascending, contentment, our spirit and peace. I don't think I've met many that found any peace through what you mentioned. But I've met plenty that warned against it once they had gotten older. The beauty of life is we are free to do pretty much as we please, but we cannot escape what ever the consequences end up being. If you had a daughter would you recommend the same behavior or a more cautious approach?

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  • As many or as few as she wants, it's nobody else's business.

    • I agree but I would also tell my partner if they asked.

    • That is fair enough, I like to discuss these things with my partners too if they are comfortable with it. In fact I get a bit of a kick out of it if they go in to details about some of their great sexual encounters.

    • Yeah I think it's fun to talk about past experiences too like sometimes it can spark an interest in trying something new lol

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  • It should be one or two at most.

  • I think it depends on when you started.

    • I started when I was 15

    • Then I would say between 25-30 is normal for 7 years of sex

    • To be fair I didn't really start getting around often until i was like 18 since then I'm at like 13 but I think that's a fair number you put.

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  • Zero
    maybe 2.

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