Why are men so obsessed with sex?

Why? The age old question. The obsession even transcends humanity and into nature. Male animals will fight each other over the right to mate. Every man has watched porn at least once. Most men are addicted to it.

I would think for the same reason women love it, but men absolutely crave it. More so than women. Guys, can you explain?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • The sex with the higher reproductive burden has to be the more cautious sex because they have more to invest and therefore more to lose.

    To compensate, the sex with the lower reproductive burden winds up investing in reproduction through indirect means, which in humans as well as many other species results in a few common male excesses: motivation to engage and initiate in the reproductive act (i. e. sex), energy to expend on the opposite sex without expectation of reciprocity, frustration due to scarcity of opportunity or subverted expectation to engage in the reproductive act (e. g. being single for too long or chronic rejection from your spouse).

  • Well besides physically loving it like women, it's "in our face" 24/7 when you think about it. We're visual and almost everything is sexualised. It's all in the media, tv, internet, advertising, to just seeing everyday beautiful women on the street, a lot of them dressed sexy or something that shows off their bodies (again, the visual), add to that, a lot of guys aren't getting regular sex, so we're probably horny to begin with without all that, and are you starting to see now?

    • I can understand the visual part, but maybe women just aren’t very visual in the sense that men are? Women can spot multiple attractive, shirtless men in the same room but will still have enough self-control not to approach them immediately or to think sexual thoughts/get turned on. Does that make sense?

    • Yes. We have self control also (or can lol) but I believe the visual affects us differently. Women might think a guy is attractive for example, but does the visual make her horny? Probably not if it's a stranger right? No so with us lol. It can totally get us horny and in the mood for sex. Often does.

    • I know whenever I spot someone attractive, it’s like admiring a flower, it’s a nice sight but I don’t really feel the urge to do anything past staring at it. If he’s super hot, then I’ll probably find myself staring longer than necessary and I’ll probably look away to avoid an awkward conversation lol wouldn’t want him to notice me gawking like a love struck kid. Lol

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 62
  • It's genetic. We're programmed to further the species.

  • a lot of men just want it and that's natural. Sometimes we just have to control it a lot. But I wouldn't say obsessed, it's not like it comes up in causal conversation. Mostly we talk about what loadout we are using for call of duty atm

  • It is biological for sure. It's something that's in our headspace. It's like asking why an author is so specific about their printer ink or preference for using a type writer over a laptop. It's engrained in us to have that passion and drive. It's our testosterone, I think... But it's the natural desire to mate and reproduce. It's instinct. Another great example is why are mothers so dam# protective of their kids? It's biology, plain and simple

  • I disagree with your assertion that men crave sex more than women. I believe both genders crave sex, with the same degree, but it's expressed differently.

    I believe many men have an unhealthy view of sex because of porn.

  • It feels great, and it's the only physical intimacy we really get. Guys don't get a lot of affection, so it feels really good when someone finds us sexually attractive enough to slee with us.

  • why are women? i mean there are women out there more obsessed than guys and no we dont crave sex I've met some guys who are more desperate to get their rocks off but at the same time i've known some women who are the same if not worse... it just depends on the individuals really... sure it's a biology issue in the end but some men and women can't control their hormones and will actively do what they can to have sex

    • Women too, sure. But I’ve never seen a woman go to outrageous lengths to get some good cock.

    • I have a fair few times, tbf there are those on both sides of the gender pool who who are crazed by sex, those who are not as driven, those who can take it or leave it and those who simply dont give two hoots whether they get it or not

  • The same reason people are obsessed with food. The brain meters hormones to drive urges and reward you for acting on those urges.

  • Im not obsessed with sex. Sadly lots of guys are, and i know the pain of dealing with ignorant horny guys.


    But really it's more of a biological thing. Men like sex because the species needs it to survive and if one gender isn't actively seeking it out the species would die. That's what's happening to pandas, neither gender has sex drive so nobody can get them to fuck and their species is dying because of it.

    • It’s really bad when humans have to intervene with artificial insemination just to further keep a species alive.. This happens a lot with English bulldogs, because they cannot breed and give birth naturally. Their bodies make it difficult for them. From observation, men usually crave sex due to high testosterone and women usually peak in sex drive after they experience a spike in their ovulation cycle.. It’s very similar to when female animals go into heat. A study was conducted on multiple different women who were each in different phases of their menstrual cycles.. they were questioned and out of every woman, the only woman who was the most interested in sex happened to be the only woman experiencing ovulation symptoms.

  • Because sex feels amazing. I could have sex 5 times a day and never get bored of it

  • Pretrt sure its hardwired into us to mate although some males can be addicted to it yes

  • It's not just men. That's normal for sexual animals in general.

  • Starving men think of nothing but food. For women getting laid is a choice for men its a chore.

  • We can't, other than it's similar to the same drive we have to explore uncharted territory, we need stick our plug into a socket, it's programmed into us, and the longer we ignore it the stronger the desire becomes. I don't understand why that is so difficult to grasp- women have the same drive, it's just slightly different. I will say "most" men and women have this drive - which I believe is nature / natural programming.

    Women, it's different in the sense that you are driven to desire penetration, to be mounted (trying to keep it scientific here).

  • biology

    Why are men so obsessed with sex?Why are men so obsessed with sex?Why are men so obsessed with sex?Why are men so obsessed with sex?Why are men so obsessed with sex?
  • most males are wired to try to mate and breed as much as they can. due to primal urges and instincts

  • The biological need to spread seed.

  • Species where men didn’t, died out.

    • Men aren’t the only sex that are sexually motivated to reproduce. I wanna know exactly why it develops into a chronic obsession after puberty. My guess, from what I’ve gathered from many comments left here, it’s probably due to high levels of testosterone—which is responsible for raging libidos.

  • Men are created/engineered with the innate desire to breed and spread their seed far and wide to create as many strong offspring as possible.

    That's why because it's genetic, we're basically programmed to further our species. So it's completely natural for us.

  • Because we are driven by testosterone, which can make our lives tormented and miserable.
    If it was not for that burning hormonal drive, we would not be motivated to jump through all the hoops and general bullshit that is involved in dealing with women, as well as the overwhelming legal and financial liability that women have created around themselves.
    Interaction with females fails a rational cost/risk/benefit calculation.
    Take away the hormonal urge to mate and men would throw rocks at women.

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