Why are millennial men such pussies?

And you can't blame feminism, bc it's been around since before the 70s and Sylvester Stallone isn't a pussy.

One of my theories is that hipsters were created
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Superb Opinion

    • the feminist movement as been going on since the 1850's. over the generations boys have been indoctrinated by public schools, collages and media. to believe that most or all traditional male behavior is toxic. with modern cancel culture going around they can have their lives ruined. if a woman even claims a man did bad things to her. without her needing to have any real proof to backup her claims in court or online.
    • also since many children are now rise in single parent households. they don't grow up watching their parents interact in a positive manner. while being good role models for them as to how a couple and family unit traditionally acts.
    • many also have what are called "snowplow parents" that remove any real challenges from their life. trying them into "snowflakes" as they got older. where they thing everything should be just giving to them. without any real work or effort applied to make themselves better.
    • plus the participation trophies also ruins many children in the long run.
    • modern hookup and one night stand culture as also ruined many of them. because they can just get their quick fix of sex in many cases. without having to develop long term or lasting relationships.
    • why many guys avoid the topic of marriage in western culture.
    • because modern marriage is no longer a guarantee. that either person will remain loyal and committed to their partner. over half of first time marriages fail within 5-10 years of the couple saying "I do's" and roughly 70% of the time it is the woman that files for divorces. because many people rush into marriage now without getting to really know their partners true self.
    • recent studies show that typically. the woman is the one to get bored of her partner sexually first. even more so if she has been with many partners over the years. because she'll tend to compare all her former partners to him.
    • http://pauldavidphd.com/wp-content/uploads/Pair-Bonding.pdf
    • https://www.medinstitute.org/articles/pair-bonding-and-the-brain/
    • https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/news/20131125/how-the-love-hormone-works-its-magic#2
    • https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/releases/a-48-hour-sexual-afterglow-helps-to-bond-partners-over-time.html
    • https://www.thetrumpet.com/7750-the-emotional-corrosion-of-casual-sex
    • so once the man stops being able to get any from his partner. he starts to think about out sourcing for his needs. also likely she will start out sourcing for her needs over time. as she becomes board with their sex life.
    • if you get divorced the guy is likely to lose roughly half or more. of his money and resources to her in court and legal fees. more if they end up having children together. because 75% or more of the time. the woman gets full custody with child support or 50/50 custody with child support.
    • only ways a guy can get more then 50% custody. is if he can claims she is an unfit parent. while having the proof to back up his claims in court. or she passes away for whatever reason.
    • so until the legal system is removed from all forms of relationships. I don't see any of this getting better for either side.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Same reason there are sooooo few women left with even so much as a shred of true femininity. Women have become men with tits vaginas.

    Yes, feminism is to blame. Your reasons for why it isn't are ridiculous. Sylvester Stallone isn't a pussy? LOL One guy not being a pussy is proof feminism is not guilty? Come on, pull your head out of your ass.

    Yes, feminism has been around since long before the 70s but it used to be about gender equality and boosting women. During the last couple of decades it has become much more of an anti-male, anti-masculinity movement. Also, feminism has been trying to destroy the nuclear family and encouraging single motherhood for years, which is one of the primary reasons men have become less masculine because they don't have a father figure to teach them how to be men. Single mothers have no clue how to raise a boy to become a man.

    Make no mistake, women in general, and feminism in particular, are the reason for what you are whining about here.

    • I was just using stallone as an example of, I'll member pretty much like that back then. I understand being raised as snowflakes and single parents being a factor, the rest is out of the scope of the issue

    • No, not out of scope at all. It's all very relevant to this issue.

    • Thanks for MHO.

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  • They were monitored all the time. Helicopter moms drove them to school and to organized sports. Every minute was scheduled for their 24/7 protection. They never had any independence, played outside or had adventures with their friends like riding their bikes all over town, playing sports in vacant lots, playing in the woods, building forts, improvising activities, etc. Their lives are built around technology rather than physical activity. They've been educated in liberal PC culture at school.

  • "And you can't blame feminism, bc it's been around since before the 70s"

    Yes, they can, because the "Third Wave" of Femi (commu) nism is markedly less rational and far worse than the "Second Wave" feminist movements of the 1960s and 1970s.

    But more importantly, the Leftist "hipster" Indoctrination took hold in the "Millennial" generation or "Generation Y", because unlike its Generation X predecessor, it did not ever see and understand the evil of communism unfolding and thankfully falling apart right in front of it, and said Millennial generation was never taught about it.

    I blame a wave of Leftover Communists of the "Boomer" generation, who infiltrated and took over most of academia, the media, entertainment, and the "Deep State" civil service.

    • Hmm could be shy they wear che guevara shirts

    • Bingo. That IS why they wear Che Guevara shirts. If they knew anything honest about him they would be disgusted. But hey, he does look like a bearded Jim Morrison, right? :P

    • Lol! Only jim morrison was alpha male. They don't make him anymore

  • Yes you can blame THIRD WAVE feminism. This why it is possible to get with multiple girls half my age. These guys have been so drained of any confidence that they can do anything or make a mistake and survive it.

    Every young guy has seen a friend get socially evicerated by things blown out of proportion. This isn't seen by people who are outside of the school social media social circles.

  • Not all men are. Some of us are still tough.
    I do like to make sure people are treated equal, bit that doesn't make me weaker. If anything, the opposide. Forcing myself in situations to protect others or 'fight' for rights.

    Also I'm pretry sure you mean hypothesis instead of theory. And I'm surpriced that people always find a group to blame for changes instead of thinking that the group might have been created due to the changes in our society

  • Firstly, not all millenial men are pussies. That's like saying all millenial girls are all sex dolls. It's just wrong and not true. But, at the same time I kind of get where you're coming from. Not that I actively try and perceive the average level of confidence of the other people of my gender lol but if there is a noticeable lack of confidence that girls can see in the average millenial guy, I guarantee it's due to how many of them watch porn. With the invention of the internet easily accessible porn was thrown onto a whole generation of guys without knowing how Psychologically damaging it is to a person's psyche. Like its prob practically an unknown epidemic that isn't known enough to be taught in sex ed or whatever form of education. But if you do see a difference, I guarantee that's the reason. Needa revive the dare program and put porn as its main topic or some shit. Anyway, thanks for listening to my Ted talk.

    • Good point!

  • this is so funny but im sure you wouldn't get the joke

  • You’re probably looking at the tail end of the Millennial generation towards generation Z and probably confusing a lot of Generation Z kids with Millennials. People at the head of the Millennial generation are probably the hardest motherfuckers that have been created in American society ever rivaling 1930s gangland/depression era kids like our grandparents that fought WWII. Growing up in the 80s and 90s was violent as fuck. We’re totally desensitized. It was so violent that the 70s kids and Boomers created all sorts of gay mediation and coddling shit to try to fix it which messed up kids that were born in the late 90s and turned them into wimps.

    • They started trying to fix shit maybe in 1998. So school aged kids that were affected by that would have been born in 1993-1994. Prior to that 1981-1992 people are hard as coffin nails.

    • If you grew up in the 80s, you're a gen exer, not a millennial

    • Millennials: 1981 – 1996

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  • The feminism of the 1970s didn’t have as much influence in the mainstream media or education as it does now in the 2020s.


    Do you think this scene would be well received in today’s political climate? Most movie critics (who I think are a bunch of political panderers ) would misinterpret this scene to be “sexist” when it’s not even sexist, it’s simply about a experienced cop trying to protect a naive rookie cop who lacks credentials.

    Nowadays the 4th wave feminists (Socjus) have a lot more influence in the media. This intimidates the millennial male celebs enough to yield towards the standards of SocJus. Why do you think many male celebs act like they are PC? Because they know that if they try to be themselves their careers could be jeopardy of getting “canceled”. And unfortunately many common millennial men often get indoctrinated by both the mainstream media and many schools/colleges who are in the pocket of SocJus.

    • And why do you think her job was administration and records? Because women were limited to those jobs back then and when they went to college, they were forced to major in "women jobs" like secretary. So, it's not unusual that she wouldn't have police experience

    • Further proving Callahan’s point of being upset over the fact she lacked the experience, not because she’s a woman.

    • In today's climate the left would have a royal hissy fit ; their panties would get into such a twisty bunch they would need surgery to get them off.

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  • Public schools gave castrated boys for decades.

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  • Feminism has a LOT to do with it. And all the broken homes - most of them don't have a father, or a strong male figure in their life, so they don't even know what one is for or how to act. Mothers make for pretty crappy fathers. But you sure can't tell them that, oh no.
    Boys are expected to act just like little girls - they are told from day one that they are to defer to them, be nice like them, and if they're not they even drug them. If a boy is non-complaint in the classroom they do what? Stop them from going to recess to blow off some of that energy. Then kick them out or drug them.
    No, we have a very sick society that is telling men they are toxic, unnecessary, ineffectual, are all bad, they're all rapists, dirty, stupid, and worthless.
    You women have made your own bed, now you get to lie in it. LOL

    • Why do you solely blame women for broken homes? Some guys ditch their family

    • Blame? I do not solely blame women for broken home. I do not, and have not ever. Most guys are worthless. We've raised an entire crop of girlie-men.

    • Ah I see and I quit dating because of the girly men. And you know what's ironic about the girly men? They treat women way worse than the alpha males they complain about

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  • cause they are trying to be what millenial girls claim they want.

  • Out of curiosity in your opinion. What is a man?

  • I do not know because older men love to ass kiss Trump and Trump likes to ass kiss Saudi Arabia lol

  • In what way do you mean that men are pussies?

  • Hipsters first appeared in the 1940s

    • Oh and Feminism first arrived in the early 1800s

    • Sorry mid 1800s

    • shush, you know people on g@g dont like facts ;)

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  • The trigger culture and cancel culture assisted by the 3rd wave feminist.

  • You think you're any tougher?

    I took martial arts for 11 years. Try me hun.

    • I don't want to be tougher than a man, that's the point.

  • Sylvester Stallone didn’t grow up in the same climate as it is now.

    And yes I think feminism has a lot to do with it but I don’t think it is the only culprit. Feminism has pathologized masculine behavior and whittled away any confidence a man who would have wanted a happy marriage the confidence to ask a woman out (also because of metoo, any woman can accuse you of a sexual crime and that accusation will never leave even if proven innocent and some enforcements like university doesn’t care about evidence and punish them anyway so that risk turns away a lot of men too) so most of the men women will get are pickup artists who just see them as just another notch on their belt. Is it any wonder why many women think that all men do is cheat.

    The only other thing is that the rise of soy products is a huge testosterone killer. Soy has a very similar molecular structure as estrogen so the body confuses it to be that and it is slowly weakening them.

    • I disagree with your bashing of the #metoo movement. That exposed A LOT of predators, not just for women, but for molested men. Especially in Hollywood. If you think #metoo is vicious, then that's your own insecurities. You can still ask women out on dates and do everything you have been doing. But you can't sexually harrass or assault them. Unless your a sexual predator, you have nothing to worry about

    • I have a friend who got kicked out of university because of a proven false accusation.

    • And I know girls who have been raped, but their rapist walked free, me included

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  • They're too sensitive

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