Why are people so hyper focused on sex especially when your horny?
SeanshterMonster Explorer
I've seen this all the time and there are so many cases where the other persons S/O pressures them into having sex and its horrible. People get horny and can't control themselves but in this world a woman would be much less likely to get in any trouble for that while a man could be filed for rape. Even then, people go onto websites when their horny to satisfy their selfish desire. Its just so wasteful and time consuming. I'm not just talking about men, i'm talking about women too. I've seen so many times people are so consumed by sex or sexual drive that they let it control them and what they do. They should beadle to control themselves. when your privates makes it seem like you're horny you do what you need to have it satisfied. could be masturbating or sex, if its sex then that's using the other person for your own pleasure and that's selfish. All that being horny is its your brain making the chemicals to tell you that, nothing more. If your in love with someone and you want sex, its not that you want to do it with them. its your brain making those chemicals to drive you to get sex from them to satisfy that desire and probably make babies if no protection is used. Other then selfish satisfaction and procreation there is no other use for sex, masturbation only use is selfish useless satisfaction. So why are people so obsessed with it? its just so primitive.
(before anyone says im a virgin or a troll. im not a troll or a virgin. I hated the sex, she forced me into it and I've had a horrific experience in my childhood, And no, i don't masturbate. at least often. last time i did was around 7 months ago. Dont just say "it feels good")
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