Why do men cheat and still stay married to their wife?

My husband told me that he cheated on me because I wouldn’t suck you know what all the time.
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  • Same reason women do


  • Cheaters are disgusting people

  • Love their wife and happy in relationship just not enough sex or wife makes them feel bad.

  • Because marriage is about security, not love, lust or passion. People rarely get married out of genuine emotions but rather because they're tired, looking to share responsibility and build somthing solid with somone you're comfortable with.
    Once you spend a couple of years inside that however you'll start to wonder if this is all life was meant to be. Every day working with nothing to look forward to. You're soul start to crave more than what you have and you'll want to feel alive again.

    That's when cheating Starts.

  • Every few days that go by that I can't get sex I hate my wife a little more. It's cumulative and just gets to be a larger pile of hate over time. It's bigger than Texas by now. The best she can do is to not get further behind. I don't leave her because it would be financially catastrophic. Men need sex but don't want to lose all of our belongings, never be able to retire and generally go to the poor house. Why can't women do something that takes all of 10 minutes and requires very very little effort. It's not that much to ask, I work 60+ a week and everything in our new 4 br house is in perfect working order, paid for and spotless. She has a new Mercedes and we give her irresponsible adult kids all kinds of $$. She has every designer bag and no restaurant is off the table. Good for your husband, I hope he had some amazing sex, he only gets one life.

  • Same reason why women cheat and still married to their husband.

  • you should leave him, if you won't or don't then you have answered your own question. He does it because he can get away with it.

  • For the same reason women cheat and stay with their husbands

  • Because wives are dumb enough to stay

  • Wow really. That's kinda mean I never cheat first...

  • All I can say is... why not?

  • Because of the kids. I think if they have kids they're more likely to stay in the marriage.

    I feel whoever cheats, their partner should immediately file for divorce. If you forgive, they'll be inclined to do it again and they'll take forgiveness for granted. Thats another reason why the cheater will stay married.

  • Not all men cheat, about less than half.

  • Because sex is 1# in their mind but women cheat and stay married too

  • Some women do that too lol and I don't know wht

    • Why*

  • Benefits of having a wife and being single I guess

  • What if you get most what you want from your partner but not all?
    What if you feel taken granted for?
    What if you feel not listened or heard?
    Wouldn't it be one way commitment?
    What your partner would do if they feel any of above?
    Marriages are marriages there are lot of what ifs. Some people are fully committed some are half arse and some are not at all.
    Take a wild guess how many percentage of all married gets ideal partner?

  • Sometimes us men need some variety.

    • And women too

    • @Justd3 only men are allowed variety.

  • cuz there afraid! the smucks

  • a wives body belongs to the husband
    and the husbands body belongs to the wife


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