Why have sex if there is no intention of love or even giving love a chance?

I fully agree with the take in the graphic below. How do others feel?

Why have sex if there is no intention of love or even giving love a chance?

The whole idea of imprinting onto each other is very real. Its the very definition of becoming one flesh between a man and woman. It’s sacred, beautiful, and I would argue a Godly act. It’s the completion of the human equation when male and female (each other’s counterpart and complementary opposite) come together in such a pure form of love.

It’s unfortunate that we live in such an evil world that such a beautiful act can be denigrated, mocked, and misused in such a casual, vein, and selfish manner. Even worse, that so many people can’t even get it anatomically correct even between a man and woman due to the ill-effects of porn, let alone within the LGBTQ community. Such a beautiful and scared act now has so many counterfeits.

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  • I agree. I’ve never been about casual sex and won’t ever be. I have to be in love and in a longterm relationship with the person before even considering doing it. However, I can tell very early on if I see a future with someone. If i see myself marrying them someday. If I see myself having sex with them at some point. But i also make it clear to them that I won't be partaking in that until sometime down the line once feelings, an emotional connection, and commitment have all been established.
    Yet it sucks that most will waste your time and pretend to be about what you’re about just to get laid. Out of the many I’ve dated, only two reached the point of sex. One will forever be a regret because I was young, dumb, not ready and pressured. He knew at the time I wanted to wait til marriage, but did whatever he had to to prove otherwise. As for the other guy, I was ready. But it hurts seeing that we never reached the point of marriage.

    I could say I regret it because of that but nahh, I know now deep down I could not have waited that long. I like to wait around 6+ months but yea not til marriage. With the first guy, I didn't know my body nor my physical needs. Now I know. Still I have no intentions of surpassing a total of 3 in life. Plus I find sex overrated since most dont take it seriously. So if the 3rd guy doesn’t do it for me, Ima just stick to porn

    Why have sex if there is no intention of love or even giving love a chance?

Most Helpful Girl

  • Because sex is the need like a hunger or thirst.

    I often had my ex fiancé, who was a sportsman and always ate a lot, skip his lunches just to come home on a work break and make love with me.

    I found it very hot.

    Now, I don’t have sex out of relationships but it doesn’t mean I find it easy, there are so many temptations, had I not been very strict about my decision, I would find it extremely hard to control myself.

    I still do find it very hard.

    But I also know that if I had casual sex, I would just not feel good about myself.

    Sometimes I think I over complicate my life.

    • My mom has been telling me to enjoy my youth and not refrain from the joys of life. I can’t, though. But I hate that I can’t, I wish I could.

    • I understand the need for sex like a thirst. The need to take the time to connect and indulge in each other. To make love. You make very valid points here. It’s a catch 22. The need is there but its a hot iron unless one has the gloves of commitment.

    • That’s why I don’t judge people who sleep casually, because It takes me huge willpower- not to, especially now that I am single and had spent last 2 years of my relationship in long distance.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Bible again?

    1) Adam and Eve was matchmade. I wonder the Edenic Sin was due to love or no love.

    2) The Song of Solomon taught married couple how to fuck. He definitely have enough experience with 1000 wives and concubines. I wonder what the virgin girl thinks at the back of her mind when being fucked her first time by the wisest, most power and almost unparalleled sex experience. Ya, the orgasm must be full of love.

    3) Paul taught to avoid fornication, get married. Not to find a loving companion.

    (that was when polygamy was changed to monogamy)

    4) today's statistics: married "loving couple" suffered "dead bedroom" (do a search and see how many forums talked about it). Sexual incompatibility caused many divorces. Worse, many live in celibacy after marriage. Love? Perhaps because they choose not to divorce.

    • I don't know anything about bible or religion, but about point 4, I can say that the dead room is mostly a result of people giving up on their appearance. It's not a shocker that men and women can't maintain physical attraction to obese partners that wear pajamas around them 95% of the time. There's more to it, obviously, but that's the big factor.

    • @KingslayerC Preach it brother!

  • I don't buy into the metaphysical stuff.
    I know for a fact that sex can be as euphoric with an acquaintance as with someone you love.

    Also, I don't know why it's acceptable to enjoy the use of certain organs but taboo to use others.

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  • Because sometimes, it is fun to have sex, in and of itself. I had spring break sex once, guy I met that day, and knew I would probably never see again in my life plus had a boyfriend back at college, and I enjoyed every second of it -- it was so wrong of a thing to do, it made it extra hot (in an 18-year old girl sort of way). I took a 16-year old boy's virginity once (little brother of college friend) because he was cute and something in me wanted to take him across that bridge, and I had been told his girlfriend wouldn't let him. So, there you go; a couple of reasons to have sex when there's no intention of "love" happening. I will agree if a person makes a habit of such things, it will have a bad effect on his/her life, but every once in a blue moon? I guess it's sort of like getting drunk, once in a long while is fine, every week, that would be bad.

  • @positiveflight i know we’ve clashed a lot on other posts and as you already know, I’m guilty for sleeping with multiple different partners which I have no intention in starting a loving relationships with. But for me personally, casual sex is like an addiction to me. Some people are dependent on alcohol, some are dependent on hard hitting drugs, I’m dependent on casual sex and there are plenty of other people in my age bracket that are the same.

  • sad but true for others no me, i haven't been sexually active yet. i am waiting for my person and will wait however long it takes

  • Because sex is fun and wild and there’s freedom in it when done consensually, even if it’s just for pleasure, and I fully support people having sex in the way they wish to experience it, because the way other people live doesn’t bother me.

    why are you so bothered by the way other people have sex? cause it’s funny that you preach against sex without it being a loving act, but yet you aren’t being very loving in this question right now.

    why does it bother you so much?

  • I was agreeing with you until this:
    " Even worse, that so many people can’t even get it anatomically correct even between a man and woman due to the ill-effects of porn, let alone within the LGBTQ community. "

    If it wasn't for that, I would say that you were right.

    • What about it are you in disagreement? Where am I going wrong?

    • I agree that porn gives unrealistic ideas about sex. However, it seems to me that you're saying that sex between people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community is not "real" sex. That sex for you is only between a man and a woman. I disagree with that.