Would you keep the baby if you got raped?

This is just a general question, curious to know if you got raped, and got pregnant would you keep the child, abort or put up for adoption?
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  • Tough question.

    I'm going to get a lot of downvotes because I'm not a woman and I'll never understand what it is like to have this happen, but I have to stand up for what I believe in.

    Even if my girlfriend/wife was raped by another man, even if she NEVER wanted to see me or the baby ever again, if it allows the baby to live, I would spend the rest of my life raising him/her because it's the right thing to do.

    I get that everyday that baby would remind you of the pain you went through, but at the end of the day, HE/SHE (I mean the baby) is NOT responsible for your hurt. He is a PRODUCT of your hurt, but they didn't inflict that pain on you, their monster of a father did. And they deserve a chance at life.

    That's like getting punched by someone, and then because you got punched by them, you decide to punch someone else. Inflicting pain on another person just because the first guy was an asshole is wrong. If anything, punch the first guy, because they are the ones that deserve it, not the second person.

    • That's a good answer. Upvote👍

    • a child needs a mother. and a mother needs to feel attached to her child. some women find that feeling with the hormonal changes through pregnancy for a child that is the product of rape. but it doesn't apply to many women. This mind-body harmony is most important. hormones work to make that harmony in any situation. but only the trauma caused by the rape may never let that harmony take place in the mind of a woman who was raped. and with having the child what you do is to put the woman into an unnecessary pain and very likely to have a child without a mother, or a good mother.

    • @wölfin-fräulein Then go, leave. If you can't find your harmony, I'll take care of it.

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  • If I were a woman, I would abort any unplanned pregnancy, especially one resulting from rape.

    Having a child unplanned would be self-destructive, and it would be especially self-destructive to have a child conceived through rape.

    • That said, if I were a woman, I would be using contraceptive pills constantly. And, considering that I unfailingly take my vitamins, I think it's extremely unlikely that I would fail in taking contraceptive pills and become pregnant.

    • No hormonal contraceptive is 100% even with down to the minute daily accuracy.

    • @GingerBiscuits Of course it's not 100%. The pill has a 0.3% failure rate in the first year of use with perfect use. And, based on my experience of taking other pills, I am confident in saying that I would be engaging in perfect use. 0.3% is, I think it's fair to say, a very low chance of pregnancy.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Honestly I would feel so disgusted that I feel I would abort even knowing that the child is not at fault. Holding an unwanted child for 9 months... going through birth pains, the traumatic experience will take ahold of me, and that child would be a daily reminder. I imagine myself depressed like never before. This is my opinion now however God forbid a situation like this happened to me, what decision I would actually take.

    I just want to applaud those who have went through such traumatic experience, those who are strong and actually said they were going to raise this child as if nothing ever happened.

  • I actually saw a movie where a Christian girl got raped and kept the baby and even started going to prison to visit the attacker.. She was all about forgiveness and even gave dude a bible to read. The whole movie I was thinking there's no way I could handle all that. So I would probably get an abortion. I am aware it's not the child's fault but I wouldn't ever want to resent my child and I don't know for 100% that wouldn't be the case.

    • Its that based on a true story?

    • **is

    • Yes it is it's on Netflix I'm not sure the name but I can look it up if you'd like

  • I don't know, it depends on my situation and emotional well being for both me or the baby. If there or problems either physically emotionally or both I would either abort it or give it away. Adoptions a hard option because that doesn't ensure a better life and has a chance at homelessness. It also depends on my financial situation. If I'm fine with raising the baby and could do so successfully then I'd keep the baby

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  • It would be an extremely difficult decision to make but at the end of the day, I think I would terminate the pregnancy. There's no way I could mentally and emotionally heal from the rape if I had a child to be a constant reminder of it.

    I also do not think I could be financially stable to raise a child by myself, with no one to help me. I would feel so alone. I also don't feel like the situation would be fair to the child either. Just my personal opinion.

  • This is a hard question to answer.

    Every rape is very different.
    Although all traumatic experiences they cannot be grouped as the same.
    There are different degrees/levels of the abuse.

    Based on the level I faced, would affect whether I could better cope with having a baby by that
    monster or not.
    Can I live with every day being reminded of this horrible event that took place in my life?

    I couldn't answer unless I were in this situation.

  • abort. I will give birth only to the child of a man I choose as my husband. My body works like a farm. But it is not a land without lord. that everybody plants anything in it and I harvest. I harvest what I want from my farm.

    • This is beautifully expressed... in like a poetic fashion :) Although abortion to me is killing, I THINK i would take that route

    • I agree!

    • @xPoison thank you. I am not pro-choice when there is no logical reason to abort a child. but it is a need in certain situations.

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  • I chose abort. Even tho I don't think its the right or best choice it's the only choice I could come to terms with.

  • Abort. There's no way in hell I'm giving birth to the child of some sicko rapist.

  • If I was ready to support a baby, I would consider keeping it. I know a guy whose mother was raped and that's how she had him, they love each other very much.

  • No way, I wouldn't even want to keep it inside me. I'd get an abortion.

    • Yep same thoughts

    • I dont need the constante reminder of what happened (even if I'd still remember, probably)

  • Would depend on how developed the embryo was at the time I found out. If it was early enough that a pill would abort it that would be my route though if it was further along I'd put it up for adoption.

  • No, I would abort it.

  • Only the rapist would have that option. I probably wouldn't be able to get custody of the child, either, but even if forced to pay support, I would not seek visitation rights.

    • Why in the absolute fuck would some fucking bitch girl down vote this? I'm supposed to seek visitation with the child raised by the rapist psycho bitch who's rising her kid to hate me anyway? Goddamnit!

  • That baby didn't choose to be created.

    I would not abort the child

  • I wouldn't keep it. Odds are I'd stress the fuck out and have a miscarriage.

  • tough decision. one I definitely can't make.

  • That's tough decision i don't think no baby should die but it is rape
    i would say keep the baby and adopt to close relative..

  • keep the baby of course

  • sorry but i would definitely abort

  • in my opinion, a rapist doesn't deserve a biological child.

  • I would give birth to the baby and most likely put it up for adoption. I don't think I could raise the baby.

  • Makes me glad I'm not a woman or a rapist. Tough question.

  • i´d think of it this way: even if it´s not the babys fault, it´s still got at least 50% rapist genes... also it´s not a human by my definition anyways. i am generally pro choice.

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