Why don't many men like sexually experienced girls?

I guess this has been a problem I have had several times when I try to really start a relationship and a Guy finds out that I am pretty promiscuous. I don't feel bad about it but sometimes it gets in the way of me building relationships. I just Don get it. The last Guy I was dating was pretty much head over heels into me then when someone at my university mentioned my reputation to him, it was as if my sexuality alone was the deal breaker. So he asked about it and we talked and he claimed that he was enlightened or whatever and that it was no big deal. A few days later he calls and says he thinks we should "take a break"...which is like the universal insidious way of saying "f*** you, this just isn't gonna work." So he met me for lunch the other day because he wants to hang out with me now. (Why?) I was just so bothered and I asked him why my sex life before and maybe after this relationship is important. He said he didn't want to date a slutty girl. I was shocked. I asked him, "um aren't you the one who has a gargantuan p*rn collection? So its okay for you to condone a market for sluts but you are so disgusted by dating one? Haven't you slept with dozens of girls?" He had nothing to say to that so I just left. I haven't been returning his phone calls because his whole attitude is just bullsh*t. This is the kind of hypocrisy that throws me off. Men who sleep around themselves and watch girls getting f***ed by lots of guys in p*rn actually hold promiscuity against a girl they might even like already. Why are a lot of men like this? I have had good relationships in the past but it seems like those guys were diamonds in the rough. Am I pretty much doomed to struggle in finding love just because I am sexually free and don't mind casual sex?
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  • I heard this analogy a while ago and it’s funny but true… Guys are like keys, women are like locks. A lock that will open for any key is not a very good lock, but a key that opens many locks is called a master key.

    • So what is your number anyway?? over 20, 30, 40?? I'm just curious.

    • You never ask a girl of how many guys she's slept with. Regardless of if its in the internet or not. It's disrespectful

    • Lol why does it matter?? I have no idea who you are and you asked anonymously. You could be a 70 year old man for all I know. lol I'm just curious. I'm going to guess 33. =)

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  • hell I don't mind, just means they can teach me more

  • Everybody wants to f*** a p*rn-star, nobody wants to actually date one.

    A girlfriend is someone who you feel is yours and is special to only a select few. A man needs to know that he got a woman because she saw something in him that was special too and when he suddenly realizes that the girl he hoped thought he was special is someone who would have dated ANYONE with a penis, it makes him feel common, like he got short changed with the ricketty old car.

  • Alot of guys are possessive and get jealous easily, so they do not like the idea that other guys know about you in that way. That other males have seen and touched you in that way. They are also raised to believe that they fool around with the town slut but marry the good girl.

  • It seems like these questions attract some very opinionated people, which there is nothing wrong with that. But it also means that people will become hateful and dislike any answer that even slightly offends them. So it really doesn't matter what kind of answers people give. It's too charged in here already for people to think straight lol

  • "Am I pretty much doomed to struggle in finding love just because I am sexually free and don't mind casual sex?"


    Certain classes of men--the immature, the closed-minded, the ignorant--will be off-limits to you, perhaps forever.

    But is this bad news, really?

    • True...thanks :)

    • Rock on, girl.

    • Dont forget the successful and confident. they won't want anything to do with her.

  • I can't speak for all guys here but I personally don't believe in sex as a recreational activity and I could never date a woman who's views on that matter differed. Would be inclined to make me think she was a slut, and no I don't entertain any double standard about that matter because I have the same lack of respect for guys who treat sex as a recreational activity.

  • Somebody has to hold the fort. Clearly he is incapable, so he wishes that you would do all the buttressing and foundational work, in his stead. In short, he has neither the capacity nor interest to satisfy your longing.

  • it sounds like he is insecure and taking it out on you. you shouldn't put up with that.

  • Everyone will hate everything you've ever done. I've been with a lot of boys and that and I actually find it difficult to be taken seriously... There must be some kinda subconsive rite of passage idealism, there. I mean, anyone can walk over a bridge that your entitled to walk over, but no one has any respect for it, LOLLLL. Whereas a bridge labelled 'Private', or barricaded up, everyones all over it.

    'My godddd, have you seen the bridge!?'


    'I so wanna see what's across that bridge'

    LOL. Sorry.

    Anyway, uh, he's clearly a wanker, like. Find a guy who's not a wanker. That's my advice, like. Pretty f***ing good, ey? LOLLL. Anyway, most guys don't like promiscuous girls 'cos girls don't like promiscuous girls, and because they think they have a one up on guys who do.

    'Hawhaw, clearly I am sexually superior, I don't have sex with sluts!'

    I don't know if I have sex with sluts or not... I never really see them that way. In the darkworld, a girls either desparately struggling to keep her virginity in terror of getting pregnant and being beaten and disowned by her family, or f***s everyone because she's got essentially nothing else to do but get wasted and spread her legs.

    But that's my life, ey?

  • No, guys love it. When I was a virgin it was hard for me to lose it because guys were put off that I was inexperienced. I don't know where you come from, but it's different here in London.

  • As long as the number isn't insanely high, it really doesn't matter to me. I think many men prefer a girl with less experience because of two reasons. One, they like the idea of being the only guy who has been with her. Two, the less experience a girl has, the more willing or easier it is to introduce her to sexual activities that they like. Sort of like molding her. It's sad but true.

    • But what happens when it doesn't work out between the two of you? then is she just washed up and used?

  • STDs...

  • casual sex is good. I like girls like you better. I don't want a virgin

  • Because being promiscuous, at least to me and I know a few others, screams of immaturity. It seems to scream "I don't know what I want" or "I can't settle for one person" or "I need multiple people to please me!" and that is just bad for relationships. It's not necessarily true, I'll give you that, but it's generally the message given and more frequently true than not.

    And p*rn is fantasy based, true the p*rn stars are sluts (technically whores/prostitutes), but many of the guys aren't ever going to want to date or be with a p*rn star.

    Though, I agree, if he sleeps around, he's a hypocrite and needs to be kicked in the balls. I say what I say as someone who has never slept around. Who has no interest in sleeping around. Who finds casual sex just boring and unappealing. I don't care if others engage in it, but I'm not interested in girls that are into such myself for the reasons above. I might be willing to give them a chance depending on things, but they're going to probably have to put in a massive amount of effort.

  • I personally like the fact you are sexually free and as long as you are true to the one you are with it really shouldn't matter about your past. Now if you are out doing everyone under he sun and you two both aren't cool with it that is a totally diff story. A man is lucky to be with a women that enjoys sex and knows herself and what she wants. he really just sounds immature.

  • Hey, I love 'experienced' women. For about 3 nights.

  • If I don't know where the apple pie's been, I'm not sticking my stick in there to taste test.

    Must Abort Mission.

    • Haha!!

  • When I think of casual sex, I think of STI, turn off for me. Maybe when we fine a cure for all STI, then I'll think differently...

  • Not all guys dislike that a girl has had sex 5,6 times or whatever the number. I'm personally not attracted to it, but I'm a virgin. Am I waiting until marriage? no. But I think sex is a little more meaningful than some people not saying they are wrong. I wouldn't have sex with a girl unless I'm going out with her for a decent amount of time 2-4 months? I would never have sex with a girl if she's not my girlfriend(taking her home after the club or party deal, I think is ridiculous) Or at least until I felt comfortable around her. This is just my preference and what I look for in a girl, she doesn't have to be the perfect virgin girl, but I just don't want someone who has partied all through high school and made her trip around town and is now ready for something a little more serious.But then again I'm not a party guy at all.

    • Amen, I am waiting till marriage.. and I just don't want a bunch of men knnowing my body, I feel its ment for one guy, and maybe some men don't want a girl that has been explored by a whole bunch of men. I mean personally I want my husband to know that I saved myself up untill my wedding night just for him that no other man was good enough, just him..

    • Well to each is own, have fun with that. if I ever choose to get married I want someone who loves me as a person and is in tuned with my "soul". someone truly in love with me and who just gets me and wouldn't ever judge me. not someone who sees sex in some archaic viewpoint of it being a "gift." hopefully my husband will be on a higher level mentally than that. to each is own though and they always say the safest sex is no sex at all so you guys got me on that one. lol

    • Is that how you justify things by calling them archaic and saying people who feel a certain way are of lower mantal capacity

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